Her Volkovs #Book 2

Chapter 39

Belle's POV

Im sitting on my bed and looking around my room. Everything is in its exact place when I left a few months ago. I hugged my pink heart shaped pillow and walk towards my study table. The pictures I pinned on the wall remained untouched. There are pictures of me and my bestfriend, my parents and my cousins. I unpinned the picture of me hugging Devon, my favorite cousin. He's my age and we basically grew up together. Back in high school and when I was in college, he would always pretend to be my boyfriend to fend off "unworthy" guys as what he used to say. I know that it was part of his mission from my Father, although until now he refuses to admit it.

When we were little kids, he would always come to visit during summer vacation. He and my Pa are very close. He's like the son that my father never had. Devon's role model is my father. He looks up to him with the highest regard.

Right after high school, he admitted himself to the Military Academy with the backing of none other than the General Galves himself. Still, even if he's busy in the academy, he would always visit me in our house in the city when he's out on RandR. He would check up on me and make sure that I keep to the standards of my father, or so that's what I felt. Last time I checked, he is already a junior officer of the Palawi Marine Corp.

A knock on the door interrupted my nostalgia.

"Come in." I said as I pinned back the picture to my cork board.

"Darling Ara.."

It's my mother. She came inside and gestured me to sit right next to her on the corner of the bed. Her usual sweet smile is painted on her face.


I hugged her tight. I actually miss my mother's warm embrace. She's wearing her usual white floral dress and that sunflowery perfume.

I rested my head on her shoulder while hugging her.

"Ma, I miss you."

"I miss you my baby girl."

"Ma, as you can see Im not a baby girl anymore."

"You will always be my baby girl."

"How's Pa? How did he take the news?"

"You know your Pa, he doesnt show his emotions."

"I know, but did he get mad?"

"Darling Ara, your pa is a reasonable man. He is your father. Everything that he did was for your own good."

"I know ma."

"Nikolai looks fine." Said my mother with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

Wow, Nikolai really worked his charm to my mother. Ma sounds calmer now. When we arrived home, the two instantly won over my mother's heart. They perfectly executed each and every pointers I gave them. I could never be more proud.

I removed myself from her and shoot a smile.

"I know right?" I said in response.

"I know that you have impeccable taste in men."

"Of course ma, I got that from you."

"Haha, of course baby girl. You should have seen your father when he was still pursuing me. He was a....HOT ASS..." Said my mother all too innocently.

"Ewww ma! You should stop hanging out with the help's children."

My ma lets out a soft laugh in response. She looks at me and runs her fingers through my hair. My ma looks like she ages really well. Her wrinkles are very minimal, in fact, if you dont look at her really closely you would not see a prominent line. Her medium skin is still very smooth and glowing. Her brunette hair is tied in a loose bun right on top of her nape and her favorite pearl earings complement her simple yet classy overall look.

"Baby girl, I just want to know why you decided this sudden to get married to Nikolai. Are you pregnant?"

A sudden jolt shook my heart. Pregnant? Am I pregnant? Oh my gosh, so many things have happened and that did not even cross my mind. Nikolai and I have not been using protection since the beginning precisely because my future husband wants to have a baby. Oh god. I dont know how to answer my mother because I honestly and literally dont know the answer. My period is always irregular that is why not having a period for a month or more is not alarming to me at all.

"Ma, I am marrying Nikolai because I love him more than you could ever imagine. As for being pregnant, Nikolai and I have been trying to have a baby."

My mother's eyes widened in horror.

"Ara, youre not yet married! How can you even think of having a baby if your future with him is still uncertain? You should protect yourself. I know youre in love but you should think of yourself first." "Ma, I am the happiest when Im with him. And as for my safety, he's more than Pa when it comes to protecting me."

"What I'm saying is that you protect yourself from him. From Nikolai."

I looked at Ma all puzzled. Oh my gosh, does she know about who really Nikolai is? I waited for Mama to further explain what she said.

"It is the people whom we love the most who can hurt us the most. This is the first time that you have fallen in love, and I know you are head over heels in love with this man but it is also wise to leave something for yourself."

I know Ma is only looking after me and I completely understand her concern. However, contrary to what ma says, I believe that when you love someone you give everything that you have got, one hundred percent, no holds barred. That's what being in love is for. If you love, love with all your heart and soul or don't love at all.

"Ma, Im a big girl. I can take care of myself. You dont need to worry about me okay? Has Pa come home yet?"

"Not yet, he said he will be home by dinner."

"How are my boys? I mean how are Nikolai and Alexei?"

"They are in their room getting some rest. Nikolai looked exceptionally sweaty and tired. I wonder if it's the weather making him feel exhausted." Said ma while standing up.

