Her possessive alpha

Chapter 38: THIRTY-EIGHT

Poor Lucas


Vivian and Ria were in a good mood this morning, the beta announced last night that the alpha's mate was electrocuted in the forbidden lake the previous day. He didn't announce her health status, nor did he tell them whether she survived or not, it was either the dawn leaders chose to make it stay hidden or the fate of her life was still being decided by the goddess herself. They had nothing to worry about. No one had ever survived electrocution from the lake before, that weak bitch wouldn't even last a second in there.

He also announced that the forbidden lake was no more. Well, closing the lake was overdue, they thought, there was no use for that lake anyway since the dawners couldn't make use of its waters anymore. The only thing the lake has proved useful in these past years was for getting rid of master's mate. Vivian smiled evilly as they both neared Alpha Lucas's room. It was a smart plan of hers to have the sign dug up on the night before incident. No one even suspected a thing.

Since the bitch was probably nearing her grave, the master would be distraught by now, he would need someone to comfort him, he would need a bosom or two to rest aching his head upon and Vivian and Ria were more than happy to help him out of his misery, they were more than happy to let him fuck them as he wishes, they were more than happy to bring the former master back.

The guards at the entrance parted ways for them, and Vivian proceeded to knock on the door first. They both waited for the response.

"Come in."

The two sluts entered his chambers, where he sat on the couch, holding a guitar.

"Master," they both bowed, in a bid to start to take off their clothes.

Lucas didn't wait for them to start before he stopped them; he wasn't in the mood today. "I didn't send for you," he stated, his face as blank as a page.

"But Mas..."

"Get out."

After hearing the door close, he dropped the guitar he was adorning in his hand back to its stand. He stood up and let his legs carry him to anywhere they wanted to, just like the day he met Susan, but this time around, he wasn't drunk. His legs took him in the direction of Ava's room.


Ava couldn't believe what she'd just heard. "Lucas was once a human being?"

Yes, a human who'd never had any knowledge of the werewolf world before his curse. Wolves are just a myth to the humans, some humans do know of the wolves existence but because of the strong enmity between them, they prefer to keep it a secret. 'No use spreading word about those worthless creatures,' they all say.

"And what about the dawn pack? How did this all come to be?"

"During Lucas's transition, he joined a few packs as a low-ranking wolf and when he realized that the life of an omega was not for him, he left and decided to help refugees instead, giving them a home. He trained hard and conquered many enemies, claiming their territories and rescuing packs that were attacked by rogues and from there some members pledged their allegiance to him, when he had so many loyal followers, they decided to form a pack and they made him their alpha. The dawn pack was born five years ago, and we still help refugees till today. Lucas was more than happy to accept such a responsibility as the first alpha of the pack, and the joy of being an alpha made up for the company he lost that his family had suffered for decades to build, the only part of his heart that remained void was the family he lost that day."

"Who was that girl? Susan, and why did she curse him?"

"We later found out that she's a very powerful witch, formerly known as Susannah, and the anger and hatred she has for him is because of a grudge, a grudge of something that happened many centuries ago."

"But Lucas wasn't alive then."

"Yes, Lucas wasn't but Rabbi was. Lucas is the reincarnation of Rabbi, both have the same appearance and Rabbi did something terrible to Susan then, I don't know what it was but I know that's the reason she cursed his descendant, thinking he is Rabbi but in another life."

Oh, the poor thing, she never thought she'd pity him this much. He's been through so much, he's suffered so much, he's lost so much, and now he's broken. He wants to heal again, he wants to find love again, that's why he wanted his mate so badly, that's why he wanted HER so badly. She couldn't help but feel so much for him even though she knew she shouldn't. She heard Nani's voice again.

"I saw that same fear in his eyes on the day of your incident, the same fear he had on the day Amelia left him, and those fears were confirmed when he saw their dead bodies being taken away. My hope for him was reawakened that day I saw him saving you, Bambi and Amelia might be gone forever, but I know with you, there's still a chance for him to heal from the past."

Ava wished she could help him, she really wished she could, but she just couldn't.

Nani saw her hesitation, and knew just what to say to calm her fears.

"Why don't you take a deep breath Ava, and forget about all that troubles your heart? Forget about what's going to happen next, just live in the moment and give your heart what it wants." Nani's words resounded in her ears as they got up and strolled back to her room.

'Give your heart what it wants.'

And when she returned, she met Lucas standing in front of her door.

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