Her Home

Chapter 23 — One of Each

Three Months Later "Rebecca are you ready?" Joni squealed as she ran into the kitchen. Rebecca closed the refrigerator and laughed at the look on her best friend's face. She wasn't sure who was the most excited about finding out the genders of the twins, Joni or Vincent. He had been bouncing around the house helping everyone with everything for the party. Rebecca was glad they had been able to get into the new house Vincent had bought to surprise her with, so quickly after everything that happened.

When they left the house where Rebecca had been being held, Vincent had the doctor meet them at the house to look her over and make sure that her and the babies were okay. As soon as the doctor cleared her, Vincent took her straight to their bathroom. He filled the tub with bubbles and the nearly hot water that she loved before crawling in with her. They laid there her laying against his chest while he apologized a million times and she forgave him just as many. He told her he understood if she wanted to leave and he would respect that. He could set her and the children up so no one would find them and they would want for nothing. She laughed at him but stopped when she saw on his face that he was serious. "Do you not want us anymore?" She had cried asking him thinking that rescuing her was too much of a hassle for him and he had changed his mind about his feelings for her. Rebecca blushed when Vincent laughed and told her that he wanted nothing more than a long life with her and their children.

After he dried her off and helped her into one of his shirts then pulled her to the bed with him. He wrapped her in his arms kissing her on the back of the head. His hands roamed all over her body before finally resting on her stomach. "Will you marry me?" He whispered and felt her stiffen. He held his breath thinking that she was about to say no. She rolled over and gave him the biggest smile.

"Of course," she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him as hard as she could. She was shocked when she had over-heard him talking about them getting married but she was more than sure now that they were meant to be. "Rebecca, look at you," Nadia said as she walked toward her and wrapped her in a hug as best she could.

"I'm huge as a whale," Rebecca laughed as she hugged her future mother-in-law back.

"You are not," Vincent said walking into the kitchen. He hugged his mother before kissing Rebecca on the lips followed by her stomach. "Isn't that right? Mommy is perfect in every way," he talked to the twins. Rebecca playfully swatted him on the back and giggled. She had caught herself doing that more often. Vincent said it was cute so she didn't mind.

"I love how the kitchen turned out," Nadia commented after she stopped laughing at her son's antics. Rebecca nodded as she rubbed her swollen stomach.

"Me too. Vince told them what I wanted perfectly. I'm glad he can cook breakfast for me again too," She laughed. When Vincent first brought her to the house, Rebecca had frowned seeing the kitchen which was oddly small for the giant size of the rest of the house. He had told her that the kitchen and the few other rooms including his home office were getting done before they moved in. She had wanted to start netting though so they moved in while the work was done which was a horrible mistake. The contractors started early and Rebecca felt like everything was always dirty when all she wanted was everything neat and clean. The kitchen was the last thing and it had gotten done just in time for the party. "Are you planning the wedding after today?" Nadia turned to them from admiring the kitchen with a raised brow. Rebecca looked at Vincent who smiled at her.

"You'll have to excuse me," Rebecca said before making a quick exit. Nadia turned to her son.

"What did you do?" She glared at him.

"Nothing," Vincent held his hands up innocently. "She isn't sure about the date we set," he shrugged.

"Why not?" Vincent took a deep breath and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"She says she doesn't think that she will have lost the baby weight yet," he held his hands again when his mother's face turned to one of anger that was directed at him. "I told her she would look perfect."

"You better have. She is going to be your wife and you need to make sure you tell her everyday how beautiful she is just like I taught you," she wagged her finger in a scolding manner. Vincent nodded.

"I know, mother and I do. I can't wait until she is my wife but she wants to and to be honest with you," he sighed and looked at his feet. "I would do anything she asked of me," he mumbled but Nadia heard him and laughed.

"We all know that, Vinny," she patted his cheek. "She is going to be the perfect queen. Her decision with Melina was very wise. It was a great idea to have her make the choice," she smiled wide thinking about what had happened a few days after Vincent had found her.

Rebecca had walked into the warehouse where Melina was being held with her head held high. Nadia smiled because she knew that was the smile of a queen. She smiled back at her before returning to the serious look. Her arm was looped through Vincent's making her look like she belonged even more.

