Her Freezing Heart

Chapter 14- Cassidy

"So how about you take me there?" I asked the twins.

They looked a little dazed for a couple seconds and then nodded. They must be talking in the mind link. Well I get to go to this infamous cabin and meet those infamous spirits.

"Just a heads up though. I don't know how alpha Hercules will react upon seeing you two or any of us. He doesn't like to meet any of us but Amara. I mean she is his daughter after all." Carter stated. "Alpha Ryder is no different. He is a little overboard than his father to say the least. They might tear you to pieces if they think you pose any threat to Amara or the pack. So don't do or say anything stupid." "Those Alphas live at the cabin?" I asked.

Can they be the spirits? But that can't be. I have never heard of spirit Alpha wolves or were they well hidden? I mean I couldn't see for the start. More just a feeling that they were there. Well there is only one way to find out.

"Not exactly at the cabin but if anyone need to find them they can meet them there." Caleb replied nervously.

They are hiding something. I can't exactly read their mind at the moment. It will sound as a treachery and these furry people don't exactly like it when people pry in their minds.

"Okay let's go then." I said getting up.

Grayson followed suit.

"Alec you should stay here." Caleb said to Alec. "You won't like it there. It's way far inside the jungle and the Alphas are not really a cheery lot. There is that vampire problem as well."

Ahh they must be mates. How adorable. How much of a secret can this be that they didn't even tell their own mates? And Vampire problem? What does he mean by that? I can ask him later once we are through the situation in hand.

"No way. I am coming with you guys. I have never seen the cabin before and if this is going to save my sister, I want in." Alec argued.

"Alec don't argue please." Caleb said sighing.

"You can take a complete stranger over there but not your own boyfriend?" Oh my! Someone's playing the emotional card. "Besides it's my sister here we are talking about. I won't take no for an answer." With that being said, he pulled on his jacket and wrenched open the front door. I couldn't stop myself from laughing at the exaggerated funny face Caleb was making at his mate. I followed after Alec. The others joined us as well. Caleb a little reluctantly. I can see him struggle internally about bodily dumping Alec inside the house and locking the door afterwards. They are really cute together. Carter on the other hand seemed to sulking a little and giving those two a jealous look.

"Did you not find your mate?" Grayson asked him while we exited the apartment complex.

"I did. He is in Berkley. Aaron. Amara's roommate." He replied blushing a little. "I was wondering... you know... why he didn't come with you guys? I mean Amara and him are best friends. Looking at her condition, he shouldn't have left her alone, that too... no offense... with complete strangers."

"He said he was busy with school work and job. He was barely there when Amara was unconscious. I thought they might have had some sort of disagreement or something. He didn't seem very fused about her being sick other than the day we found her knocked out." I replied. "Has this happened before? Her being in coma I mean for long time?"

By now we were already good measure inside the forest. It is unusually dense though like trying to bury its secrets inside it. Caleb is leading the way with Alec firmly fixed to his side and Grayson is walking ahead of me and Carter and I bringing the rear.

"Well yeah. A couple times actually. It usually happens when she heals someone." Carter replied nonchalantly and then his eyes widened like he has said something forbidden. Caleb stopped in his tracks and then resumed walking at a fast pace. Huh! "Shit! The Alphas are going to kill me." he muttered under his breath but me being very close to him, heard him loud and clear.

Healing? Is that even possible? We witches can heal as well but potions and spells. But I don't think Amara has access to such stuff. Is she a witch? No. I could have felt it. Then how? Carter seems to have slipped the information on mistake. The girl is turning more mysterious every passing second.

"Healing? Can she cast spells or something?" I asked him.

"Umm... I can't tell you more on this. We are forbidden to talk about it by our Alpha and to answer your question, no she can't cast a spell." Carter said with finality.

I don't think he will say anything more about it. I would have to find out about it myself. A healer. That too without spells. Interesting. From what I can sum up, Amara can heal people without anything we witches do to heal people and she faints every time she does that. Is she using her own energy to heal them? But a human will probably die from it or will be left in very poor health. She seemed to be in perfect health when I met her the first time though. What am I missing? What kind of source is she using to do the healing process? She will need a source to do that right. That part I can be firm on. But off course. Can it be? No. But it's just a myth. They don't exist. The last one vanished almost two thousand years ago. There hasn't been the trace of them since. No. That can't be. I am just working myself up on some far fetched myth. There is no proof of them ever existing. Well I will have to talk to her parents off course.

The twins quickened their pace to a sprint, leaving us behind after an hour of walking in the woods. Caleb left his mate behind? This must be really serious. The scent of wet earth was lingering in the air. A river or a stream. Alec, Grayson and I too started running after them as fast as we can. They are werewolf after all. Forest is their home. After running for fifteen minutes or so, a clearing was visible from the distance. At that moment, I knew why the twins had started running. A blood curling scream from coming from the clearing. The twins were standing a little inside the clearing. Not too ahead of the edge looking at a writhing and screaming Amara on the floor. But there was someone else too. Someone I couldn't see but only feel and made the hair on my neck stand up in the emotion I have not felt since years. Fear.0000000

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