Her Forbidden Alpha

Chapter Chapter66 Believing In Ourselves

It was the following day and Scarlett was on her way to Amelia's. They were leaving for The Black Storm Pack tomorrow morning and she wanted to see the woman before she left.

She was walking along, lost in thought until she saw Fiona and Elijah having a heated argument up ahead. She stopped frowning, did the woman not get a hint? Elijah growled at her making the girl break into sobs again. Scarlett shook her head; she was fed up with her constant tears.

Walking over she grabbed Fiona by her arm and wrenched her away from Elijah, her eyes a steely silver as she glared at her.

“You know... I gave you a clear warning. Stay. Away. From. My. Man.” Scarlett said her voice cold, her Alpha aura surrounding her making Fiona look at Elijah fearfully. He simply shook his head.

“I think I'll let your Luna deal with you.” He said. Leaning over he gripped Scarlett’s chin, kissing her sensually. “I'll see you later, I'm heading to the packhouse to organise our team.”

“See you later.” Scarlett said, all the time not letting go of Fiona’s arm. She watched Elijah walk off before turning her gaze back to Fiona. “I warned you..."

“I love him! It's not my fault!” She sobbed; Scarlett frowned.

“He isn't yours. As your Luna by going after the Alpha you are directly insulting me!” she said, now letting go of the woman's arm. She slapped her hard across the face. Fiona gasped as her head snapped to the side sharply, pain throbbing through her. Scarlett grabbed her by her neck and lifted her up trying to control her anger.

“Because I'm your Luna I won't do more. But I swear... Chase Elijah again and I will make sure you are thrown out of this pack! Do I make myself clear?!” Scarlett snapped. Fiona looked at her, whimpering as she felt blood trickle out of her nose. She had lost, even if her heart didn't want to believe it. There was nothing left to hope for and she knew Scarlett would follow up on her threat, Elijah had said the same thing minutes earlier. Seeing the hatred in his eyes for her had hurt a lot. A foreign feeling bubbled in the pit of her stomach for the woman in front of her but she seemly looked away, casting her eyes to the floor.

“I-I promise, I won't try anymore... It's clear there is no place in his heart for me.”

“Yeah, there isn't and this time I hope you remember that.” Scarlett snapped icily. Fiona simply nodded feeling defeated. Scarlett pushed past her feeling annoyed, she had ruined her mood entirely!

She reached Amelia“s cottage knocking on the slightly open door. The smell of tea brewing filled her nose when she heard Amelia speak.

“Come on in you don’t expect me to come and welcome you graciously because you're the Luna now?”

Scarlett smiled as she pushed the door open and stepped inside.

“No, I would never expect that of you.” She said amused. Looking around she saw the table was already set with Cherry Bakewell Tarts, Angel Slices and Coconut Cake. All homemade and smelling divine.

“Good!” Amelia snorted as she turned the pan off and poured it into two mugs.

“You baking for me is enough.” Scarlett chipped in slyly, making Amelia frown at her whilst bringing the tea over.

“Oh, don't let it get to your head. I baked these for me, now unless you want me to give you a good beating sit that ass down and tell me everything.” She said making Scarlett smile.

“Ok. if you say 50.” She said picking up a tart and taking a bite. “Goddess, these are magical!”

“Why thank you. Now no dallying, I want all the details minus the nasty bits.” Amelia said, happy to see the mark that now graced Scarlett's neck. Scarlett smiled as she began to tell Amelia the full events of the day of the blood moon...

30 minutes later Amelia sat back smiling, happy to hear it all, including Jackson and Elijah had lunch together. Things were indeed looking up.

“Now I am glad, I do think you're too good for that fool! But I think he is improving a little.” She said, smiling as she placed her empty mug down. Scarlett nodded.

“He's improved a lot, I really do love him.” She said smiling softly.

“I'm sure you do!” Amelia said, her smile now faded as she looked at Scarlett seriously. “You are leaving tomorrow?”

“Yes...” Scarlett said, the mood shifting drastically as the women fell silent.

“You were blessed by the Moon Goddess, given as a gift to our kind. Sadly, it was used against you in the evilest way and worse, at the hands of the man who was meant to be your father. I know it will be hard to face him, but I also know you are strong enough to do so. You are an Alpha Scarlett and although that man deserves a painful death, don’t do anything that will make you regret it later.”

Scarlett looked at her. Amelia had always been a wise woman and although she wanted to tear her father to shreds or torture him the way he had her, she knew what she truly needed to do was find closure. She would be the one to end his life, but she would also remember what Amelia had said. She nodded.

“I understand Grandma.” She said quietly. Amelia smiled at her and gave a small nod.

“I'm glad, you are a blessing child and above all else I want you to know that.”

Scarlett let her words sink in, she didn't know why the goddess had blessed her as an Alpha, but she would never take it for granted. Sure, she had often resented Selene, but she had also been the one to bless her with Elijah as her mate. She would be an Alpha that would make her pack, her family and above all her mate proud. Picking up a slice of coconut cake she smiled contently, something about such a simple conversation with Amelia put her at ease...

