Her Quest : Magic in the Blood

Chapter 3

"Where is she?" Jacob asked bursting into the house.

"In the kitchen," Ian answered and moved forward with his arms open to give him a hug. But Jacob just brushed past him hurrying towards the kitchen as Ian stood by, mouth open.

Jacob entered into the kitchen, only to find it bustling with activities. His mother was dressing the salad; Aunt Caroline was stirring something in a saucepan while Aunt Kate was manning the oven.

"Aunt Caroline, where is she?" Jacob questioned.

"Sonia?" she asked glancing up at him, "She just headed to her room."


"She was a complete mess, Jake," his mother replied.

“But Gage said that Uncle told him that she's always nice and beautiful!”

“Yes dear, of course she is nice. She did almost all the cooking and she figured it will be good to change her flour streaked clothes before you all arrived," Kate explained.

"Okay, I will just wait here for her to return," saying so, he straddled a chair, "Where's Ian, Aunt?"

"Right over here," Ian spoke, strolling in, "You didn't notice me in your rush to meet Sonia.”

“Huh? You were there? Anyways, hey!" he attempted a meek smile.

"Where are the others?" Ian asked, not paying any heed to Jacob's attempt at greeting.

“Will be here any minute," Jake answered, nonchalantly.

"Why don't you boys go and give company to the men? They're in the library," Kate suggested.

"Okay," both, Ian and Jake muttered in unison and left.

They met Gage, Dimitri and Emmet on their way and dragged them together to the library.


In her room, Sonia shut her eyes and concentrated on relaxing the tense muscles in her body. She was to have a family lunch with a family she knew nothing of. Except they are close to each other and they are kind, with that thought, she opened her eyes and let out a breath she didn't knew she was holding.

Giving her hair a final stroke, she got out of her room and hurried downstairs. Nervously, she slipped into the kitchen.

"Need a hand?" she asked politely to all the three women.

"No no. Just gather everyone for lunch. It'll be ready in five minutes,” Caroline said, making sure everything was in place.


"They are in the library."

“You have a LIBRARY?" Sonia asked, her eyes widening.

"Yes," Caroline answered as matter-of-factly, "Didn't James show you the house?"

"Not a single word about library."

"Well then, I'll come along with you."

"Ah... Thanks," she muttered before quickly following her out of the kitchen and through a door to the right.

Sonia stepped in and landed right in paradise. She glanced around, taking in every nook and corner of the place.

There were shelves and shelves stacked with books- leather volumes and all. A wide window, which she was sure opened to the back garden just like kitchen windows, was thrown open. A fire place sat directly opposite to the window. The room was furnished comfortably.

Beautiful rugs, which went with the quiet of the room, were thrown on the floor. A rocker sat near the fireplace. Comfortable leather cushioned chairs, a wooden coffee table, a huge couch on which all eight males were sitting currently engaged in a very serious conversation about something. It took her mere seconds to drink in everything.

"Everyone here," Caroline said taking a few steps forward, "Food's about to be served," she announced. Turning back to Sonia, she placed an arm on the small of her back and introduced her, “Meet Sonia McKinnon."

“Hello," Sonia said shyly with a friendly wave.

"Hey there," a man sitting next to Uncle Jamey, rose and came towards her. Draping an arm around her shoulders, he urged her towards the group.

"Well then, I will just leave her with you. Ian, I want the table set in five,” making sure her point was put across, she turned and left.

Ian grunted but made no move to get up.

Once she was seated between Uncle Jamey and that other man, he spoke again, "I am Rayson Richards, and he is Jack Richards," he gestured towards a man sitting besides James.

"Hello," she smiled respectfully at him.

Immediately his grin widened, "Hello, pretty thing," he drawled in a warm tone.

“He is the oldest of the lot," Rayson said with a wink.

"Okay, so you are the middle child and Uncle Jamey is the baby brother," she smiled sweetly when he chuckled, "No sisters?" she asked hesitantly.

"Not a single girl in the whole clan. No aunts, no sisters, no daughters," Jack replied, "just boys in our family."

All the brothers had the same straight nose although the colour of their eyes differed. Rayson's eyes were blue but with green flecks in them and Jack's eyes were smoky blue. They all had the same smile and warmth in their tone that made her forget that she was an outsider.

"These two are my boys," Rayson said pointing to a young man who was sitting with his legs outstretched on the floor and then jerked his head to the one lounging in a chair next to Ian.

Before Rayson could say their names, the one next to Ian shot his hand out towards her and offered a dazzling smile, "Hey, I'm Gage and that's my brother, Dimitri," he pointed to the one on the floor.

Dimitri smiled at her, offering his hand but her hand was struck in Gage's grip so she simply shook it with her other hand with a big smile, "Hello."

But again, before he could respond, the one sitting in a loveseat beside the couch sat up, "And myself Jacob. Just call me Jake," he waved his hand, "I'm Jack's son and he's my brother," he jerked his head to another one sitting across her on a little foot table.

"Emmet," he said with a dimpled grin, "We'll have to wait, Jake. She's running out of hands."

"Oh, sorry," Dimitri released her hand but Gage held on. When she looked around for help, Ian scowled at him, "You gotta let go of her hand, Gage.”

"Yeah yeah," he gave a squeeze before letting go.

With a chuckle, Sonia shook hands with Jake and Emmet, "Nice to meet you all," she said with a beaming face and rose up, "I better go set that table now," she smiled at them once again before heading out.

"Certainly a beauty there," Dim said as soon as she was out of the room.

"I agree," Jake said with a smile and sank back in his seat.

"Since she's new here, she might like a little help with setting the table," Gage said, getting to his feet. Ian growled at him.

