Her Home

Chapter 8 — It's Called a Transducer Probe

Two days later Vincent was sitting in a waiting room with Rebecca bouncing his knee up and down nervously. Rebecca placed her hand on his leg to stop his bouncing. "Calm down," she whispered to him. He smiled at her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry. I am just excited," he told her. He placed his hand on top of her and smiled when she didn't pull away. He thought about lacing their fingers together but decided not to push his luck. "Rebecca," the nurse called from a door to their left. Vincent stood up pulling Rebecca with him. She smiled at the nurse before she turned for them to follow her. The nurse led them to a room with a bed and began to ask her questions. Rebecca answered them like she knew why they were asking each question., making sure to answer the follow-up questions before they were asked. Vincent felt like he was seeing Rebecca in her element almost and it made him smile. When the nurse left the room, Vincent looked at Rebecca with the biggest smile that he could. He wanted to ask her to move in with him. He wanted to insist he wanted to make her his but instead, he bit the inside of his lip and smiled. The door opened and he looked away from her and toward the door as a woman walked in. She was about as tall as Rebecca but nearly the opposite in looks. She had stick straight platinum blonde hair, eyes that were the brightest blue and her skin was much darker than her.

"Hi, Rebecca," the women smiled toward Rebecca before turning toward Vincent. "You must be dad?" she extended her hand for him to shake. "I'm Doctor Smith. But please call me Sandy. I absolutely adore Becca and it's an honor to be your doctor."

"It's very nice to meet you," Vincent shook her hand before placing it back behind Rebecca.

"So, Becca. You said when we talked before that you are about eight weeks along?" Rebecca nodded her head. "Okay well let's take a look why don't we?" Sandy moved the ultrasound machine closer to the bed Rebecca was sitting on and pulled the ECG gel out, "I don't have to tell you this will be cold," she said to Rebecca who nodded and pulled her shirt up. When Sandy pulled out the probe out Vincent's hand shot out and he grabbed her by the wrist. Rebecca's head shot to the side with a raised brow.

"Vince. It's okay," she reached for his hand and pulled it away from Sandy's. Sandy looked between them wondering what was happening. "I promise it won't hurt the baby," Rebecca tried to soothe Vincent's worry. "It's called a transducer probe generates and receives sound waves so we can see and hear the baby," she sent him a reassuring smile holding back her laughter. Vincent nodded and took a step back.

"I apologize, Doctor Smith. Sandy," he smiled and looked at Rebecca for her to reconfirm that it was okay. She nodded her head before turning to look at Sandy again.

Sandy chose to not comment. Rebecca had warned her beforehand that Vincent could be a little protective and intense. She flipped the screen on and placed the probe on her stomach. She moved it around a little before finally hearing a heartbeat.

Vincent looked at Rebecca with wide eyes. "Is that?" he couldn't finish his question because he felt himself choke up. Smiling, Rebecca nodded at him and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together. Vincent moved so he was as close as he could get and looked at the screen. Sandy was pointing a different spot and saying something but he couldn't hear anything except his child's heartbeat. He looked back at Rebecca and didn't think twice as he leaned forward and placed his lips on hers with force.

She kissed him back and felt a tear fall down her cheek. She was so happy; she didn't even think twice about the kiss. Vincent pulled away and wiped the tear just before it reached her top lip. Rebecca could see that Vincent had tears threatening to fall but she said nothing as he blinked them away.

"Let me get you some pictures printed out and you two can have a minute alone," Sandy said before standing and leaving the room.

Rebecca sat up and wiped the gel off her stomach before pulling her shirt down. "Go to dinner with me tonight," Vincent said to her. She laughed.

"Was that a request or an order?" She smiled.

"I'm sorry. That was a request, of course," he smiled before kissing her on the forehead.

"Okay. I think we can do dinner."