I covered my mouth to suppress a giggle. Oh my gosh, aside from the weather, I think what exhausted Nikolai is none other than, me, Mary Arabella soon to be Volkov. Nikolai carried me almost halfway to the farm house before I got tired from riding his back. My poor Nikolai, he would always put up to my request. Have I really gained weight that much? I should really stop eating junk food and exercise.

I walked towards the mirror to inspect my body. My mother is already approaching the door to go outside.

She smiled at me and exited the door. I closed the door and went back in front of the mirror. I looked at myself and run my hand around my abdomen up and down and in circles. Oh god, what if Im really pregnant?

It's almost sunset. Im inhaling deep down my lungs the fresh air of the Hacienda. The sunlight is kissing the vast green lands surrounding the farm house. I am standing next to a huge mango tree, some of its branches almost reach the ground.

I would always run around and climb this tree when I was a little girl. I used to be a loner as a kid. My pa did not allow me to go outside the farm's fence so I had the whole farm as my playground provided I finish with my piano lessons and ten other lessons that my parents could think of at that time. If I get lucky, I get to play with my baby sitter's siblings or my cousins if they get to visit.

I decided check up on my two boys. I untied my white horsy from the small branch and rode back towards the farm house.

As I near the house, I can see my Nikolai and Alexei sitting at the veranda. I kicked horsy a little bit and held tight to the leash as horsy gallops even faster. My two boys stood up as instant smiles appeared on their faces when they saw me. They are both wearing white shirts and jeans exuding an undeniable magnetic charm as always.

As I near the veranda I slowly pull horsy's leash for it to halt. I then stepped down and tied horsy to the white fence.

My Nikolai and Alexei went to my direction.

"Is it normal if I feel envious on a horse?" Said Alexei.

I just chuckle in response. I hugged them both tight while Im in the middle.

"You two look pleasant." I said while inhaling deep their sexy scent.

"Must be because I jacked off to a picture of a sixteen year old you." Said Nikolai while inhaling my hair. I really dont know if he is being serious or not.

"Nikolai, that's just so wrong in so many levels." I said as I look up to him. Im really starting to think that Nikolai is really sick in the head.

To my horror, Alexei pulled a picture of me when I was 16 wearing a one piece bathing suit, from his pocket.

"Where did you get that?"

"I have ways."

More likely, these two took this picture from my mother's collection of our pictures in our family photo album.

Alexei plants kisses on my neck while wrapping his hand around my hips. I looked around just to make sure that no one sees us. I glanced to the left and I see one of our help, gardening nearby. "Alexei, perhaps when we go back to the land of the free and the home of the brave?"Alexei slowly halted but not without sighing in frustration. "I promise you can use my body in whatever you want as many times as you want when we get home." I said just to make it up to him.

He looks at me and blinks. "Yah?" Said Alexei like a teenage boy.

"Uhuh, whatever you want, as many times as you want."

A wicked smile slowly formed on his face. I pecked his right cheek, look around just to make sure no one is watching and quickly planted a kiss on his lips. "I love you."

"I love you my princess."

Alexei lets go of me and places his hands inside his pockets but did not remove himself away from us.

"Nikolai have you and ma talked?

"Yes, and I think she's in love with me. I might marry her instead."

A giggle escaped my mouth to Nikolai's naughtiness.

"Yah? So that would make you my what? Step dad?"

"Exactly. Now bend over step daughter, step dad is gonna plow you down with my cock."

I smack Nikolai on his shoulder while pushing my body close to him. Nikolai wraps his arms around me as he attempts to kiss me.

"If you love me, you should stop breaking my heart." Said a very familiar voice from the back.

"If you love me, you must set me free." I retorted.

When I turn around, my favorite cousin Devon is walking up to me. He just came out from his black shiny truck. He is wearing jeans and a white shirt with an insignia of the Palawi Marine Corp on the left side o his chest. His shirt is hugging his perfectly chiseled upper body.

"Devy!!!!!!!!" I ran up to him and hugged him tight.

"My Ara." He said while enveloping me with his arms. He then kissed me on my forehead and around my face.

"Devy what are you doing here? I mean how did you know Im here?"

"Your ma said your coming home and apparently your getting married. If that's not enough reason for the whole Galves clan to come over..."

"What do you mean? Who else are coming over?"

The moment I asked that question, a convoy of three cars slowly pulled over in front of the farm house. Oh my god. What is happening?



"Cuzin Ara!!!!!!


My mouth parted in complete awe. Most of my cousins, some of my uncles and aunties, and well basically the whole Galves family is here. They went out of the car one by one squealing my name. Most of my cousins are younger than Devon and me. My elder cousins are already overseas, with their own families.

They went to my direction, jumped and rained kisses on my cheeks. My heart instantly filled with warmth. I. actually miss them. I only get to see

these little rascals on important family gatherings and I think announcement of marriage was enough reason for them to come home and gather together again.

