Heartless Angels

Chapter 28

Chapter 28- Oakley

Chapter 28- Oakley

I use my anger and my pain to get through the day and end up in the top five of the rankings, along with Cassie and Jer ry

Lisa is right behind us in slot sy

But Mary is still having difficulty with her trash talking and the next morning, she’s in the bottom ten. It seems that she can’t help herself And the more frustrated she gets, the more her mouth runs. It’s a vicious cycle. She’s started to hang out on her own, not even speaking to her twin. She can’t seem to get out of her own da mn way and the rest of us don’t know how to handle

Ray shot me more than a few looks throughout training yesterday, but I had told my friends exactly what happened. They kept him away from me, often blocking his view of me and mine of him. They hurriedly ushered me off of the field when we were done and they tried to keep me busy that night so that I wasn’t thinking about Ray Cassie and Mary even pulled our mattresses in the middle of the floor that night and we slept in a huge puppy pile. Lisa wasn’t the biggest fan of that, but she

f uck right off.

The next day, my eyes were gritty and I feel exhausted. I don’t really understand it. I would get much less sleep when I stayed with Ray from all the S** that we would have, but feel completely rejuvenated by morning. Last night, I slept a solid seven hours and feel like I barely shut my eyes.

I have to drag myself down to roll call and to breakfast. Once there, I see Ray. He looks awful. Day old beard. Hair a mess. Dark roles under his eyes. Ive never seen him like that. Granted, I’ve known him for less than a week, but Ray takes pride in his appea He likes to look the way that he was required to when he was in training The fact that he’s let that go shows how hard taking this.

The longing looks that he sends me almost make me bend. Because I can still smell his scent. I still feel the pull to him But every time I think about what happened, the thought that he was using me pops up into my head and I steel myself against

As I’m getting ready to walk out, I hear “Trainee Oakley Moon!

I look behind me to see Head Trainer Sophia. Sh it.

Thurry to stand at attention in front of her. “Yes, Trainer Knight?”

“At ease, trainee. I need to talk to you about what happened yesterday before you go out onto the field for

or the day” Her face gives nothing away, but I’m not sure what she’s referring to. Ray? Levi? My family? All of it. “Please sit. We’ll wait until everyone leaves to talk.”

“Yes, ma’am I say, sitting in front of her

Within a few minutes, we’re alone and she begins. “So, I know that Ray told you everything about your family, your mate, and the fact that he is your second chance mate.”

“Are you trying to force me to make a choice?” I ask.

“No!” She actually looks startled that I would think that. “Absolutely not. That is your choice to make and no one else’s. just want to let you know what is happening with regards to your anonymity”

“Oh I’m taken aback. I had really thought that Head Trainer Sophia would have either tried to sway me into the Elite 10 or to be Ray’s mate. The fact that she isn’t is surprising “Ok What is going on with that?”



Your Damily and Alpha Silver know that you are here – Not because I told them, she hurriedly says when I gasp. “They have

Chapter 28- Oakley

camera footage of you entering the castle and they have combed it to prove that you haven’t left.”

“I bet that was Jack’s doing. He’s like a dog with a bone when he gets something stuck in his head,” I mutter, rubbing my hands down my face.

She nods, but moves on. “I have not and will not confirm or deny that you are here to them. I mean it when I say that no one will know that you are here if I can stop it. Unfortunately. Alpha Silver is extremely determined to speak with you and your family seems willing to do whatever it takes to get you back. Alpha Silver has called a Council Meeting. They are the only ones that can force my hand. They can make me divulge if you are here and they can make you appear in front of your mate and family.”

“What does that mean about my chances of being a part of the Elite 10? Would that mean that I wouldn’t be able to become a part of the 107” I ask, worried that I might have come all this way, gone through all of this for nothing.

“If you have to appear in front of your family and Alpha Silver, they will be bound by a blood oath to the Moon Goddess that they will never be able to speak, write, or answer questions about you in connection to the Elite 10 for the rest of their lives. At the same time, they will only know that you are training here, not whether or not you become a part of the 10. If you do not choose to go with them, but you also choose not to stay and be part of the 10, then we will relocate you so that they won’t find you. It may or may not be on the continent. We will also help you change your name and give you an entirely new identity, as well as a case manager who will make sure that you are safe and anonymous. They will never find you if that’s what you want.” Head Trainer Sophia is very straight forward, making something that is causing my world to spin out of control to become manageable.

“When will the Council take place?” I ask, my voice quiet.

me within

“Alpha Silver is supposed to call them today. As soon as I find out, I will let you know. My guess would be some time the next few days.”

I nod and move to get up, but she stops me with the next thing that she says.

“Oakley, just so you know, Ray is a good male. I’m not saying that you should take him as your mate. I would never try to

sway you to accept or reject a mate. I’m just saying…make your decision quickly. He deserves to know one way or another.” Her face is sincere, full of worry and a bit of fear.

I nod once more and make my way out of the cafeteria and to the training grounds.

Today we are training with blunt objects: staffs, nunchuks, clubs..anything that we can get our hands on.

We’re taught strikes, blocks, sweeps, and thrusts. And again we’re paired up with other wolves. I’m with a wolf that I haven’t really had any interactions with. At first, I keep up well as we spar. It’s similar to fighting with a sword, but you need to put a bit more force into it in order for it to do the damage you want it to.

the w

The problem was, with everything that was going on inside of my head and the wind blowing Ray’s scent towards me, I

wasn’t concentrating well. My partner and I had been swinging hard up until then, trading blow for blow, smack for smack. So when a particularly strong gust of wind brings an overwhelming amount of Ray’s scent to me and I close my eyes, I make a very

big mistake.

My partner smacks his staff into my knee. I hear a crunch and I go down screaming.

Harry is right beside me, and I hear him cry out my name. He grabs me up and immediately scoops me up. Thear others calling my name, but the pain is too immense for me to focus.

The only thing that I really hear is Lisa screaming at Harry to hand me over to someone else and wondering why he’s helping me instead of one of my lackeys


Chapter 28 Oakley

And then the pain causes everything to fade to black.


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