"Thank you," Vincent said to her. He knew that he was going to have to show her how dedicated he was to her and their child. He had to make her realize that their life together would be better than any other option she was thinking about. After Sandy came back in and handed them the photos from the ultrasound, they left the room, walking toward the waiting room. "I have a meeting this afternoon but I called Tobin to come and take you to lunch and then home. I will pick you up there for dinner," he told her as they walked. Rebecca felt a little disappointment hearing that he would be leaving but she knew she would have fun with Tobin and she would see Vincent for dinner. When they reached the waiting room, she saw Domenico and Tobin standing in the middle of it looking completely out of place. "Becs," Tobin shouted when he saw her. Rebecca shushed him as she and Vincent walked toward them. "T, people do not want to hear you shout in here. It's supposed to be a place mommy's and daddies can peacefully come and get check up on their babies. Okay?" Rebecca said in her best motherly tone but the sarcasm wasn't missed. Vincent and Domenico tried not to laugh but they couldn't keep it in and ended up bursting into laughter. Rebecca rolled her eyes. Pushing past the group of giggling men, she headed for Tobin's car. "You all are children."

"Becs. I'm sorry," Tobin shouted as he ran after her. "Don't be mad," he grabbed her elbow to stop her. "I'm sorry," he laughed a little before containing himself. "I will take you to get whatever you crave if you say you're not mad." Rebecca perked up. Smiling brightly, she threw herself at Tobin and hugged him tightly.

"I need a huge cheeseburger," she said. Before Tobin could respond, Rebecca was ripped out of his arms and he heard a deep growl. He looked at Vincent and held his hands up in the air.

"Sorry man. I wasn't moving in on your girl."

"I'm not his girl," Rebecca glared at Vincent with her arms crossed. "Calm down, Vince." She patted him on the cheek. "I'll see you for dinner." She turned and looped her arm with Tobin as they headed toward his car.

When they pulled up in front of Rebecca's favorite burger place, she saw Joni and Rosalina waiting for them. She waved when she stepped out of the car. "There she is," Rosalina squealed as she ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Careful. Vince isn't fond of people hugging her," Tobin said holding the door open for the women. Rebecca punched his arm as she walked past him.

"What does that mean?" Joni laughed.

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"Nothing," Rebecca waved her off and walk to a table in the corner of the diner. "I'm so hungry," she grabbed the menu like she didn't already know what she was going to order.

Joni, Tobin, and Rosalina sat down at the table with her. "How was the appointment? Is my niece nice and healthy?" Joni asked with a huge smile on her face. Rebecca smiled back at her and nodded before pulling one of the pictures from the appointment and handed it to her.

"Everything is going perfectly."

"She looks like a monkey," Joni said handing the picture to Rosalina. Rebecca scoffed.

"Bitch," she glared. "That was your godchild," she told her before turning to look at Rosalina, "How would you and Dom like to be the godparents?" she sent a smirk to Joni when she gasped.

"You won't!" Joni shouted and drew everyone in the restaurant attention. Rebecca shrugged and turned to the waitress as she walked up to the table.

They ordered and talked about all things baby. Joni and Rosalina suggested their own names if or rather when it was a girl. Tobin said he hated his own name so he made Rebecca promise that she wouldn't use it. She agreed she wouldn't use it for a first name but made no promise on using it as a middle name. She already figured that Vincent had some family name that should be used but she made a mental note to ask him at dinner later.

"Okay but the real question is..." Rosalina paused waiting for everyone to look at her. "What are you going to do about Vincent?" Rebecca looked at her waiting for her to elaborate. When she didn't, she looked at her two other friends who were looking at her like they were also waiting for her answer.

"What do you mean, do with him?" Sometimes it was just better to ask what you wanted from them. Rosalina sighed and Joni gave Rebecca a 'come on' look.

"You know what I mean. Are you going to let him in the baby's life? Are you going to move in with him? Are you going to marry him?" Tobin rattled off while using his fingers to count. Rebecca nearly choked on the drink of water she was taking when Tobin mentioned marriage.

"Marriage really?" She asked him when she had finally stopped coughing. Tobin shrugged.

"Well yeah." Rebecca shook her head.

"I'm not marrying him. Obviously." She waited for one of them to agree with her but shockingly no one did. "He hasn't asked me," she continued. She swung her eyes to meet Rosalina, "did he say something to you?" Rosalina shook her head. Rebecca looked at Joni and then Tobin, "You guys?" They both shook their heads.

