Grayson's Veil

Chapter 36

Eleanor stared out the window as the carriage followed the twists and turns on the rocky path up the mountain.

Her stomach churned from all the motion, making her hug her stomach and whimper from time to time.

Eilif’s arm that was wrapped around her squeezed her waist, trying to assure her that they were almost to their destination.

At the gesture, Eleanor turned toward him, hoping her face could show him how urgent it was to reach the place.

Eilif instantly pounded on the roof. “Hurry!”

The carriage launched forward, making Eleanor cover her mouth before lunch flew out.

Eilif gently rubbed her back, trying to soothe her nausea away. Every few moments he would say how close they were and to hold on, but Eleanor was barely paying attention to his cooing. It took every ounce of willpower not to vomit in his carriage.

Finally, after what felt like hours but really was only minutes, the carriage stopped. Eleanor flung open the door before one of the servants could, stumbled down the steps and projectile vomited by the back wheel.

Eleanor gripped the wheel, waiting for the pain and faintness to go away. She heaved up every bit of food that was in her stomach, then she dry heaved until her entire midsection cramped. She flinched when she felt Eilif’s hand touch her back, not used to comfort when she was sick.

Looking over her shoulder, she saw Eilif instruct his servants to clean the mess before the mistress sees.

Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, Eleanor looked up to see they had arrived. She gasped in shock. The Castle was immeasurable.

Built into the mountain, there was no way to penetrate it without going through the front gates. The entire castle was dark, the steeples were sharp and reached high into the sky. There were numerous windows, but dark heavy curtains covered the majority of them. The ones that were not covered, held a single lit candle, giving off an eerie glow. Stone gargoyles sat on either side of the door as well as randomly amongst the castle.

Eleanor took Eilif’s arm as they stood up, her gaze watching the vultures that circled the steeples.

There was something on the steeples.

Not being able to make it out, Eleanor squinted her eyes focusing on one of them. The wind picked up and caused the thing to move with it, giving her an idea of what it was. The smell that followed confirmed it.

Eleanor screeched. She buried her face into Eilif’s chest, “Why are there people up there?” She choked on a sob while gripping Eilif’s jacket harder.

Eilif sighed, wrapping his arms around her and gently urging her to walk. “Do not look, just keep your eyes closed.”

Nodding, Eleanor allowed him to guide her into the castle.

Upon entering the castle, Eleanor noted that there was not a single person around. This and the breeze from the front door added to the cold she was feeling from the strange place.

The entire structure was made from stone with candelabras and chandeliers placed everywhere in order to provide little heat and as much light as possible. The floors were covered in a long, red rug with gold trim that disappeared down the two hallways on either side of the door. In front of them was a gigantic staircase leading up to the next floor. The stairs were also covered in a red rug but were thick so it could cover the width of the stairs.

At the top of the staircase before it turned and split into two separate stairs that go up to the next floor, was a large painting. It was unlike most paintings where it was of the man or woman of the house. Instead, it was a grotesque painting of wolves ripping into naked humans. The teeth of the wolves held bits of flesh as the humans screamed in agony at being eaten alive.

Eleanor turned her head away from the painting, unable to stomach looking at it any longer.

Eilif noticed this and leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Do not show weakness. I can only protect you from so much that she can do, the rest will have to be up to you.” He lightly kissed her forehead before straightening up and looking back at the staircase.


Eleanor gulped and tried her best to appear unbothered, but she knew her pale complexion had worsened and the unpleasant atmosphere caused her to shiver violently.

“What have you dragged in here this time, Eilif?”

Eleanor’s head snapped to attention at the voice. It sounded husky and velvety, making this person holding the voice seem sexy and demanding. It made Eleanor slightly weak in the knees.

Once Eleanor’s eyes landed on the stranger, her breath caught in her throat. She was beautiful. Her midnight black hair was elegantly braided and falling down her back like a waterfall. Her pale, white skin reminded Eleanor of cow’s milk and looked incredibly soft. The dress she was wearing was nothing like the dresses Eleanor was used to. Instead of conservative and trying to cover as much skin as possible, her dress was translucent, leaving little to the imagination. The fabric was a red chiffon that covered her breasts but not her back or sides. The skirt part was split four ways so her legs could be seen with every move. There was a gold rope that tied around her waist to accentuate how small it was. She wore no makeup or jewelry to decorate her skin, just her dress and her aura.

