Her possessive alpha

Chapter 59: FIFTY-NINE

Too painful

Cian and Kiara had just arrived at the camps; they had been driving the whole day without any breaks because of the urgency. It was a bit exhausting but they were glad that the journey was finally over, they'd spend the night here and tomorrow, they'd be back on their way to the dawn pack. Kiara watched as Cian gave orders to the servants who were now offloading the supplies from the trucks to take to the tents. She decided to find a way to help, going to one of the trucks and removing two folded tents from the supplies so she could find a place for her and Cian to camp after they were done attending to the refugees.

As she was walking around the field, she saw a very familiar face, a face she didn't expect to see, she dropped everything she was holding in her hand and pinned her gaze on that face. Was she dreaming? No, it couldn't be, could it? It was him; it was truly him, that scent, that face, she never forgot it. Her mate... her Paul was still alive! But how come? She thought he had died in the fire that day the rogues attacked. That was the first and greatest heartbreak she'd ever received, even though she loved Lucas dearly, his rejection didn't hurt as much as the painful stab she felt in her heart when she'd lost Paul... or rather, when she'd thought she'd lost Paul, so he survived after all! There was hope for her to be reunited with her mate after all! She would finally be able to get over Lucas! Oh, how she couldn't thank the goddess enough, she should also thank Lucas for sending her here, if not she wouldn't have seen Paul here, nor known he was still alive.

Paul was sitting in front of the fireplace with a few other refugees, exchanging conversations. He hadn't seen her yet, and she hadn't called his attention too, because she was still staring at him, the shock hadn't cleared away from her eyes. When he finally did see her, all the blood drained from his face, it was like he'd seen a ghost.

She smiled at him, she had so many questions to ask. Where had he been all this while? What was he doing here? In a refugee camp... had his new pack been attacked too?

Paul stood up from where he was sitting and walked towards her, still holding unbelieving eyes. It was like he wanted to come closer to her to see if she really was the one or if it was a ghost he was seeing. How did she survive the fire? He'd thought her dead and forgotten after all these years, and now here she was.



She ran towards him and threw her arms around him, hugging him in a tight embrace, she didn't know what came over her, as the next second she pulled from his embrace she grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. All the refugees surrounding the fire had turned to watch as the two lovers reunited, even Cian who was passing by with a servant behind him stopped to witness the moment.

As Kiara pulled away her mouth from the kiss, it felt as if something was wrong, he hadn't kissed her back the way he used to, he hadn't wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight after not seeing her for so long, what was the matter? Maybe the Paul she knew had truly died in the fire?

Her suspicions were about to be confirmed when a loud gasp was suddenly heard from those who were seated.

"PAUL!!! What are you doing?"

A heavily pregnant woman then stood up from the large log where she sat with a bit of discomfort, walking past the other refugees and to the place where this strange lady had just kissed her husband. Kiara saw his new mate who was pregnant with his child, grabbing his hand protectively the minute she reached where they stood.

Paul had the saddest expression on his face, he felt bad for hurting her, but he had to tell her the truth; he'd moved on years ago.

"I'm sorry Kiara, it's been so long. I thought you dead since the attack, Martha is my new mate now, and she's carrying my child," he admitted with his head bent.

It wasn't his fault, she had moved on too, and if Lucas hadn't rejected her, maybe she wouldn't have yearned to kiss Paul the minute she saw him. She kissed him because of the loneliness she felt in her heart, because she thought that emptiness would be filled up after seeing Paul again, after reuniting with him, and now look, she'd only made a fool of herself in front of everyone. She turned to look at the heavily pregnant Martha who was now giving her a disgusting glare and muttered an apology.

"I'm sorry, he's my original mate. I didn't know he was joined with someone else," she mumbled, finding the strength to do so.

Martha didn't respond, she just hissed and dragged her husband back to the fireplace to sit down and continue cradling their baby while they exchanged talks with the other refugees, things went back to normal and everyone acted as if nothing had just happened, everyone except Kiara. She sadly picked up the tents she'd dropped and found an empty spot, trying to fix it up whilst choking back the tears that hung at her throat. It was so painful, she'd tried to ignore it but the pain was too much, choking her to death; she couldn't stay here anymore, she couldn't spend the night here. No, this was too painful, she'd find a way to head back to the dawn house somehow tonight, she's not going to spend the night here. She'd set up only one of the tents, maybe Cian can sleep in that, she'd find a way to head back home tonight, this was all too painful for her. She isn't going to spend the night here.

As she put on her cloak again and was about to leave the forest where the camp was set up, she heard a voice call her name.

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