Her Quest : Magic in the Blood

Chapter 23

On Sonia's insistence, they didn't take the bus. Instead, they both walked all the way to his Mom's shop. A grungy 35 minutes of long walk. Ian grumbled and muttered the first few minutes but then one look at her and he understood.

She's afraid Mom will be angry at her, he thought glancing at her once again as they walked together.

Ian desperately wanted to cheer her up, divert her attention, gather her in his arms, anything just to see her smi....Wait! Where did the gather in my arms option come from? He frowned at his thoughts.

Surely he was not the one to moon over some girl. Ian quickly glanced another look at her. No, I am not mooning. Maybe caring, or is it worrying?

A sigh left her lips making Ian break out of his reverie as his gaze shot once again to her. She looked lost to him, somewhere deep in her thoughts, Ian noticed. It was unlikely for her to be so quiet. She was the one who would always cheer up everyone's mood. If one could turn Emm into a cuddly cushion then one was truly a remarkable fella.

Ian smiled as the memory of her and Emm cuddled up on the couch flashed in his mind. Everyone had fallen asleep and he being the only one to finish the movie had gotten up to switch off the T.V when he saw them.

Emm had looked like a giant bear compared to her small form as he held her, she laying almost half upon him, her hand curled into a loose fist on his sweater and her head resting on his chest. Ian had already taken a step ahead to put a blanket on them when his gaze fell on the bandages. Emm was - even in his sleep - careful not to touch her shoulder and so was Dim, who was asleep near her foot, his hand holding her ankle as if transferring his warmth to her and ....

Ian stopped in his tracks. A few people giving him ire looks, as they managed not to bump into him. But Ian didn't pay them any mind. For all his thoughts circled around what a big fool he was to have forgotten about it. He looked at her as she continued down the brick side path, still in her own world.

"Sonia wait!" He called out and she came to a stop with a jerk. It was then that she noticed that he was not beside her. She turned around, searching for him just as he hurried towards her.

"Are you okay?" He asked as soon as he was before her.

Sonia's brows knitted in confusion as she answered, "Yes. Why do you ask?"

Ian completely ignored her question with his, "You sure you alright?"

This time she cocked her head sideways as if gauging him, "Yes, absolutely fine."

She won't admit it herself, you droll, the inner voice scoffed at him. Ian nodded his head in agreement and Sonia's face expressed more confusion.

Saying nothing, he bent down and without giving her any chance to react, squeezed her calf lightly.

She yelped, stumbling forward, managing to save herself by grabbing his hair as he kneeled before her.

"Ouch," Ian complained, trying to pry loose her fingers

"Let go of me, you idiot!" Sonia hissed, trying to keep her voice low to not attract more glances.

Immediately he let go and she stumbled back. Getting up, he raked a hand through his hair, relieved that she had not yanked them out. He looked at her, smiling goofily at her glare.

"Are you completely out of your mind?" She asked.

Ian shrugged lazily, looking around, "I asked you. You lied so I had to check myself."

Sonia took a deep breath and opened her mouth. Then shut it back again. Shaking her head, she stomped away or well managed to, considering how she was favouring her leg.

Ian rushed again through the crowd and caught up with her.

"Why did you not tell me?" He asked. "You should not walk. The pain will worsen."

"Shut up," Sonia growled and Ian had to admit she put up a good imitation of it. "The pain was bearable. But no, you had to do something, right?" She turned her head to glare at him again.

"Really?" He cocked his head, "The wound was -" he searched for the word and settled at, "-impressive," Ian nodded approvingly at his choice, "How could the pain be so less after just a couple of days?"

Sonia's glare dimmed as she angled her head, thinking over it, then she shrugged and looked ahead, "I don't know. I didn't exactly observe it while bandaging this morning but the pain was considerably much less."

Ian looked unconvinced as she turned again to look at him. He looked ahead for a couple of moments then muttered a quiet, "Okay." Taking a breath, he looked into her eyes, "But if it gets uncomfortable, just tell me, alright?"

