Her Freezing Heart

Chapter 33- Amara

"We are not mates Steven. There is no rejection and stuff." I reasoned.

"Can't you feel the connection between us?" He asked looking me in the eye.

I know I am hurting him but I am scared. I trusted Asher and look where it got me. I can't jump into things just yet. I know he helped me and I am really grateful for that to him but I just can't do this right now. I don't want to hurt him either though. It is hurting me to do this to him. I really like him.

"I can feel it Steven but I am not ready yet. I just got out of a very shitty relationship which I didn't even know was shitty until I almost died. I need time to heal. Those wounds are gone but I am livid at the moment. What if this is just the sex talking? What if you found someone tomorrow? What if you realize this was nothing but a one night stand after your head is clear? There are so many what ifs running in my head at the moment that I can't even explain what I am feeling anymore. I don't know what is happening to me right now. Think it through Steven. Don't rush into it please." I reasoned.

I don't know how to get it through to him.

"I know what I want but you don't seem to know that." He told me. "This is not a one night stand nor am I going to change my mind about you. I will tell you the same thing over and over again. You are mine and it is going to be that way. You want to think this through? Do it. Sleep on it. Take as many days as you like to get over what happened but just so you know, I will be right beside you. I will give you space bu that doesn't mean I am giving up on you. One day or another you will come to your senses and understand that you belong with me. That day, I will mark you as mine." He said that with so much intensity that it left me breathless.

He is really serious about us. I didn't even feel offended when he said he will mark me as his property. It actually felt good. Those red eyes looked mighty fine on him. I think I am drooling. For once I ignored what my brain was screaming at me and listened to my heart. I pulled him closer and planted my lips on his. He didn't need any more indication. He started devouring my lips taking no prisoners. I replied with the same intensity. This feels so right. He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I happily let him in. Our tongues danced with each other for a while but he wasn't having it. He took the control back. I was feeling this electricity coursing through my body that I didn't want to stop. But we had to as I need to breath.

We pulled away but he wasn't letting go. His grip never faltered over me. I felt my skin heat up wherever he touched me. Where did my shirt go? He started kissing down my neck. I knew he was leaving marks all over. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning loudly. When he reached where the mark is supposed to be, he sucked quite hard. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my mouth. I felt his fangs graze there. He was nipping me. That pulled me out of the lust filled haze. My body seized on its own. Steven must have felt the change in my body language. He stopped his actions and looked in my eyes smiling. "I am sorry. I took it too far. I will wait as long as you want." He said to me resting his forehead on mine.

I nodded having lost the ability to speak. He pulled away from me. I was already missing his touch. He pulled the discarded shirt over my head and took my hand in his. He opened the bedroom door and pulled me outside. The scene outside the bedroom was not the one I was expecting. Cassidy was crying histerically. Grayson was trying to soothe her but she just won't stop crying.

"Cassidy I am so sorry." I said to her running towards her.

Her neck was still bleeding. Grayson looked at me with mixed emotions. I wasn't expecting what happened next. Cassidy pulled out of Grayson's arms and flung herself at me. She buried her face in my chest, her crying intensified.

"I am so sorry Amy. I am such a bad person. I tried to hurt you." She said in between sobs. "I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize what I was doing until the wolf spirit stopped me." "It's okay Cass. Nobody got hurt. You don't have to apologize for that. Mistakes happens from the best of us. Get up. You are still bleeding. Let me heal you." I tried to coax her.

She gave a very unrealistic wail, startling the shit out of me and hid her face in her palms. Who would believe that this women is more than three centuries old? I looked at Steven for help but he shrugged and clamped his mouth to stop himself from laughing. Austin on the other hand wasn't even trying to hide his laughter. Aaron looked as bewildered as me. Grayson, well he just sighed and shook his head in disbelief. Am I missing something?

"You don't need to heal her. I will take care of it." Grayson told me.

Then he scooped his wife in his arms and left with her without any word, leaving me sitting there like a stupid person. Steven and Austin started howling in laughter like a choking hyena. Yes! They sounded that bad. I looked at Aaron and we nodded at each in understanding. These people have clearly gone mad. I got up and made my way out of Steven's apartment with Aaron in tow. I was about to shut the front door when a cold hand stopped me and pulled me back in a hard chest. A very sculpted one at that. I can totally drool over this one. Hold it right there. You are going in a very wrong direction. Stop it Amy. I tilted my head to look at him to find him smiling smugly at me. Did he caught me ogling him?

"Yup I did." He said smirking.

I can feel the heat creeping up my neck. I think I said that out loud.

"Leaving without a good night kiss?" Steven said pulling me impossibly closer.


I grinned at him.

"Not happening love."

Before I can recover from the fluttering effects of the endearment, he bent his head down and captured my lips with his. I became a putty in his arms. As soon as he let go, I ran out of his apartment and into mine like my ass is on fire. I could hear him laugh at my expense till I closed my apartment door.

"Good night kiss?" Aaron asked from the couch scaring the shit out of me.

I am actually lost for words at the moment. I made my way towards the couch and plopped beside him.

"Don't you think you are going too fast?" he asked when I didn't reply.

"I know. I am thinking the same." I told him sighing. "But I feel this connection with him that I can't explain. It just feel right when I am with him."

"I am not understanding what is going on between you two. I mean he acts like he is your mate and judging from the view of your neck, he tried to mark you." He looked worried. "Don't rush it Amy. Take your time. I don't want you to regret anything."

"I know. I am trying Aaron. I can't understand what is going on between us either and I am a part of it." I explained.

He nodded.

"I know you will figure it out." He smirked. "I like your father. How come you never introduced him to me? He is really cool."

I knew he was enjoying the part where papa threatened Steven.

"I never got the chance I guess and papa rarely left the cabin so..." I told him chuckling. "He liked you though."

"Didn't you find it odd that your father actually accepted Steven as your protentional partner?" he asked confused.

He is right. I did find that odd. Papa wasn't at all bothered that I was with another guy. He was grilling him like any other father would grill their daughter's boyfriend. It felt like he knew something.

"I will talk to papa about that. I did feel like he knew something that he wasn't telling me."

"Yeah it felt like he didn't have any option but threaten him. Like he knew you were going to be together." He said smirking. "Do you think he is your mate?"

"That can't be possible. How can I have two mates? Besides I never felt like that towards him before. Yeah I felt very grateful to him as he was helping me with everything but romantically I never felt anything about him. I didn't feel like murdering him since Asher's birthday but... I don't know Aaron. I am really confused here." I told him rubbing my eyes in exhaustion.

"We will talk about this later. I called the café earlier when you were sleeping. We have a day off tomorrow. Sleep on it. Maybe you will figure it out after your head is clear." He suggested. "Thanks Aaron. I really need a day off."

I hugged him and made my way to the bed and Aaron followed me. We said our good nights and went into dreamlands.0000

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