Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 1607 Out Of Luck

Ryu felt his mood suddenly take a turn for the better. He didn't even remember why he was so mad before. Unfortunately, as soon as that feeling took hold he felt a wave of worry again.

He could sense his father's strength. He was only an Omniscient Sky God. Those three Faeries above were already Dao Sovereigns. The bastard yelling just now was yet another Dao Sovereign. It didn't even seem right for an Omniscient Sky God to even breathe this air, let alone expose himself here.

His father was also not in the best of shape. It looked like he had been through hell and back. Either that, or he had been in a constant state of fight or flight for the last few centuries.

Unfortunately, Ryu had no idea how true that was. Titus had been on the run for a long while now, and Primus certainly didn't do much to help it when he came around to 'sever' karma. And yet, Titus has still come here.

Ryu was a bit worried, but honestly he didn't feel that the situation was existential although all logic pointed to the fact that he should be.

Few people knew Titus Tatsuya as well as Ryu did. Ryu didn't believe that there was a situation where he could survive that his father couldn't.

His father wasn't cut from the same cloth as him. Titus was a man that was often difficult to read. He was fiercely passionate, and yet it was cloaked beneath a veneer of calm and stoicism. He had a fiery temper, and yet he usually feigned level-headedness. What he probably lacked in wits was more than made up for in tenacity.

Ryu wasn't trying to say that his father was stupid, far from it. It was more so that he had yet to meet someone who could keep up with him intellectually and his father wasn't on that level.

Even so, it didn't mean that the likes of these people could better his father either. Because if Ryu was smarter than his father, then compared to these people, he was an elephant to an ant. In which case, compared to Titus...

Ryu's gaze flashed over the battlefield before it landed on a woman wearing the same cloak of flames. She wasn't the one who had just roared out, but her expression was more furious than anyone else's. She looked as though she could really eat Titus alive.

'Goddammit, father...'

Ryu touched his chin, wondering if he was just coping before. Was his old man really more handsome than him? What was going on with all of these love debts?

What Ryu seemed to fail to realize was that unlike he who didn't care to expand his harem on a whim, his father didn't do the same.

'Definitely telling mother about this,' Ryu shook his head, a bright smile spreading over his face as fierce black flames erupted from his father's body.

"Do you think the likes of you can dictate my steps?" Titus said calmly, his eyes a smoldering cauldron of black flames. His crimson irises seemed to have been completely enveloped.

The man in the skies was so infuriated he laughed.

"Do you think you can get away with snatching the innocence of my daughter and strut about as you please?!"

Ryu choked on his breath, coughing heavily. If not for his diligence in masking himself, there was no way he'd be able to stay hidden.

'What a scandal!' He thought through chokes and wheezes.

Titus' reaction to those words were just as calm as ever.

"If you think I'd touch such an insignificant woman, it seems your opinion of me is lower than I thought."lights

Ryu nodded with approval. "A solid 9.3 out of 10 on the scold meter. I couldn't do much better."

His father had definitely learned a thing or two about putting barbs in his words from his son. He had certainly seen Ryu dress down his fair share of World Sea Realm experts in his life.

"TITUS! You bastard!"

The woman was completely furious. The world shook and quaked around her, a sea of golden hair swimming out behind her like a stream of molten metal.

"I said it in the past, and I'll say it again. I have a wife. Leave me be."

Something seemed to break in the woman. She was so completely infuriated that her equally as golden eyes consumed her sclera, making it look like two polished balls of metal had become her eyes instead.

She pulled at the air and a stream of molten qi took shape, forming a whip that stretched thousands of miles as she struck down.

Ryu's eyes widened. The scale of the attack was unbelievable, and the power was even more devastating.

Some of that previous worry returned. It just felt impossible. His father couldn't cross two Realms to do battle, could he?

Titus was split in two.

Blood and gore erupted in all directions, and Ryu, who had just been laughing and smiling a moment ago froze. His fingers suddenly dug into his biceps so hard that he drew blood.

He hadn't just watched his father die, right?

No, that was impossible. His father would get himself into a situation where the only path was death, there was simply no way. He wouldn't make a mistake like that...

Even the woman in the skies seemed stunned as her bottom lip actually trembled. Maybe she thought that something would be different as well.

But how far could they push the man? He was bound to run out of options eventually, right? Even this time, they had finally managed to corner him again by pure coincidence due to this eruption taking place near his hiding spot.

Had he just finally run out of luck?

"If you're finished with your little, insignificant spat," a female Faerie spoke lightly. "We can continue with official business. Though, I would like to talk to someone with more authority. Someone who can have their emotions so easily swayed by a mere Omniscient Sky God has no right to speak to me."

"What did you just say to me?!"contemporary romance


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