Grayson's Veil

Chapter 34

Grayson’s ears perked at the sound of a wolf’s howl. Even drunk off of virgin blood he was diligent.

He was not sure why, but he felt threatened by the sound. His lips curled as he growled at the echo that seemed to blanket the entire area they were in.

It was starting to feel like a warning.

A warning for them and for other wolves.

Grayson decided to run his horse, they needed to put as much distance as they could from the source of the howl.

It had been a few days of strict traveling for the trio. Grayson, Phoebe, and Avice only stopped to sleep and occasionally to rest their horses.

They went into town the first day since it was not far from the church to stock up on food and warm clothes. That was when they noticed the fire coming from the direction they just came.

Phoebe and Avice watched with the people of the town as the sky became hazy and dark from the growing smoke. The three soon noticed that none of the townspeople went to the aid of the burning church. If anything, a look of relief was painted on their faces instead of worry. Avice wanted to stay a little longer to question some of the people about the church and their occupants, but Grayson rejected the idea. He found no use in uncovering more of the priest and nun. What was done was done and should be left for their God to sort out.

Not only that, he was already angry for the detours that had happened. Several days that could have been spent tracking Eleanor, instead were wasted in a sad attempt at making his companions more comfortable. Those days would never be recovered.

So, they made haste in leaving the town with enough supplies to last them another week.

Grayson’s eyes began to regain a little color, but was still incredibly pale. They were sensitive to the light so he had to keep his hood up until nightfall, avoiding all the people in the town when they had stopped.

After he had drank Sister Jane’s virginal blood, Avice kept a close eye on him. The first taste was so addictive that many demons would kill any pure thing they came across, whether it was demon, human, or something else entirely. But while he was keeping his symptoms at bay, the aftershock of being tortured by Uphir still clung to him. He could barely sleep for every time he closed his eyes he felt the straps around his body, Uphir’s hand on his face trying to steady him, the needle piercing into his eye to take away one of his features that Eleanor loved so much.

The torture still continued even after he had escaped the demon physician.

With his hood up, Grayson leaned against the tree while the fire warmed his companions.

They were cold and exhausted.

Phoebe shuddered under her purple cloak, wrapping it tighter around her as she stared absentmindedly at the flames.

Avice sat on the other side of Phoebe, her back to the fire as she looked around the forest, half expecting some kind of ambush to happen.

“How do you feel?” Avice asked, tilting her head like her bird counterpart.

Grayson kept his head covered, staring at the sword in his hands.

Tapping her fingers against the forest floor, she tried again. “Are you feeling any after effects from drinking the nun’s blood?”

Again, Grayson kept his head down and said nothing. He traced the hilt of his old sword, knowing the way it felt by heart but still wanting to feel it again like he had the very first time he held it.

Sighing, Avice tilted her head back. “Do you feel any ounce of regret?” she whispered.

The only thing that gave away that Grayson was listening was the slight tremble of his finger that was caressing the sword.

But the more he thought about how he attacked Sister Jane, the way he quickly slit her throat to get to her blood faster, the less he felt remorse over the scene.

“No… I feel nothing,” he breathed. The crushing feeling that was on his chest lifted when he revealed his true emotions on the matter.

He did not care.

He did not care that he killed a nun to taste the heaven that was her virgin blood.

In the back of his mind, Grayson could hear his demon laugh. The action vibrated through his body and made a small smile touch his lips.

“Don’t,” Avice’s strained voice broke through his connection with his demon.

He lifted his head slightly, unsure of what she was getting at.

“Don’t lose yourself. Not to your demon.”

Grayson narrowed his eyes at his familiar, wondering where she got off on questioning him. Before he could ask just that, Phoebe spoke while still staring at the fire.

“Eleanor would not like this side of you. You are treading on thin ice, Grayson. Are you going to stay above or are you going to break through and drown?” Her lips moved but her eyes were vacant and cold.

“Enough. It’s late,” Grayson pulled his hood further down to completely cover his face. “We will wake early tomorrow. We just need to cross the grass fields then we will be at the mountain. The castle there could help us find Eleanor.”

Grayson heard Avice and Phoebe murmur an agreement before they moved around the fire to get settled. Soon, the only sounds were of creatures and insects of the night.


Almost every damned dream.

Grayson sighed as he walked slowly towards the gruesome tree that always haunted his dreams.

Everything is the same.

Rotting corpses. The small boy. The smell and the non-existent wind. All the same.

Grayson’s demon was nowhere to be seen, but he knew he was near. He could feel his presence even if he was not within his sight.

Stopping in front of the tree, Grayson reached out and put his hand on it. The bark scratched his hand as he felt an odd pulse underneath. It was deep, most likely at the core of the tree.

Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, Grayson put his other hand on the tree. The pulsing increased its frequency, blurring his surroundings.