Domenico and Gio pulled a fighting Melina into the open room the family had gathered in. Vincent moved to stand in front of her holding up a hand to have everyone silenced. When everyone was quiet, he turned to Francesco who nodded at him giving him the permission to proceed. He wasn't in charge yet and he still had to have permission from his father. Vincent turned to look at the family. He took in how they all looked anxious to hear what would happen to the women who was stupid enough to kidnap the future queen. She may have not been known amongst them yet but they all knew who she was and they were loyal to her they wanted blood.

"Meline Chaykovsky, you are accused of the kidnaping of future queen, Rebecca Jones. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He asked her turning to look at her. Melina was nervous, everyone could see that much. She knew what the punishment should be for what she has done.

"I..." she trailed off. She looked at Rebecca and then back to Vincent before dropping her head. "I'm sorry," she whispered. Rebecca stepped toward her but Vincent grabbed her by the waist. She turned back to him and smiled. "You said this was my decision," she reminded him. He sighed with a nod of his head, he let go of her. She turned and walked to stand in front of the women who had kidnapped her and threatened to steal her children before killing her. "I can't blame you," she started and the sound of gasps around the room was loud. She looked back at Vincent with a big smile full of love. "He's hot," she said turning back to Melina. The family surrounding them laughed. "I can blame you for thinking that you can force anyone to be with you. I can blame you for taking me and putting my children in harm.” She started to pace and Vincent smirked. "I do believe that your father was a large influence on this whole thing. I know he wanted you to marry Vincent mostly for protection," she stopped pacing and looked to Vincent who nodded his head. "I have discussed my decision for your punishment with my future husband and we agree that your child should not grow up without a mother since he or she will be without a father," she looked Melina directly in the eyes. "You will be returning to Russia though and you are not to come back to the states... Ever," she watched as Melina's eyes grew before she started fighting against the hold Gio and Domenico had on her.

"No, please. You can't," she shouted. "We won't be safe." Rebecca raised a brow at her so she could continue. "My father, he needed protection because he owes money to many people. They will kill me if they find out I am alive," her pleas turned to tears. Rebecca turned to look at Vincent she knew that Melina need protection but she didn't know from what. Vincent took a couple of steps forward until he was standing next to Rebecca.

"I have spoken to the men. You or your child, will not be harmed. Mr. Yomish has a job for you so you can pay your fathers debts off. You will leave after you have your child," he turned to face the family again. "The future queen has spoken," he turned to reach for Rebecca's hand. She wrapped it around his and stood beside him smiling.

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"I heard she's a great shot too," Nadia said pulling Vincent from the obvious flashback he was also having of that day. He nodded his head smiling proudly. "When she has the babies, I'm teaching her to fight. I'm a little scared of her to be honest," he laughed and Nadia joined him. Rebecca walked into the kitchen again.

"It's time," she told them and smiled when she saw Vincent's face light up. He was very excited to find out what they were having. He of course wanted and needed an heir so he hoped for a boy. Vincent walked toward the doorway stopping to kiss her on the cheek.

"Everyone," he shouted to the people around the ballroom like room they had used to the party. "It's time to head outside for the reveal," he turned around and wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her with him out the door. Joni rushed past them giggling, Isaac was right behind her shaking his head at his crazy wife. "When do you think they will have one?" He asked her. Rebecca shrugged.

"Joni mentioned they were trying," she smiled at the thought. They had talked about being pregnant together several times throughout their friendship but even though that wasn't happening she hoped it would be soon so their kids would be close in age.

"Okay everyone," Joni shouted. "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Joni, Rebecca's best friend," she took a little bow causing everyone to laugh a little. "Rebecca gave me the whole power over how we would do this and well, I talked with Vincent and we came up with something big," she turned to look at Rebecca with a mischievous smile. "Becs, look up in the sky," she said. When Rebecca looked up in the sky, she saw a streak of light flying up before it burst into a firework of blue followed directly by one that was pink. Rebecca looked at Vincent with tears in her eyes.

"One of each?" He asked looking at Joni who nodded. "One of each," he whispered again before kissing Rebecca who was near ugly crying.