A dark skinned girl peered out from behind the beautiful woman and wrapped her arms around her. The girl looked to be in some sort of trance because she would not stop touching the woman.

“New pet, Carmilla?” Eilif asked, ignoring the woman’s question.

Carmilla looked at the girl with indifference in her eyes. “Yes and no. New to you, but old to me. She is a good girl though, very loyal to her master.” Carmilla patted the girl’s head before shoving her to the ground. “Sit!” she yelled.

The girl fell to Carmilla’s feet, then scrambled to sit nicely by her side.

Eleanor took note that the girl was completely naked with a silver color around her neck.

Trying hard to conceal the shivers that were threatening to be out right convulsions, Eleanor straightened her back more and lifted her chin. If she was to face this woman in order to survive, then so be it.

Carmilla slowly descended the staircase, her dress splitting open to showcase her divine parts. “Well Eilif? To what do we owe the pleasure of you returning to us with your…” She paused as she looked over Eleanor. “Pet?”

Eilif’s hands clenched at the name. “She is not a pet, she is my dear friend that needs my help. However, my help can only go so far. I need the council’s blessing to move my plan forward.”

Eleanor nervously bit her lip, starting to become nervous at the idea that Carmilla and the council could reject it.

‘What will I do if they say no?’

She already knew the answer. She would do nothing and die. Alone.

Carmilla sped up her descent and walked over to Eleanor, her outfit swaying lightly with her hips.

Eleanor wanted to cower away from the Alpha female but fought against her own fight or flight instinct. She waited as Carmilla stood still in front of her, scrutinizing her.

“She is a pureblood human but has been around magic before.” Carmilla started to walk around Eleanor, assessing every small detail she could see. “She is weak, strength wise, but has spirit. That is good depending on how you are going to use her.”

Carmilla stopped in front of Eleanor. “Though I do like a fight when it comes to my playthings.” She leaned in and took a big whiff of Eleanor’s smell, making Eleanor flinch.

Carmilla turned to Eilif with disappointment on her face. “She is not a virgin.” She jutted out her bottom lip, pouting in a childish way.

Eilif growled at her. “Lenore is not for you!”

Carmilla sucked in her lip, unbothered by Eilif’s outburst. “Relax. If she was a virgin, then you’d have to be worried. But since she is not, I have no interest in her.”

Eleanor glanced at the girl that was still sitting nicely at the top of the stairs. She noticed the girl never took her eyes off of Carmilla, showing qualities of an obedient dog.

Clenching her teeth, Eleanor brought her attention back to Carmilla, who was watching her as well.

“Do you like my pet?” Carmilla asked innocently.

Eleanor paled at her question, but answered nonetheless. “Um, as a fellow female human, I am not a fan of enslaving someone against their will and brainwashing them to be the perfect dog.” Gulping, Eleanor could see her opinion made this powerful woman mad. Carmilla’s canine teeth were extending as she growled loudly at the disrespect.

“A-although!” Eleanor intercepted, “I do have to admire the time and patience you put into her. She truly is a loyal pet.”

This seemed to calm Carmilla enough to stop her from ripping Eleanor to shreds. Keeping her canines extended, she tilted her head in thought.

“It was not too hard.” Carmilla replied. “She was already willing to please me when she came to me.”

Carmilla leaned over next to Eleanor’s ear. “She was bred to please me and my kind.” She turned her head slightly to observe her reaction.

Eleanor’s eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly in shock. ‘Their kind…breeds humans?’ She tried to suppress a tremble but failed.

Carmilla saw her quake and smiled sweetly, satisfied with the reaction.

Raising her hand up, Carmilla snapped her long fingers, her sharp red fingernails glinting in the light.

At the snap, the pet ran on her hands and feet down the staircase and sat right next to Carmilla, staring up at her.

At closer inspection, Eleanor could make out bite marks peppered on her skin. Some were old and scared over, but some were fresh and bruised. What looked like the most recent one was on her shoulder, and had dried trails of blood falling down her arm. It seemed that whoever feasted on her last did not bother to stop the blood flow.

