He Wants Her Back: The Billionaire’s Leading Lady Novel by Jasmine

Chapter 9

t’s drying on my pants…

I cleared my throat and smiled at Lily to assure her I was alright.

“Is everything okay? You scared us for a minute.” Tami naid sweetly.

I nodded, avoiding Pierce’s eyes. If I looked at him I would crack. I think I had the wrong drink.” 1 answered.

Lily frownwed and pointed at the glass in front of Tamil. “That’s your glass.”

“What on earth are you talking about?” Tami asked, the irritation in her voice obvious.

“Myra’s the only one wearing red lipstick tonight.” I looked at the cup in front of Tami and it was the only glass at the table with a red lipstick stain. She had switched out my cup.

My eyes we

“Oh,” Tami chuckled, “I must have picked it up during your speech. glued to the pair of you and that happened. My mistake.”

I could tell Tami had her suspicions, which meant she could reveal them to Pierce and push him to insist that I got rid of my baby. Fear coursed through my veins and wrestled the impulse to reach for my glass of water. There was nothing strange about my behavior, I assured myself. A lot of people didn’t take alcohol for lots of reasons, not just pregnancies

“I didn’t think you had a problem with drinking alcohol before.” Pierce asked right on cue

“I’m trying this new hormone regulator with my doctor and he adviced I stay away from alcohol because it might lead to…uhh, I could have a bad reaction to the regulator, So I..” I was rambling, and needed to close my mouth, but I was too nervous. My hands were twisting underneath the table.

Suddenly Damien cursed and our attention turned to him. “Oh my love, I am so sorry.” Hannah apologized, trying to wipe down his pants. He cursed again and stayed her hand, halting its movement.

I breathed out in relief. Thank you Hannah. I thought as the pair got up. They were the perfect distraction.

“I think Damien has suffered enough for an evening.” Hannah said apologetically. “You’re getting a ride with us right?” she asked me.

“Yes of course. “I tried not to sound too relieved.

“Your night doesn’t have to end because theirs is, Myra.” Pierce added, “stay awhile, I can drop you off whenever you’re ready.”

I watched as anger flashed in Tami’s eyes.

“No, it’s okay we need to get home early anyway. I want Lily in bed early. I think she’s had enough fun tonight.”

“Very well, then my Driver will drop you off.”

“That won’t be necessary”

“PLesae Mayla, we insist, take the offer, so you won’t be a nuisance to your manager and her husband,” Tami pressed with a smile.

“Trust me she’s not a nuisance-”

let’s drying on my pants.

“Hannah, your drink is drying on my pants.” Damien interrupted her.

“Right, Myra?”

“yes. Thank you for the offer Mr.Blackwood, but we had already made plans with Hannah “The air around us crackled with tension and I was glad to leave.

With one more glance at the smirking Tami, I turned to take my leave.

“I walk you out.” Adam offered, getting up also, I softly uttered ‘sure“.

My heart dropped when I saw Pierce’s hand fold into a fist on his lean, muscular thigh. It was also a good Idea for Adams to get away from him too, even though he didn’t know it. Pierce was possessive about his property, and I could vouch that he considered me as one. Everything Adam had done that. evening would fuel his possessiveness.

We strolled out with Damien and Hannah leading the party. I could not hear what they were speaking about buf I was sure she was still apologizing for spilling her drink on him. Lily followed quietly behind them and then, me and Adams. He talked into his cell phone till we got outside, where we all waited for the keys to Damien’s car.

“So, did you have a good time tonight?” Adams asked while we waited.

“I did.” Save for the drink accident I would say everything else went pretty well. A car Drew up to the entrance, but Damien and Hannah stayed in their place. Adams opened the door for mw

“Since their car’s not here, I can take you and your sister home.” He offered.

“Oh no Adams, it’s fine. Thank you for offering though. There’s some things I have to go over with Hannah anyway.”

His face melted into a sad expression but he nodded in understanding “Goodnight Myra. See you on Se17”

“You will.”

After his car drove off, Damien’s Sedan pulled up. The four of us climbed into the car and we were on our way to my house.

“Did you have a good time Lily?” Hannah asked, watching her from the rearview mirror.

“OH the best!” My sister said breathlessly. “It felt like a fairytale. Especially with Myra and Mr Pierce. Quick question, do you know or do you NOT know him. I was confused the entire night- It doesn’t matter anyway. Ooo I can’t wait to tell mum about him. I read my romance novels to her, so she’s going to absolutely love this.”

“What exactly will you be telling her?” I asked warily

“oh just about the way he’s laser focused on you. He completely ignored the rest of us. Even Hannah.”

“That’s because she’s married, it would be in his best interests to ignore my wife.” Damien’s scowl was still on his face since the drink incident.

“Well that, and also because of how awesome Myla is


“He noticed that awesomeness because he technically owns us at least a chunk of us” Hannali responded

“That would make such an amazing romance. I can already see III” she said excitedly, before she lowered her voice. “Plus do you know how much better our lives will the if he was my brother in–law”

“woah Lily, tone the imaginations down. “I forced out, willing this conversation would end. “Pierce and I

It’s never happening. And honey, did you not see the woman on his arm?” I added in an attempt to lighten the mood.

“Oh that doesn’t matter–Did you notice she looks like you a lot, At Least we know he has a type.“Oh dear.

“I think we’ve heard enough, Lily. And I’m taking away your novels when we get home, you’ll find another hobby with mum.“

“But Myra…”

We spent the rest of the ride arguing ab

When we stopped in front of the complex I urged my sister up and turned to speak to Hannah who had come out with us.

“Thank you, so much Hannah, you’re literally a lifesaver is Damien going to be okay?” I peeked behind her and into the car.

“It was just a drink, he’ll be fine. You know you didn’t have to panic like that, right?”

“I know. But I am certain I have had too many glasses of wine in my first trimester, I’m just glad the baby’s okay.” My voice lowered considerably “there’s just this fear that one little sip and I’ll fuck up my kid for the rest of their life.”

“You might want to see a therapist for that ”

“And add to my expenses? I think not “I hugged her goodbye and turned to leave just as Hannah’s cell began ringing.

While I climbed the stairs, she talked into her phone. “Uhhh Myra…” I spun to face her. The calls’s for


I cocked my head to the side in confusion. “It’s Pierce

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