"I miss all of you."

"I miss you Ara. Did you bring me chocolates?" Asked, Jay-jay, my 10 yr old cousin. He puckered his lips as he realizes that the answer is no. "Aww man, your suppose to be my favorite cuz, now Im not really sure." He said while sporting a puppy face.

"Jay-jay stop bothering Ara.." Said my Auntie Lauren while exending her hand to hug me.


"Ara, ara, they say you will marry your prince charming just like cinderella Asked Santina, my 7 old cousin. She's pulling my dress down nas she looks up to me waiting for my answer. She's wearing a long tutt pink dress while her hair is tied

into a ponytail with a pink ribbon.

"Uh.. yes Santi, I'm getting married to my prince charming and he's over there." I turned my head and pointed at Nikolai. My two boys have smiles plastered on their faces as they witness my family ruckus.

My family's attention instantly focused on the two. They looked at my two boys intently like they are inspecting the two from head to foot.

"Which one?" Asked Devon while crossing his arms in front of him and measuring up Nikolai and Alexei.

I almost choked to Devon's question. Actually, the two of them. I love them both. And if it's even possible I will marry them both.

"Nikolai baby...Alexei.." I said extending my hand to Nikolai for them to come closer.

"Everyone, this is Nikolai and he's my prince charming. And this is Alexei his brother."

While I introduce my two boys to the kids, Santina for some reason look like she's about to cry.

"Aaaaaah, Aaaaah, Aaaaah."

And there you go, she indeed cried while her mouth is opened. She placed the back of her right hand over her eyes while tears the size of raindrops flow down her cheeks.

"Ara..." Santina is trying to catch her breath in every word. "Ara-is-going-to-marry-and-have-a-baby-and-we-cant-play-with-her-anymore-because-she's-going-to-take-care-of-the-baby-like-forever."

Santina's cheeks became as red as a tomato. I quickly scooped her and held her in my arms.

"Hey...I'm still your Ara and you can still visit me in New York if you want."

"But..but..but..." She continued and still tries to catch her breath on every word.

"Can you remember what the story teller say after cinderella and prince charming got married?"

She nodded as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"And they lived happily ever after..." We both said in unison.

Auntie Marissa interrupted us and offered to take Santina from my arms. "See it's not that bad right? Ara is going to live happily ever after wih his prince charming." She said as she removes Santi from me


My relatives went inside after the little meet and greet and a little catching up. Devon however remained beside me while Im holding Nikolai's hand.

"Dev...come help us with dinner will yah?" Said Auntie Lauren as she signals Dev to come with them inside.

Devon held the crown of my head and shakes it. "Are you okay?"

"Yes Devy, talk later?"

"Okay." He said while glancing at Nikolai and Alexei and then jogged his way towards the house.

"Why does he act like your boyfriend?"

Wow, really now Nikolai? You get jealous even to my own cousin?

"Nikolai, Devon is my cousin, we are the same age, its just normal that we are close to each other."

"I dont want him touching and kissing you like that, understand?"

"Nikolai...your jealousy knows no bounds."

"Just fucking do what I say."

I sighed in frustration as I look at him. Nikolai being Nikolai again. He clenches his jaw as he gazes towards Devon's direction.

"Your family has some serious Ara issues." Said Alexei, butting in.

"Youre taking away their princess Ara from them, of course they will react that way. Wait till you see the king's reaction later." Said Amy out of nowhere.

"A what are you doing here?"

"Are you kidding me now B? There's not a single chance that im going to miss this event."

I just finished shower and Im now hand drying my hair in front of the mirror. Amy are playing with my cousins outside while I left Nikolai and Alexei with Devon in the Veranda. Any moment now my father is

going to arrive from a meeting in the city.

"Hey Ara, it's me Dev."

"Come in."

"Where's Nikolai and Alexei?"

"I left them with your Pa."

My heart suddenly jumped from my chest. Oh my god.

"Pa is here?"


"Hey, about Nikolai."

"Yes, what about him?"

"I dont trust him. I just cant put my finger on it, but there's something wrong with him."


"Ara, I am a man, and I know bullshit if I sense one."

"Dev, I know Nikolai and he loves and protects me if that's what you are worrying about."

"Why are you on a hurry to marry this man anyway?"

"Cuz, please, I know your just looking after me but as you can see I can take care of myself now. Im a grown up. Im not your baby sister anymore. You can stop worrying about me."

"What's up with that Alexei? I saw you kiss him a while ago."

Oh my gosh. I suddenly feel my blood rush up my face. So he saw the kiss.



Oh thank goodness halleluja, Amy came at the exact moment I needed a saving grace.

"Oh hey Dev!"

"Hey A."

"B, FYI...your Pa and your Russian men are preparing their guns and I think they are about to take off somewhere."

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