Eleanor gulped, hoping she was not the next feedbag.

Carmilla patted the pet’s head as she watched Eleanor take in the condition of her pet, a satisfied smirk touching her lips.

“Carmilla! Enough teasing Eilif’s new conquest!” A heavily accented voice rang out.

Eilif and Eleanor turned their heads towards a very tall woman standing in the hallway. She was flanked by two men; both were the same height as the woman and lean with muscle. The only difference between the two was one had sandy brown hair while the other had silver hair.

Eleanor could not help but gawk at the new female. Her skin was so dark it had a blue hue to it, her hair was shaved, showing off a beautifully shaped head. Her eyes glowed the color of soft caramel, while holding a stern seriousness of a warrior. Her stance spoke warrior too, a straight back and extreme focus, both of which Eleanor had seen in Grayson when he first came back from the war.

She wore simple deerskin pants and top. The only thing that really stood out was her gold chokers. There were at least ten of them, each adding another half an inch in length to her neck.

Eleanor wondered if the gold was as heavy as it looked.

The woman crossed her arms and raised her lip, showing off her long fangs as she waited for Carmilla to say something.

Carmilla did not seem phased by the dark beauty in the slightest. “What?” She asked innocently.

The woman threw up her arms in frustration. “You were supposed to be at the council with me! The Lycans are leaving tonight for their ritual, and we need to discuss next month’s raid!” She growled loudly with the two men echoing.

Carmilla rolled her eyes. “Lamashtu, calm down. You’ll be able to drink the blood of mothers and babies soon.” She tossed her head back and laughed.

Lamashtu’s hands tightened into fists, the veins in her arms popping out showing how stressed and angry she was.

Eilif stepped behind Eleanor, putting his hands on her shoulders. “Lamashtu, it is wonderful to see you again. How has strategizing been?”

The tall woman turned her heated gaze toward Eilif. “Tedious. There have been reports from the Lycans that demons are appearing.”

Eilif paused. “Really? How interesting…”

Carmilla waved a dismissive hand at Lamashtu. “Don’t be ridiculous. Demons have not come around for decades. They are all stuck down below, probably fucking and killing each other.”

Lamashtu ignored the comment and glanced at Eilif and Eleanor. “Eilif, how kind of you to join us after so long. Why are you here?” Her tone slightly angry.

Eilif stepped in front of Eleanor. “I wish to discuss the possibility of turning Lenore.”

Eleanor straightened her back, trying to exude some confidence that was lost during her interaction with Carmilla.

But it failed while the two women stared at her like she was nothing but a flea. Instead of breaking down, Eleanor grabbed Eilif’s arm in support.

He glanced at her, silently telling her to keep being strong.

Eleanor bit her lip in understanding. The women before them were extremely powerful, they had the upper hand in deciding Eleanor’s fate.

Lamashtu rolled her eyes. “I could care less what you do Eilif, but since you are here you can join in tonight’s council until the Lycans leave.” With that, she turned and walked back the way she came with the two men following her. “Carmilla! You are coming too!”

Carmilla huffed but did not protest. “Put your little toy in one of the rooms and join us immediately. You know how Lamashtu can get when she’s planning a raid.” She said as she walked past them, her pet following behind closely.

Once she was out of sight, Eilif turned to Eleanor.

“Shall we?” He put his hand on the small of her back and guided her up the stairs.

“So, how did I do?” Eleanor carefully voiced, indignation seeping through the words.

Eilif chuckled lightly while leading Eleanor up the grand stairs. “Better than most. I have never requested a turn but many others have. Carmilla and Lamashtu usually pounce on the unsuspecting person the moment they step through the doorway.”


They continued down the hallway in silence, Eleanor going over the scene in her head.

“Well,” Eleanor finally spoke, “It sounds like they approve of it then.”

Eilif shook his head sadly. “It’s never that simple. Lamashtu may have approved it, but Carmilla must agree too. That within itself, is going to be a challenge.” He stopped and looked at Eleanor, gently brushing a finger over her pale cheek. “A challenge that I will gladly take on.”

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