Just as fast as the pulsing came, it stopped.

Hesitating, Grayson took his hands off the tree.

“It is so magnificent, is it not?”

Grayson stiffened at the voice. It was elegant, like silk caressing a woman’s soft naked skin.

Tilting his head slightly, he looked behind him.

There stood a beautiful woman, wearing nothing.

She took a step forward. Then another.

Grayson turned to face her. He noted how graceful her movements were.

‘Like a snake,’ he thought.

Her red hair swayed as she moved. Freckles decorated her milky white skin. Her eyes glittered like two emeralds shining in the moonlight.

She was more than beautiful, she was breathtaking.

Grayson could not think straight. This mysterious woman was filling his mind with sexual acts.

Him touching her thigh, tasting her perky breasts with his tongue, grasping her ass. He wanted nothing more than to lift her up and spear her with his dick.

“So handsome…” she purred.

Grayson did not notice she was in front of him until she spoke.

He snapped his attention back to her.

‘Where did she come from?’ he thought as she gently took his hand.

“Do you want me?” She asked as she put his hand on her breast.

The warmth that enveloped his hand was almost enough for him to act on his thoughts.

“Do you want to fuck me?” She asked again, putting her other hand on his growing bulge.

The woman licked her lips as she leaned forward. Grayson heard her inhale, causing his eyes to droop at the sudden exhaustion that consumed him.

“Mmmm… Oh so intoxicating,” she murmured hungrily.

She leaned closer to his lips, just barely touching them.

“Eleanor…” He whispered.

Grayson’s eyes snapped open and, without thinking, took the woman’s head in his hand and slammed her into the tree that he was sleeping against.

“Oh!” She yelled as her face collided with the rough bark. “Ouch!”

Grayson stood up and pointed his sword at the woman.

She was exactly the same from his dream. Nothing was different.

The woman grasped her nose while turning to face him. She wore a smile on her face, which turned to her laughing pleasantly.

“Oh, how wonderful! How marvelous!” She yelled, clapping her hands. Her face showed light scratches from the bark, but quickly healed as she continued with her loud noise.

Which woke up Avice and Phoebe.

“What’s going on?” Phoebe asked as she rubbed her eyes and yawned loudly.

“I have never had someone wake up from their sex dream before!” The woman said as she came down from her laughing fit. “And to be here, on this side…” she whispered so lightly that the others did not hear.

She inhaled a deep breath before setting her eyes on Grayson.

“You, my dear, have the best tasting energy I have ever had.” Her hands started trailing up her body. One hand grasped her breast, making her moan softly. Her finger started to circle her nipple while the other hand dipped between her legs, showing a glistening fluid clinging to her inner thighs.

Avice transformed into her raven form then flew to Grayson’s shoulder.

’Do you know her?’ Avice asked, feeling the sexually charged air coming from the woman. It made her feathers stand on end.

No,’ Grayson thought, ’But she was in my dream, trying to seduce me.

“What a pretty raven!” the woman spoke, letting out a gasp as she thrusted a finger inside herself. Her body quivered but she stood up slowly with the tip of the sword following her. “It’s such a nice form for a low-level demon.”

Avice croaked loudly, being offended by the comment.

“Leave my raven be,” Grayson grumbled. “Your fight is with me.”

“Fight?” The woman shook her head with a knowing smirk on her face, her hands dropping to her sides. “No, no, no. I do not want to fight. I want to devour you.”

Grayson’s eyes narrowed in confusion.

Taking the moment of distraction, the woman pushed the sword away and lunged at Grayson.

Avice flew away from the tackle when they collided. Grayson fell onto his back with an audible oomph while the woman straddled his body. From that position, he was suddenly very aware of how naked she was.

“Your energy is brimming with such a unique taste! Pride mixed with- “she sniffed his body, leaning close enough to rub her tits against his chest, “sorrow.” Sticking out her tongue, the woman licked the side of Grayson’s face. Her eyes turned black, and her body shivered with pleasure.

Completely shocked from these actions, Grayson remained frozen on the ground. The only thing that snapped him out of his daze, was a boot that slammed into the woman’s face.

The hit caused the woman to fall off Grayson.

“Stay away from him!” Phoebe shouted, kneeling next to him, and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Her hair covered most of her angry and terrified face, making her look like an innocent child throwing a fit.

The woman hissed at Phoebe but kept her distance.

Grayson pushed Phoebe behind him as he stood up, taking his sword stance in case she attacked again.

“Who and what are you?” Grayson demanded.

The woman’s head tilted in amusement. A seductive smile took over face as she straightened her body, not caring that dirt and snow was covering her skin.

“My name is Noel; I am a succubus… and incubus.” Her smile widened at their confusion, “Whatever you fancy… I become.”

And right before their eyes, Noel changed into a naked man.

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