"All I was saying was sometimes marriage come with babies," Tobin held up his hands. "We just want to know where you are on this. We are your friends and we are here for you either way." Rebecca sat back in her seat with a deep breath. "Sorry," she sent them all a smile. "I don't really know. So far. I feel like he is making a really good effort. He calls me at least once a day, usually more," she laughed. "He brings me what I'm craving without me even asking. He really is excited and that makes me want to at least let him be around as much as he wants," Rebecca bit her lip before she continued. She was pretty sure that what she was going to tell them next was going to bring up more questions from the girls. "It's also been really nice having him at my place at night," she picked at her fingernails.

When she finally looked up at her friends Joni's smile was so big and bright it was looking like the sun. Rebecca put her head in her hands, "Don't start please," she said loud enough so she could be understood through the muffle. She lifted her head to find that Rosalina was looking at her expectantly. "He picks me up from work and makes sure I eat. Then we usually talk and sometimes watch a movie or T.V. then it's late and he stays," her explanation trailed off near the end but they all still caught it.

"So, he's living with you?" Joni said causing Rebecca's head to snap up. "I don't know how daddy will feel about that," she tried to act serious but ended up laughing, mostly because Rebecca was frantically shaking her head. "He doesn't live there."

"Sure. Sure," Rosalina waved her hand to the waitress for the check. "You know either way. He is going to keep you both safe. No matter what," she turned to look at her. In the time that they had met Vincent, Domenico, and all the others, Rosalina had really found her place in the world. She was made for the life. She still wanted to be a doctor and was finishing school but, ironically, she was okay with the way the Mafia life was. She blindly trusted that they would make sure she and anyone important to them, would be safe.

"I wish I could be as sure as you, Ros," Rebecca told her. "I wish it was an easy choice. I just know being with him means being under lock and key in his sky-high apartment. What kind of life would that be for me or this child?" She placed her hand on her stomach and rubbed it. If it was just her, this would actually be an easy choice after all the time they had been spending together the last couple days but, it wasn't her life anymore. Now it was her child's life that came first. "Okay. Two things. One, you are already with him but, besides that," she held up two fingers and continued. "Two, maybe you should talk to Vince about your feelings. Dom lets me out. I go to class, I'm here now. Hell. You're here now and you don't have a billion guards," She pointed out some oblivious points. Rebecca's nod was followed with a shrug. "You know. I asked Dom to teach me to shoot and fight. He gave me a gun as an engagement present." Rebecca's eyes widened. "Don't give me that look," Rosalina looked up as she took the check the waitress finally arrived with. She waved everyone off as they reached for their wallets. "Vince said to enjoy," she smirked at Rebecca's glare as she held up the credit card Vincent had given her yesterday when he had heard of their plans for lunch. "I'm supposed to take you shopping for dinner too," she smiled.

"I think getting some lessons would be a great idea, Becs," Tobin chimed in Joni sat beside him with her head bobbing in agreement.

"I guess I could talk to him at dinner," Rebecca sighed. "I mean obviously I won't be fighting anyone for a few more months," everyone laughed, "But I guess at least knowing how to use a gun isn't a horrible idea. And it could definitely help make my decision." Her friends all nodded their heads with smiles plastered in their faces.

When Rosalina got Vincent's credit card back from the waitress, they all walked to the door. "Tobin," Rebecca said his name to gain his attention. When he turned to look at her, she continued, "would you be willing to teach me?" She asked. Tobin raised both brows.

"I would love to, Sugar Plum," he used her nickname which told Rebecca that he was going to let her down. "But there is no way Vince would be okay with that. I love you but I can't step on his toes like that. It's kind of a no-no in the family," he gave her a look that told her he really was sorry. Rebecca nodded and started picking her fingernails. Tobin laid a hand on her to stop her. "Just ask Vince. Trust me everything will be fine." He kissed her forehead and said his goodbyes to the girls before turning and going to his car.

"Well," Joni clapped her hands, "we have an unlimited card and a few hours to get you ready for your hot date. Let's go," she turned and ran toward Rosalina's car. Both girls left behind, laughed and shook their heads before following her.

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