Sonia nodded her head in response.

They turned down another street and continued walking in comfortable silence.

"Ian?" She spoke, cutting the silence.


"I am afraid," she whispered.

Ian just had to look at her to understand what was going on in her mind. A bit hesitantly, he laced his fingers with hers'. Her hand stiffened for a moment, and it felt like she would pull away but then her fingers tightened around his.

"No need to be, sugar," he replied.

But this time, instead of getting her usual scowl, he was gifted her smile. The one he so desperately wished to be directed towards him for so many days.

"Thank you," she smiled, then added, "And don’t call me that "

Ian laughed loudly then, making her giggle too. Looking at her, he relished the musical chime of her laugh. He smiled at himself as he realised maybe, just maybe, she would come to like him as she liked his brothers.

A little more would be nice though, the voice spoke again but Ian simply ignored it, too enraptured by her beauty.


The bells chimed in their arrival and Sonia cringed. This was it. She had to face the inevitable now. Her eyes looked around, taking in the cozy store.

The store was filled with shelves holding various inventories. And the goods looked well stocked. The window, instead of being stacked with displays, held a chair and a little table by it, giving an all the more feeling to enter the shop, just to browse by.

Sonia longed to go and slump down on the chair to allow her leg a little rest. It was starting to throb now making her put her weight on the other leg.

"Mom," Ian's voice rang out loud and clear in the shop.

A moment later, Aunt Carol came rushing from a door behind the counter.

"Ian!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide and cheeks flush, "How many times do I have to tell you to not shout? You scared me to death!"

"Sorry," he mumbled, sounding anything but it, "But you called us here!" He whined.

"Yes I did," she sighed, "But can’t you for once ring the desk bell or knock on the storeroom door or something?"

Ian frowned, "I thought you put those bells up there for that very purpose," he said pointing to the bells, "What's the point if it doesn't alert you of somebody coming in?"

Caroline looked upwards, "Why?" She muttered.

Confused, Sonia too looked in the direction and then back to her. It took a moment to sink in but she understood. Aunt Carol was complaining to the heavens.

Sonia cast a sideways glance at Ian. He was still frowning, looking at the bells, muttering about installing an alarm system. Sonia had to try hard to suppress her giggle. However a sound escaped her mouth and both their attention zeroed in on Sonia.

"Are you okay?" Ian asked touching her arm.

Sonia smiled at the sweet gesture, "Yep," she nodded her head

"Let's go inside. We can sit and talk there," Caroline said with a warm smile on her face making Sonia forget all her fears.

The room inside was divided into two areas. While one had a couple of shelves, pushed back to the adjacent wall, holding jars containing herbs and various other things which Sonia was not able to identify, the other had a small counter. A stove rested on it and a small sink stood by near the corner. There was a mini fridge beside it, a cabinet over the stove and a round table with a few chairs around it.

Caroline gestured her to the chairs and turned towards the counter. Sonia took a seat, careful not to bang her leg into anything while Ian took the one to her right. She could feel his eyes on her but refused to meet them.

Meanwhile, Aunt Carol had placed a kettle on the stove and returned back to the table. Placing a plate of cookies and biscuits on the table, she settle across Sonia. Ian dived in almost the minute the plate was placed down. Sonia, however, was unable to think about anything else as the throbbing in her leg was getting unbearable.

"How's the shoulder now?" Caroline asked.

"Its go-good," she stuttered and managed a weak smile.

"It's her leg where the trouble is," Ian supplied, too busy in his cookies to notice Sonia's gasp and his mother's widening eyes.

"You got hurt on your leg too?" Caroline asked horrified.

Ian frowned at his mother's reaction and then it sinked in. I am such a clod, he berated himself as his eyes found Sonia's.

They were filled with unshed tears as she looked at him. He watched as the friendship which had just begun to bloom between them wash away with the lone tear that slipped her eye and made a path down her cheek. It lay suspended there and then dripped down to her lap, never to be found again.

