Heartless Angels

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Bradley

Chapter 4 – Bradley

I car

can’t stand that we’re here cowtalling to this little s hit of an alpha. His father is a great wolf, fair and loyal. This male, though strong, is nothing but cruel and two-faced, only out to scrape together everything he can get. He still hasn’t rejected Oakley and is planning to make this airheaded bimbo his luna in a matter of days.

I know the story that my sons have told me and I have no reason not to believe them. But at the same time, it just doesn’t match with what I know of Oakley. She would never want someone who didn’t want her and I know she would have seen this male for what he is.

Unfortunately, I have no proof. When Jack and James first told me what happened and I saw the state that Oakley was in, I was furious. However, Alpha Levi had backed up their story and it was very obvious that he was still in pain from the rejection. It made sense then. I understand the crazy things that the matebond makes you do. With Elina…I shake my head, pushing away the thoughts of my mate who left me alone with three pups, focusing instead on the puzzle that is in front of me.

Alpha Levi had refused to let me speak with Brittany, saying that she was very upset by what she had to do. And every time the two came to visit Oakley, supposedly in the hope of having her take back her rejection and accept Brittany’s apology, the airhead had been upset at seeing what my daughter has become

But I’ve listened at the door when Levi was visiting her by himself. Though I couldn’t hear everything, the words “wolfless. sl ut” and “dumb c unt” have come up often enough to make my blood boil

Oakley…my baby girl who looks so much like her mother. She hasn’t spoken since I blamed her for everything that had gone down with Levi and Brittany. I hadn’t given her a chance to speak that night, no chance to explain her side of the story and she has refused to speak to anyone since. Not me, or Jack, or even James, the one that she had always told all her secrets to.

I just wish that it made more sense. Something is wrong here and I know that Levi is behind it. But if I can’t get Oakley to tell me what’s going on, I’m just stuck at a dead end.

So, I have to sit here among the top generals and fighters within the pack, dealing with Levi’s constant snide remarks about how the matebond must be a magical thing and that he hopes that he and Brittany will get a semblance of that as chosen


I can barely choke down my food. It appears that James and Jack are having the same issues, James just barely avoiding rolling his eyes at something that this childish alpha says.


“So how is Oakley doing?” the as shole in question asks.

I have to stifle a growl. Just hearing her name from his l*ps is enough to make me see red. I see the twins’ hands flinch as grip their cutlery. None of us want to talk to this alpha, much less answer questions about Oakley.

Jack, ever the smooth and collected one, answers. “She has made excellent progress after her…accident. For that is what they have told the pack. That the near-human wolf had a terrible accident and nearly killed herself. Silly humans. “The doctor wants her to wear a removable brace for a few more days while she sleeps and she should be as good as new….physically”

Because I don’t know that she’ll ever be able to recover from whatever her mate, the one that was supposed to love her unconditionally and totally, has done to her.

“And how are her spirits? I can’t imagine the pain she must be feeling at having her mate reject her,” Levi’s mother inquires. If only she knew.


Chapter 4 – Bradley

“She is…as well as can be expected. I rumble in a gruff tone.

The former luna nods, a sympathetic look on her face. Brittany copies her movements, making me grit my teeth. She’s likely a very lovely she-woll and will make a perfectly fine luna, but she doesn’t really have a mind of her own and she doesn’t seem to care much about politics or anything really, other than fashion and getting her nails done.

Suddenly, Brittany smiles brightly. “She’ll be better soon. Once she comes to live with us, I give her daily treatments until she gets better.” She giggles to herself and continues to eat her cheesecake..

I try hard not to roll my eyes at my future luna. Suddenly, I feel a dull pain in my chest, almost like someone touching a bruise. I look to my sons and see that they are feeling the pain as well. James is rubbing his chest and Jack has his hand to his chest as he rolls his n*eck in circles. No one else is reacting, just the three of us and I know, I just know that something is wrong with Oakley

The twins look up and make eye contact with me, coming to the same conclusion that I have. We all jump up from the table, running towards the door.

“Gentlemen! What’s wrong-“the former luna begins when suddenly Levi screams in rage and anguish.


Jack, James, and I don’t stop. We run outside and shift, shredding our clothes in our haste to get to Oakley. We thunder down the path, moving faster than I’ve ever moved in my life. I don’t think I even ran this fast when I was searching for Elina.

When we get to the cabin, all three of us shift back to human form, scrambling up the stairs to search for her I lead the way to her room and she’s not there. There’s a mess, like she was rummaging through her clothing and I rush into the bathroom to find that all of her toiletries, make-up, and girly lotions and creams are all gone. There’s nothing left, not even a stray q-tip.

“Where could she-“I stop talking the second I see James’ face. His tanned skin has turned a sickly pale color, his eyes sparkling with fear and despair. There’s a paper in his hand and he turns to look at me like a little lost boy.

“She’s gone…” he whispers.

Jack, who had been pulling her drawers out with increasing frustration and fury at finding them empty, runs to James and takes the letter from his hand. He begins to read it out loud,

I don’t even know why I’m writing this note. I doubt that you’ll even care. But it felt weird to just leave without saying goodbye. You know, the three of you were my world. I don’t know what I did wrong that you would treat me so badly. Is it really that awful to have me as a daughter and sister? I guess it was. For that I’m sorry. Now, at least, you won’t have to worry about me anymore. I know that you won’t waste your time, but please don’t let Levi look for me. I just can’t bear the thought of what he would do to me. I truly wish you happiness. Even after everything you have done to me, everything that you said, you are my family and I love you. May the Goddess bless you and keep you all the days of your life. Goodbye.

I feel like my world has been stripped from me for the second time in my life. The first time was when Elina left. And now, I have forced Oakley to leave me as well

We stand there in stunned silence for several moments before Jack jumps into action. “We can follow her scent. She can’t have gone far. We just felt her cross the pack borders. She can’t be far if she left on foot.”

Jack runs out of the room and I’m not far behind him, both of us bursting out of the house seconds later. We sniff the air and there is a very faint scent of her near the porch, but it tapers off in front of the house.

“Where’s the car?” Jack asks, as if he’s just realizing that it’s gone.

2hgok it, James’ listless voice comes from the top of the steps. I look up to see that he has a few pairs of shorts in his

Chapter 4 – Bradley

hands, which he tosses to us. Well, that explains why we can’t scent her beyond the porch steps.

I hurriedly pull on the shorts James tossed to me, searching the area. “Where would she have gone outside of the territory? It’s not like she knows anyone else.” I don’t know who I’m asking. Maybe I’m questioning the boys. Maybe I’m beseeching the Goddess. I don’t know, but no answer seems to be forthcoming

“We should check in with the guards at the exit of the pack house and the territory. Maybe we can figure out which way she went,” Jack is already heading into the house, presumably to find his phone.

Then Levi stumbles into the clearing. He looks awful. His eyes seem sunken in his head, his skin pale. It’s an eerie imitation of what Oakley looked like when I saw her this morning. “Where is she?” he breathes out. “Where..is my..mate?”


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