Haven Online

Chapter 89: Christopher is Free!

Xinya led them back to the cottage, where Christopher was at, the walk there wasn't long and in no time at all they arrived. The first thing they saw was a lovely young man with slightly grey skin standing just outside the cottage door looking at the sky in wonder.

It was as though he hadn't been outdoors in a very long time and was basking in the scenery that he once again got to experience. A small smile graced Christopher's face as the wind blew over him, he had finally got a taste of freedom after years of being trapped in the cottage and he liked it.

Hearing a twig snap, Christopher tensed up for a minute, thinking that it was Wyatt, but he knew that couldn't be. The only way he could be outside like this was only if Wyatt was gone. Turning his head to see who was there, he saw that it was the boy he asked to help him and two others he didn't know.

When he first saw the boy, he finally felt that he had some hope, for the first time in decades. When the boy said he would save him he didn't really believe him but he had hoped, and when he felt the barrier around the cottage go down he knew that his hope had come true.

He wanted to run and hug the boy and thank him profusely, for what he has done for him, but for some reason he couldn't move farther away than the area around the porch. Christopher could only think that the dark magic is still in effect, but even so, just being able to leave the cottage and not having to worry about Wyatt was more than enough.


Xinya couldn't help but smile as he saw that Christopher was able to leave the cottage now but knew that it wasn't over. Xinya walked those last few steps until he was close enough to speak with Christopher. He didn't really know what to say in this type of situation, so he merely said, "I'm back."

[Yes...yes you are.] Christopher wrote on his mini blackboard. He gave Xinya a grateful smile because he knew what the latter was trying to convey. [Thank you so much. I had almost given up, thank you for saving me.]

Wandering Sound and Wei thought it is best to stay a little ways away from Xinya and Christopher as they talked, but they could still see and hear everything. Wei couldn't help but tear up, she was so happy that the mage was going to be free. 

On the other hand, Wandering Sound felt a little worried about Roaming Wind, all throughout this quest her emotions had been unsteady. Wandering Sound had to wonder if something like this happens to her. Even thinking about it made him upset, he really hoped it wasn't true. contemporary romance

Not noticing the turmoil his friends were in Xinya continued speaking with Christopher, "I'm sorry to say it's not over yet."

[What do you mean?] Christopher wrote, eyes wide with worry. Bad thoughts started to appear, he even started questioning if Wyatt was even dead.

Knowing where Christopher's mind was going, he quickly assured him that Wyatt was really dead. Opening up his inventory he took out Wyatt's brain and showed him. "For it to be truly over, and for you to be free, you need to destroy this."

The amount of dark magic that pulsated from the item in the boy's hand frightened Christopher, but to escape this place and this life he knew he had to be brave. Taking the item he realized what it was, it was Wyatt's brain. This was the place where his chaotic dark magic entered that night centuries ago.

Determination welled up in him handing the item back to the boy he rushed into the house but not before writing that he be back on his chalkboard. He ran into the bedroom and quickly went through the items in the closet until he saw it, his staff.

The last time he saw it was when Wyatt brought it back for him on one of his daily outings. It was another of Wyatt's little ways of trying to please him, but he never touched it. He was scared of what else his magic could do, even now he was hesitant in touching it but he knew this was the only way to end this mess he caused.

Grabbing his staff, he gripped it tight and walked back out of the house where the boy who had saved him was waiting. Xinya who saw Christopher come back out of the house, staff in hand, held out the brain for him to take. 

Christopher grabbed the brain and placed it on the ground, he looked at it thinking about all of his years of suffering from pain and humiliation at the hands of Wyatt and knew once he got rid of the dark magic he would never have to think of it again. 

Raising his staff high he started casting the lightest spell he knew, suddenly a bright white light shot from his staff into the sky and made dark grey clouds appear in the sky. Thunder could be heard before a light struck down and hit the brain dead center destroying it to pieces.

As the brain shattered into pieces a dark smoke escape from inside of it and dissipated into the air. Immediately, everything around them started to change, the forest that was full of death became alive. The trees became lush and green. The foliage around them started to bloom, the red sky turned blue and for the first time they could see the sun.

Wei stood there in awe at the changes that were happening around her, she grabbed Wandering Sound hand and smiled at him. Wandering Sound just squeezed her hand and continue to watch with a big smile on his face.

Xinya didn't pay attention to his surroundings but watched Christopher, he watched as Christopher grey skin become more human-looking. He watched as he touched his heart to feel it beating, he watched as Christopher inhaled, breathing in the air around him and he watched as tears gathered in his eyes as he kept mouthing thank you at him.

[Quest has been completed!!]

[Reward: 1000000 exp / 20 gold coins / Special Item for player class]

[You have leveled up!]

[You are now level 21!!]

[You have gained Death Flower Seeds]

[You and your party have gained the title Saviors of Baldahurh Forest!]

"What are you going to do now that you are free?" Xinya asked.

[I want to see if any of my kin still lives, if not I will pay my respects at their graves. Then I want to see the world, see what I missed] Christopher wrote.

"Do you want us to escort you out of the woods?" Xinya asked. "We are heading to Errinisworth."

Smiling Christopher wrote, [If you don't mind that would be perfect.]

After introducing everyone to each other, Christopher packed up his stuff and the four of them left the woods, not knowing that their names were now broadcasted on the game homepage as the saviors of Baldahurh Forest.

           End of arc 3


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