Caroline hurried towards her, "Put your leg up here," she patted the vacant chair beside Sonia.

Sonia grimaced as she lifted her leg and rested it against the cushion of the chair. She was wearing palazzo pants and Caroline didn't waste any time in rolling it up.

A gasp escaped Caroline's lips as she saw the bandages. Making quick work, she unbound them.

"Oh my God!" She whispered as the wound came into view.

Taking a deep breathe, Sonia opened her eyes and looked at her. She expected her to be angry or something but to her horror, there were tears running down her beloved Aunt's face.

"Aunt Carol!" Reaching forward, Sonia grasped her hand, "Don't cry please! It's not that bad. I can hardly feel the pain. It just looks -" she was cut off as Caroline leaned forward and hugged her, pressing Sonia’s face to her bosom.

"Oh my child," she sobbed, "Why didn't you tell me before, my baby?" She asked as she ran a hand over Sonia's hair.

"She was afraid of Dad," Ian mumbled from behind them.

"What?" Caroline turned to him, them turned back to look at Sonia, "Did he shout at you? Scold you?"

Sonia opened her mouth to answer but didn't get a chance, "Oh! How dare he?" Caroline whispered, her eyes shining brightly, "He will have to answer me for this."

"No no no!" Sonia hurriedly tried to explain before the bomb could go off, "Uncle Jamey didn't so much as even raise his voice at me."

"Then why are you afraid of him?" Caroline asked, clearly confused.

"It was Dim who got the scoldings," Ian explained, "And she got afraid that if Dad got wind of the other injury then Dim will have to face more of his wrath and so she didn't tell anyone."

"I see," Caroline drew the words out, nodding her head as she understood the situation. She smiled at Sonia, all traces of anger vanishing, "Don't you worry darling, these people are used to it all," she waved her hand in dismissal, "It doesn't affects them even a titbit. Dim would not have given it another thought and here you are, trying to protect him even when there is absolutely no need for it," she said, caressing her hair yet again.

Sonia ducked her head, embarrassed at her foolishness. Aunt Carol placed her hand on her shoulder, making her look back up.

"But it's nice knowing you love these idiots so much," Caroline smiled.

"They are my family," Sonia answered, the words coming out involuntarily, she shrugged a little, "I just don't understand them sometimes," she mumbled.

"Well you are not alone in that," a laugh escaped Caroline as she patted Sonia's head, "Now let's work on that," she pointed to her leg and Sonia gulped.


Almost twenty five minutes later, Caroline tied the final knot, "Okay. All done, sweetie," she chimed and got up, placing a kiss on Sonia's forehead.

Ian snorted at his Mom his arms tightening around Sonia. Ignoring him, Caroline put her supplies away and was washing her hands when the front desk bell rang signalling a customer.

"You two stay here. The cookies are in that shelf and I made some more tea. It will help you relax," she said and sailed out of the room, the smile intact on her face, closing the door softly behind her.

Ian continued to hold Sonia. Her face was buried in his chest as she had tried to muffle her cries. Ian had just offered to hold her so that she may stay still but somehow they had ended up in the position they were now, her face on his chest and his arms wrapped around her. They stayed a few minutes like that, the only movement caused by her hiccups.

"I must get you some water," Ian whispered and at her nod, eased away from her. Getting up, he filled a cup of water and handed it to her. Sonia took a sip and looked at him.

"I ruined your shirt," she said grimacing as she noticed the wet splotches on his shirt caused by her tears.

Ian looked down at his shirt and shrugged, "No worries," he smiled at her, "Anything for you."

Sonia felt her cheeks warming under his intense look. Somehow, she felt safe when he was with her. Stupid, she thought, it's just the pain and fatigue making me think such things.

She placed the cup away as Ian settled in his seat again. Her phone rang, indicating a message. Fishing it out of her pocket, she swiped to open the text.

It was an unknown number.

"Meet me in 10?"

Sonia frowned, then shrugged. Might be a wrong number. She placed the phone away, her gaze falling on Ian to see him observing her, "What?" She asked.