"What?" Gage turned to Ian, startled by his behaviour, “Somebody's got to help her. After all, she's helping you by doing your task," he parted with those words and left a brooding Ian behind him.

Bollocks, he thought, I’ll do it myself.

Reaching the dining room, Ian wasn't surprised to hear Sonia's laughter floating through the door. Obviously, Gage wanted to put his sense of humour to good use now. He stepped inside and as soon as his gaze fell on her, he stood there frozen. He hadn't looked at her properly in the library. But now he looked and really looked at her.

Sonia held a plate in one hand and the other hand was pressed to her stomach as she laughed. She had her hair down and it fell till her mid back in gentle waves like a river. She wore a simple green sweater and black jeans. She laughed again and his lips curled up in response. Her laughter was musical and rather contagious.

Gage noticed him in the doorway, smiling and looking at Sonia. "Hey, are you going to come in?"

His smile vanished in a flash, but Sonia caught a hint of it as he came and straddled the chair besides Gage.

"I thought you came here to help her,” Ian said, almost accusingly.

"So what ! I am with her. She is not working alone. Right?" he raised a brow at her in question.

Sonia nodded her head, “Beside it’s rather good to talk to you. The table's set," Sonia added looking at Ian, "And he gave me all the instructions as to the placement of plates and all," she smiled at both of them.

"See, she's not like us, man," Gage said playfully punching Ian on the shoulder, "And we got a girl in our clan now,” he added.

"Yeah," she replied and placed the last plate in its place. Straightening up, she tucked her hair behind her ear, "I will go, bring in the cavalry,” she offered them a small smile and made her way out.

"Why the hell do you have that stupid grin on your face?" Ian demanded irritated.

“Because you have an ugly scowl on your’s. She's beautiful," he sighed dreamily. Ian grunted and Gage added, smirking, "I already like her," This earned him a glare and a low growl.

Satisfied with Ian's reaction, Gage got up and turned to leave the room. He stopped at the doorway and looked over his shoulder, "She's good, Ian. Really good. Don't snarl every time you see her. Forget your useless temper for once. I am sure she didn't do anything to deserve it,” he walked out, leaving Ian alone with his thoughts.


Sonia was very happy. And relieved. She had worried and worried as to how the whole clan of Richards would be like. But now, as she sat between Gage and Dimitri, laughing at their silly jokes, she was very sure she was going to enjoy her stay with them. They started to feel like a family, her family, already.

"Will you need a car or you'll ride with us to college?" Jake asked from across her.

He was tall. But then again, so were all the other Richards as well. But Jake looked a bit lean than the others.

"Anything will do with me. As long as you all are comfortable with it,” She answered, looking at him with a small smile.

"Cool," Emmet said from his seat beside Ian, "We all are in the same college. But if you need, you can use the spare jeep anytime. Keys stay with Dim, though."

"Nah, it's okay. And I don't have much experience with driving."

"Great, then just hang on with us," Dimitri said and smiled at her.

"Yeah," She said and glanced up when Ray asked her to pass a bowl only to see Ian staring at her. Their eyes met and they held each other's gaze for a few seconds before she looked away and concentrated on the plate in front of her.

He was angry with her. She was certain about it. But why? she wondered. What had she done? Except for the fifteen minutes the previous day, they had barely talked. And then, he had been at ease for the rest of the day. Maybe it was his unusual temper. Sonia gulped and tried to shake off the feeling of his burning glare on her face.

"The rice sure has a tinge of spice. I can have the whole bowl and will still end up asking for more,” Rayson's voice broke her line of thoughts, "You made it?" he asked Sonia.

"Yes, Uncle Ray.”

“You do know how to cook," he complimented making her smile, a light shade of crimson colouring her cheeks.

She was not going to be affected by some ill-tempered boy, she decided and joined in the conversation flowing around the table.

She observed everything and everyone. The entire Richards' clan was outrageously gorgeous and had striking looks. Gage was the most interested among all to know about her homeland. He had dark hair, but they were more brown than black. High cheekbones and dark eyebrows along with those turquoise eyes made him look like a piece of art. But the broken nose gave him a rakish look and made him a little bit more mysterious.

Dimitri, Gage's elder brother, had the same hair, only a bit longer which curled at the ends. He had his father's eyes, teamed with warrior like looks and spoke less as compared to Gage. But the brothers had the same cocky grin, which made them look more mischievous.

Emmet, who was sitting between Uncle Ray and Ian, had short hair. His eyes were more smokey than green, a combination of both Uncle Jack and Aunt Cassie's eyes. He had an easy smile and off the mark Richards' look.

Jake, his younger sibling, was the baby of the group. He had his mother's green eyes and father's looks. But the brothers had one thing in common; a dimple flashed on their left cheek when they smiled; just like their mother's. It made them look sort of cute and their smile, irresistible.

All the boys were built in a way that would make the picture for the front cover of any magazine- towering, broad shoulders, narrow hips and long legs.

Aunt Cassandra- or rather Cassie, had dark hair while Aunt Kate had brown. All the three women were breathtakingly beautiful.

By the time the meal was over, she learnt that Dimitri was twenty-two while Emmet was twenty-one. Ian was twenty and Gage was older than him by just three months. And Jake had turned eighteen just two months ago.

This was by far the best family lunch, she thought as Gage covered her ears by his large hands to not let her hear a particular expedition of his that Jake narrated. She giggled and her gaze once again landed on Ian's. He was laughing freely, a deep belly laugh.

I think it is just me; she thought but laughed at the boys' banter.

She had no idea up until now as to what she was missing out on.

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