Night had fallen and Scarlett was sitting on Angela's bed; her friend had been a lot more silent over text and Scarlett wanted to spend a little time with her at least. Knowing she was going through a lot.

“Ok, so Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast?” Angela said holding up both DVDs of the live-action movies.

“Aladdin.” Scarlett said, leaning against the headboard. She pulled the bag of trays she had picked up before coming here and took out the drinks.

“Aladdin it is!” Angela said, putting the movie on before she came and dropped onto the bed next to Scarlett. The movie started and both girls dug into the snacks. “I love the songs.”

“My favourite is Prince Ali.” Scarlett said.

“Oh yeah you loved singing that one.” Angela said amused as she opened a packet of crisps, her eyes on the movie. Scarlett nodded.

“Yep.” She said before she looked at Angela. “Cassandra... what is she like?”

Angela's smile faded and she looked at the packet in her hand. “Confident, beautiful, funny... and she's always known she was a lesbian.”

“And is that what scares you? That you're inexperienced with women?" Scarlett asked. Angela sighed.

“I don't know, maybe? Or it's just a shock when I've always dated men.”

“I don't think that's a good enough reason hun.” Scarlett said looking at her friend as she opened the bottle of coca-cola and took a sip.

“I know..." Angela said, now dropping back and staring at the ceiling. “I'm just scared that I'll accept her and then I'll realise later on I don't want her.”

“I don't think that will happen... but why not go on a trip away together? Just the two of you, maybe Scotland? I don't think you putting distance between you two and thinking of all the “what ifs’ is wise.” Scarlett said, Angela, pouted picking up a chocolate bar and threw it at Scarlett.

“You're annoying! Don't play Luna!”

“Well, 1 am your Luna so listen to me!” Scarlet said amused. She lay down next to Angela and looked at the ceiling, the movie long forgotten.

“Do you think she'll be ok with me, with all my doubts? My past with men and everything?” Angela asked. Scarlett turned her head looking at her friend.

“I'm sure she will, she knows this is all new to you and I'm sure she will respect and take it slow. I'm sure if you ever miss a dick, she could use a strap on.” Scarlett said smirking. Angela blushed smacking Scarlett's arm.

“Hey, don't put an image of her like that in my head!” She said glaring at her friend, Scarlett raised an eyebrow.

“I only mentioned a strap on, you're the one who's imagining things!” She said laughing as she sat up grabbing her drink again. Angela smiled softly.

“I think you're right, if I don't give us- this, a chance I won't ever know..." She said. Scarlett nodded.

“Exactly and come on, we both can appreciate Cassandra is one sexy woman.” She teased, Angela pouted.

“Don’t check my mate out!” She said picking up one of her cushions and smacking Scarlett with it.

“Well, you checked mine out!” She shot back. Both girls laughed and teased until the movie finished and Elijah came to collect Scarlett. Something both girls taunted him about until he admitted that he was missing her like crazy. After all, she didn't really need anyone to escort her home.

The next morning rain was pouring down as the 50 men from Elijah’s pack accompanied them, ready to face off against Zidane's pack. Jessica had wanted to come but Jackson and Scarlett had been fully against it. Scarlett was in the back of the car with Elijah and Marcus, a pack warrior. Liam was driving and Aaron was in the passenger seat.

“We should get to the Black Storm pack in another hour and a half.” Marcus said.

“Oh, and the other packs are on their way, two have already reached there.” Aaron said, tapping his knee as he looked ahead.

“How many men are we in total?” Liam asked his face serious, now in full warrior mode. He was after all the best fighter after Elijah, he knew the rough number but Alpha Daniel had chickened out at the last moment.

“We're looking at near enough 600 wolves.” Elijah said

“That's a good amount considering how many of his men he kills off, we will still be enough to handle him and his pack.” Aaron said referring to Zidane. As Beta he was the strategic one.

Scarlett didn't add to the conversation, her mind flitting off to the things she had learned about Zidane. For many years his pack had plenty of rogue attacks but soon his ways of ruthlessly torturing any trespassers became well known and even the rogues backed off. She remembered Amelia saying her being a part of The Blood Moon pack was a blessing and kept rogues away. She wondered how true it was, knowing she was getting closer and closer to facing him made her not believe in herself much, but she refused to back away or get scared.

Elijah’s arm tightened around her, sensing her turmoil. She had always been brave but every night he now shared the nightmares that plagued her dreams. It was hard, painful and hell to experience but what hurt the most was she had suffered it all and kept it all inside. After that first night, he tried to keep calm not wanting to disturb her. Having noticed how she would try to keep herself awake so he didn't get disturbed with her nightmares. He hoped in time those memories would ease up. He kissed her softly.

“Everything is going to be alright, I pro-"

He was cut off when something slammed against their car with such force it was thrown off the road, seeing the large car that had hit them flip over and burst into flames. Pain seared through her back, the smell of gas, fire and blood filled the air. The strong sense of Deja vu overcame Scarlett remembering the first time Cade had come for her, her heart thumping loudly when she caught the scent of several werewolves that she didn't recognise...

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