"Nothing," he whispered, then frowned, as if unsure of his voice. He cleared his throat once, "Ready to go home?" He asked.

Sonia was about to reply, "Yes" but then stopped and shook her head, "Aunt Carol has yet not talked about the reason she called us her."

Ian's face looked as if a bulb went off in his head. Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "As you wish," then turned around in his seat and plopping both his feet on the chair next to him, got comfortable, "Wake me up when you girls are done."

Sonia took a deep breath as he fell asleep. Looking around, she was bored no doubt. Shaking her head at Ian, she shuffled out of her chair and limped a bit around, getting a feel of the pain. It was much less now. Nearing the shelves holding the jars, she peered at the contents.

She raised her hand to touch them but snatched it back again. Sighing, she returned back to her seat and folding her arms over the table, dropped her head on them.


The numbness in her hands was what woke her up. Groaning, she tried to flex her fingers but then gave up. Looking around, she noticed Ian still sleeping. She was about to get up and go seeking her aunt , when the door opened and Caroline hurried into the room.

"So sorry to keep you waiting, kids," she gushed as she took her seat. It was then that she noticed Ian sleeping. Shaking his leg, she grinned as he jolted awake.

Satisfied, she turned to Sonia, "So, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Sonia gulped the knot in her throat but nodded her head, urging Caroline to go on.

Caroline looked at her and then Ian, and then back again, "Were you by any chance hurt while tending to that bush?"

Sonia tilted her head, thinking over it, "Yes, I did get pricked by some thorns."

"And did you cover your wounds?"

Sonia frowned at the unusual question but answered nonetheless, "No. Actually I forgot about it."

Caroline's eyes sparkled with a glint as she murmured, "I was right."

"Right about what Mom?" Ian asked, perplexed at his Mom's behaviour.

Caroline, however, waved his question away with a flick of her hand, not sparing him a glance. Instead, she seemed to focus all the more on Sonia.

She looked closely at her face as of searching for something, then her eyes fell on Sonia's hands folded over the table. Frowning, she leaned forward and pulled the sleeve away from Sonia's wrist. Then she did the same to the other hand.

Sonia could only watch wide eyed as her gaze snapped back to her.

"Where is your bracelet?" Caroline asked.

Sonia looked down at her unadorned right wrist, "I lost it," she whispered, lightly touching the area.

"What?" Caroline asked, her voice rising a notch.

Sonia could feel tears brimming her eyes as she nodded, still looking down at her hands, "Yes. I misplaced it. I am so careless."

Ian cleared his throat from besides her as he squirmed a bit in his seat, "Ergh. Was that thing so important? Surely we can buy another," he suggested.

Sonia turned to him, her eyes ablaze. Ian gulped, confused at her sudden mood swing.

"Yes. That thing is important," Sonia said, looking him dead in the eyes, "And no. We cannot find another to replace it."

Ian's jaw clenched at her words but before he could speak anything, his mother cut in.

"Sonia, I think you should listen to me," she said, drawing her attention back to her.

"I am listening, Aunt Carol," Sonia whispered, sounding defeated.

"No. You don't understand. What I am about to tell you is important," she pressed.

Sonia let out a sigh and rubbed her temple, wanting the ache to go away, "I am tired. Can't we please talk later?"

Ian jumped up at that, "Yeah, we should probably head back."

"Ian just sit down okay!" Caroline commanded then turned back to Sonia, "I never expected this to come up but its important, child," she covered Sonia’s hand with hers.

Sonia could feel herself relax under Caroline's touch and nodded, taking in a deep breath, "Go on, Aunt Carol. I am listening."

Caroline squeezed her hand and smiled a bit, "Do you know how you relived the dead plant?"

"It was not dead, Aunt, it was just-"

"It was dead, girl. I know my plants like the back of my hand."

Sonia frowned, unable to think of an answer, "Then how?" She mumbled.

"Because, my love, you have magic in your blood."

"What?" Ian and Sonia, both shot at the same time.

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