For about the next hour, everyone congratulated them on the babies, the house, and the wedding that was coming up. Vincent talked to family members about issues that needed taken care of. Rebecca talked to women that she had never met but she would be in constant contact with them once Vincent took over. Being the queen meant that she would be the one the women in the family came to when they had a problem. Vincent had explained it to her and told her that he didn't want her doing anything she wasn't comfortable with but she insisted that she wanted to be the women he needed her to be. That she would adjust to the duties expected of the queen.

Vincent had just walked up to stand beside her and wrap an arm around her when Lidia approached them. Vincent sent a glare her direction. Rebecca noticed and slapped his arm. They hadn't spoken since the hospital but Rebecca didn't want to be the cause of him not speaking to his sister so she made sure that she was invited to the party. "Rebecca," she said turning away from her brother's glare. "Can I speak with you?" Both women whipped their heads to look at Vincent when he growled. Rebecca slapped his arm again before turning back to Lidia and nodding her head. She turned to walk away when Vincent grabbed her waist and pulled her back to him.

"Calm down," she told him, "I will be fine. She isn't going to hurt me," she rolled her eyes at him.

"No. It's okay. I would like to apologize to both of you," Lidia said. "I am sorry, Vince. For everything negative that I said about Rebecca. Rebecca I am sorry that I judged you so quickly and harshly," she looked down at the ground with shame. "I see the way my brother looks at you and it would be obvious to a blind man that he is madly in love with you and you look at him like he is your world."

"He is," Rebecca leaned her head on Vincent's shoulder. He kissed her head.

If you're loving the book, nel5s.org is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you! "She is my world," he told his sister who nodded. "They all are," he added moving his hand to lovingly sit on her stomach.

"I see that now. I was so caught up in thinking anyone that wasn't already a part of the family in some way, would do what Jeff did to me that I took it out on you," She sighed. Rebecca was confused not knowing who the Jeff she was talking about was. "When I was nineteen, I met a guy that was not a part of the family. I fell in love with him before I found out that he actually set up our meeting and everything. He was working with a rival family but he turned on them and tried blackmailing our father." Rebecca's eyes grew wide. "I was afraid you may be doing the same thing," she held up her hand when Rebecca started to respond. "I know you aren't so, I am sorry."

"I understand completely," Rebecca told her, "And I accept your apology." She held her arms out for her to hug Lidia returned it.

"I would really like to host your baby shower," Lidia old her when they separated. "And not because my mother in making me this time," they both laughed. Rebecca nodded her head and wiped away a tear she didn't realize she had on her face.

"I would really like that," she smiled. Rebecca pushed Vincent toward his sister and he reluctantly hugged her.

"I'm so sorry,” she whispered to him. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"Me too," he said. He had missed his sister and decided to give her the chance to prove to him that he could treat Rebecca like the sister she would soon be.

Lidia said goodbye as did Rebecca and Vincent's parents. Vincent took her into the living room and sat her down on the couch. "I want to show you something I did," he told her before removing his shirt. Rebecca looked over his toned chest taking in the ink that covered it that she admired every night in bed. She noticed though the spot over his heart that had always been open, now had writing on it. 'Nel perdere te, mi perdo' it said in a bold fancy looking font that made it stand out from the rest of the ink he had. Rebecca stood up and ran her hand over the words.

"In losing you, I lose myself," she read with a smile looking up at him. She had just started her Italian lessons and she was catching on quickly since she already knew Spanish. Vincent had mentioned that he wanted the children to know all three languages maybe more so she had found a teacher without him knowing. She had wanted to surprise him and if the look on his face was anything to go by, she had. "I have been learning," she shrugged. Vincent laughed while leaning in for a kiss. "I love it," she ran her hand over his new tattoo again.

"It's true," he whispered to her. "It was all I thought when you were taken. If I lost you, or them," he placed his hand on her stomach, "I would lose all that makes me, me." Rebecca smiled.

"I understand the feeling. Life without you was worst then being kidnapped. I don't want to ever have to live without you again," She reached her arms up wrapping them around his neck when he bent down to make it easier for her. "You won't have to," he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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