Her Home

Chapter 21 — Two Days Later

"Two days, Cazzo!" Vincent shouted while he paced in front of his father and brothers. "She has been gone for two days. Someone had better find them!" He threw his glass that he had just emptied into the fireplace. "It's strange there has not been a ransom received," Francesco pointed out to everyone.

"That is what worries me, Padre," Vincent nearly whispered. He had been thinking about that while he laid in bed the night before. If they wanted something, they would have requested it. The fast that they hadn't gave him a bad feeling that this was for revenge rather than gain.

The door opened and everyone turned to watch Gio and Vanessa walk in. "Brother, anything?" Gio asked as he walked toward him. Vincent shook his head. "Nothing," he seethed.

"Vince you must stay strong, she will need you when we find her," Vanessa laid a hand on his shoulder. He nodded. Gio helped Vanessa to a seat before walking over to where Josh was on the computer still. The door opened again. "Any news?" Trent asked. Vincent glared deeply at him.

"Why do you care all of a sudden? Rebecca hasn't even seen you for weeks!" He threw his hands in the man's face. Trent took a step back.

"I was working. I am here now and I want to help," he held back from screaming at him. He wanted to but knew that it would be his life on the line if he did and even Rebecca wouldn't be able to save him.

"Vince," Nadia placed her hand on Vincent's arm. Vincent turned to look at her with a raised brow, "I have had him out of the country working on something for me. I called him to come back as soon as we heard Rebecca was gone. It is not his fault he was following orders." Vincent sighed and looked at Trent before giving him a curt nod and walking away.

Rebecca was still locked in the room that she woke up in two days earlier. She was glad that there at least was a bathroom being pregnant she had used it plenty. She had tried numerous times to open the windows in the room, neither of them would budge. The door was always locked and when it wasn't, it was opening to allow Milena in to taunt her with her plans for her child. Rebecca ignored everything she said not letting her get to her. She refused to give her what she was looking for. She knew Vince was looking for her and she would do her job as a mother and protect her children.

The door opened but Rebecca didn't move from her spot on the bed. "How is the surrogate doing?" Milena sang. She had surprisingly come up with a nickname for Rebecca it was as clever as it was annoying. She still didn't bite though choosing instead, to roll her eyes. "I hope you're eating. It's important for my child. Even though you're a little fat already," she looked Rebecca over. "I still don't see what Vince ever saw in you," She rolled her eyes and turned back to the door. "Keep my baby healthy," she sent one last taunt Rebecca's way before leaving her alone again.

"Ugh!" Rebecca threw a pillow from the bed. She was tired of this already. "Vince better hurry up, damnit." She started pacing. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to continue to not hit that girl. If she called her children hers, one more time she would snap.

"We have to think of a way to draw him out," Domenico suggested to Vince. They had moved to the kitchen where Nadia had made them lunch. She insisted that he eat pointing out that Rebecca would hate to hear that he hadn't taken care of himself while she was gone.

"Nothing has worked yet. Let's put out a bounty," he took a bite of the sandwich his mother had given him. "Make it high. I don't want anyone to be able to resist it." Domenico nodded and moved toward the doorway but stopped when Gio walked in with Ant and a laptop following behind. Gio held a cell phone out to Vincent he saw that it was his and it was ringing. He lifted a brow looking at Ant then back to Gio.

"Let me hook it up first," Ant tells him as he sat the laptop on the counter beside Vincent. He plugged the cell phone in before handing it back to Vincent. "Okay," he nodded his head. "Hello?" Vincent answered the phone putting it on speaker so everyone could hear.

"Vince, Baby," he heard Milena's voice come through the phone. He rolled his eyes and huffed. "Are you ready to get married yet?"

"Where is Rebecca?" He ignored her question and asked his own.

"I can't tell you that, silly," she said in a giggling voice. Vincent looked over at Ant who was motioning for him to keep her talking before he went back to typing on the keyboard. "What do you want Milena?" He sighed.

"What I have always wanted. I want to be your queen." Vincent bit his tongue and looked at Ant who gave him a thumbs up.

"Milena, you're crazy. You should really get that looked at," he said before he hung up. He looked at his feet and took a breath before slowly lifting his head up to look at Ant. He didn't want to get his hopes up but he had to know. "She's in a house outside of town," Ant answered the question he couldn't ask.

"Who does it belong to?"

"A man named Jeff Moroni," Ant answered. Vincent sighed he had a treaty with the man and he was sure he would make sure that Chaykovsky didn't know they were coming.

"Dom. Call him. Get everything you can from him and make sure he knows it is in his best interest not to inform Chaykovsky we are coming." Domenico nodded and hurried out of the room.

An hour later Vincent was in the back of a car ready to go rescue Rebecca. The door opposite him opened and Domenico got in hanging up a phone. "Moroni says he let Chaykovsky use the house because he owed him from a few years back but didn't know that it was to hide Rebecca," Vince nodded for him to continue. "He said he was there a week ago to show the place to Chaykovsky and he hardly had any guards but he hasn't been back since so he can't be sure about it now," Domenico handed Vincent his cell phone, "He sent me the blueprints for the house so we know the layout. I told him we would take care of any damages to the house and he insisted we not worry about it." Vincent nodded his head handing him back the phone.

"Send that to everyone so they can memorize it. I don't want any fuck-up's. If something happens to my wife or my children, there will be hell to pay." He turned to look out the window but didn't take any of the scenery in. "I'm coming Rebecca. Just hold on," he whispered.

It took them nearly two hours to reach the area the house was that Rebecca was being held. Vincent was about to scream at someone when Domenico's voice sounded from beside him, "Stop here," he told the driver. Vincent looked around. "Is this it?" Domenico shook his head.

"It's about half a mile up, but we need to go in on foot now." Vincent nodded as his door opened to reveal Gio.

"Everyone is gearing up. You ready for this brother?" Vincent nodded pulling his gun out a cocking it.

"Let's go," he said getting himself out of the car. Domenico stepped out also. They stopped in front of car and waited for the others to join them. "Did everyone get a good look at the blueprint?" He asked and waited for everyone to nod their heads. "Good. I need Gio and his men to go in first and take out any guards then head around the back of the house. Dom, you and your men, take over for them when they head to the back. Cover the perimeter and don't let any back up, he may call, through." He looked around at all the men he had given instruction to as they nodded their understanding.

"Who is with you?" Domenico asked him. Vincent shook his head.

"I'm going in alone." Gio and Domenico looked at each other with a curious look. "I will be fine," he gritted. They nodded and looked at their men. "Good. So, let's move out," he told everyone, "And I want to hear immediately if someone finds my wife!" He shouted before turning and walking in the direction of the house. Gio looked at Domenico with a raised brow. Domenico smiled.

"He's in love," he shrugged following Vincent. Gio followed after him.

"Let's go get my sister-in-law," he mumbled.

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