He Wants Her Back: The Billionaire’s Leading Lady Novel by Jasmine

Chapter 15

Berry iced tea…AGAINN

Tami let out a long suffering sigh. It has been quite the journey so far. A lot more hard work than I thought. It makes me feel very lucky that I have Pierce by my side, guiding me every step of the way.

Where was he. I let my eyes roam over every face off stage but I still could not find him. The dim lights made my search tougher.

Unconsciously, I drifted away from Adams, willing my eyes to find Pierce.

“Be careful.” Adams hand wrapped around my waist protectively. “There are wires in front of you. If you trip even one, it could interfere with the interview.”

I muttered my thanks.

If I was Pierce Blackwood and backstage where would I stand. I scanned the places I suspected till my eyes landed on a dark figure perfectly camouflaged and alone in the darkest part off–set. I could not make out the feature but I was sure it was him.

He was really here. He was here for Tami. He had missed every event I had invited him to, when he was not personally invited to it, but here he was whispering calming things to help her through her supposed nerves and being here to support her. A gnawing ache settled in my chest, making it hard for me to draw air into my lungs.

I tapped Adams hand and he loosened his grip on me

“I need some air, it feels really stuffy in here.”

I’ll come with.”

“No I want you to stay, I need someone to give me a recap of the interview and Jace is…well he’s Jace.”

He was talking to a brunette wearing a headset with a microphone. She twirled her hair and bit her lip suggestively as she batted her lashes at him.

“Stay, okay?” I bit out, barely able to keep a rein on my emotions.

I passed for okay because he let me off without a second thought. Quickly I retreated from the set. I wasn’t even sure where I was headed, I just kept moving

When I reached an empty hallway with no witnesses, my legs caved under me and I slid to the floor.

This was all my fault. If only I had remained as cold as he was.

I felt the tears coming so I squeezed my eyes shut and forced myself to think happy thoughts. Of course. there wasn’t a lot of happiness going on in my life right now to draw from. My day could be worse…my mum was okay, I still had a job. I thought hard for more things to add to the list.

“What tactic is this supposed to be?” Pierce asked condescendingly. When I opened my eyes, he was towering above me with his arms folded across his chest.

I crossed off the first thing I added to my list. My day had gotten worse.

“I don’t understand what you mean.” I answered neutrally as I tried to not be intimidated by him standing over me. I nonchalantly pulled out my flask from my tote bag and took a huge gulp of my iced tea.

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Berry iced tea AGAINN

I’m talking about you and Adams. You let him fondle you just where I can see you both and then you rush to the most secluded part of the studio, walling, no doubt for me to show up. I already told you, reeks of desperation.”

“And yet here you are, doing exactly what you think I wanted.” I pulled myself off the floor and returned his stare. “You should go back though, we don’t want you to miss Tami’s interview. You already sacrificed a workday for her, you should make it count.”

7 will, as soon as you tell me what you hope to achieve with this show. What is it you want?”

For him to love me the way I did, him. Give me a fraction of the attention he gave Tomi, but I knew what he meant. He thought I wanted to ask for a favor. Because for be it that anyone around Pierce Blackwood wanted him for him.

“There you are pookie bear. I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Tamil chimed in cheerfully, before she pressed herself to him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Her eyes darkened fleetingly when they turned to me

“Tra! I thought I saw you watching the interview. What did you think of my performance?”

“You’re a natural.” I answered nicely, I could not match the fake sweetness in Tami’s voice.

She chuckled to herself, “Oh I know. Pierce… I received a call from your mum the second I got off the set, she’s been trying to reach you–Oh there it is again.” Her phone vibrated in her hand and she pressed it into Pierce’s torso. He grabbed at it reluctantly and stepped away from us.

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My brain warned me that whatever Tami had to say now, would consist of her taking subtle digs was still too emotionally raw for another conversation with her. The best course of action would be to walk away. I moved closer to the wall as I tried to rush past her but she moved into my path at the same. time and our shoulders collided.

My flask slipped from my hand on impact and clattered to the floor loudly. Simultaneously, Tami let out a yelp and moved backwards, favoring one heel covered foot over the other. Her face contorted in pain.

It took my mind a second to realize what had happened. Proffering repeated apologies, I snatched my flask from the ground. “I’m so sorry, the bottle slipped..

“What’s wrong?” Pierce asked, his call coming to a quick end. His hands shot out to catch her as she stumbled, and snaked around her to stop her from falling. Then he eyed us, demanding an explanation.

“My foot,” She groaned. “Her bottle landed on my fucking foot! It hurts so bad.”

Her words were laced with accusation, and as his eyes narrowed and turned towards me, I started to explain myself nervously. “I’m so sorry Tami, It was an accident, I didn’t mean to drop it, you hit me an

“Pierce, help me out of here please, I don’t think I can walk on my own. Something feels broken.” she whimpered after an attempt at putting her weight on the bad leg. It had not even touched the ground!! was starting to doubt the fact that Tami actually hurt her leg.

He glanced at me unsure of his next move. Tami began sniffling in his arms.

“I’m going to need a medical exam, and painkillers. Pierce, what are you waiting for?”

He glanced at me again, which was confusing. Was he actually finding it hard to go with Tami? Hope

Berry iced te AGAINN

flared in my heart.

“Mr. Blackwood, Is there a problem?” A new voice asked by the door. David, seven foot lumberjack of a man that was in charge of security.

“Yes. Please help Miss Tami to her car, I’ll be out in a second to drive her to a hospital.”

“But Pierce…” she whined louder.

“Just a second Tami, I promise I won’t be long.”

“Alright,” she said grudgingly. “But I’m telling mum about how you’re mistreating me.”

After shooting me a venomous look she hobbled out, assisted by David.

I felt a rush of exhilaration, but also wonder. What could he possibly want to say that would make him pick me over Tami, even for a few seconds?

Tami’s phone began vibrating in his hand again and I saw anger flash in his eyes. Why would a call from his mother cause that violent a reaction from him?

He ignored it and instead pulled a velvet box from a hidden compartment in his suit, and proceeded to hand it to me.

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