Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Two: New Member

"What do you mean she's been shot?" I growl.

"Her pack has been under attack for a while now, and I just got a letter from her pack saying she was shot in the arm," Lily says.

"Is she okay?" I ask worriedly.

"They think she'll be okay, but things are hopefully going to get better now that her and Blackthorn are back," my mother sighs.

"Is there anything else?" I ask pinching the bridge of my nose.

"We needed to make sure you did the initiation ceremony last night," my mother shrugs.


"You obviously did it because I could feel your Alpha power from the edge of your territory," Lily snorted, making me smirk.

"I hope that's a good sign," I say.

"An Alpha becomes stronger the more wolves in their pack, you don't have very many, yet you are extremely strong already. If your pack grows, and considering it is all Lycans, there is no telling how powerful you will become," my mother determines.

My eyes widen and I shake my head in disbelief.

"Amazing, well now that I think of it, I need to talk to someone about joining the pack," I tell them making my way over to Luke, who is separating Lycans into groups for the reconstruction.

"And who would that person be?" Lily asks with a raised eyebrow. I look directly at my mother before answering.

"My brother."


"You can't go onto another pack's territory without permission!" Lily exclaims as I walk towards the border of the Silver Bloods pack.

"Watch me," I growl. My brother's scent led straight into the territory, and I concluded that they must have captured him for trespassing.

"Damn it Raven! Would you listen to me? You can't step over that line!" My mother growls angrily.

The Dark Forest Pack and the Silver Bloods Pack shared a border, but it didn't mark the boundaries between packs until just last night. Before my pack was fully formed, it was simply the line between a pack territory and no man's land.

I looked at my mother, before stepping over the line marking the boundary between packs.

"I just did," I sneer. My mother glares at me, before stepping over it as well. Lily shakes her head before joining us.

"Now, Blake has probably already felt your presence on his territory, so we have only minutes before we get taken to him," my mother decides.

I nod and we walk through the trees. Everything is familiar and foreign to me, all at once. I lead Lily and my mother towards the center of the territory.

Footsteps far off catch my attention and I stop. I can tell that my mother and aunt hear it too, because they turn their heads toward the sound.

We watch as a group of pack warriors comes running towards us. Out of the 10 warriors, 4 were in wolf form.

The wolves and warriors surround us, growling and snarling angrily.

"Who are you? And why are you trespassing?" One growled at me.

"Take us to your Alpha," I demand. He snorts and steps closer to me.

"Not until you tell me who you are," he spits. I close the gap between us and ignore the warnings growls around me. Putting my face close to his, I bare my sharpening canines and let my eyes turn red.

"Take me to your Alpha," I snarl in my Alpha voice. His eyes glaze over for a moment, before turning away from me.

"Follow me," he grunts before leading my mother, Lily, and I to the center of the territory. The pack was out, and gave us strange looks as we passed.

I growled at the ones who stared at the scars on my face, and glared at everyone we passed. Suddenly the man in front of me stopped, and I looked over his shoulder to see an angry Blake.

Beside him stood Jackson and Jinx, surprise written across their faces.

The man that was leading us steps back and I face Blake.

"What are you doing on my territory?" He demands.

"I came to get someone," I say, lifting my head higher.

"And who might that be?" He sneers.

"Derek, the wolf you captured," I announce.

"Let's go see if I have a wolf by the name of Derek in my cells," he chuckles. I glare at him hard, and he leads us to the dungeons.

The smell of rogues and blood fills my nose, and I wrinkle it in disgust. We wall inside and I see there are several wolves, all rogues, except one.

"Derek," I say walking over to my brother.

"So this is the one you were looking for, he has given me a lot of trouble," Blake growls.

Derek looks at me through the silver bars, confusion written across his face.

"What are you doing here Raven?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Raven?" Blake asks, confused.

"Yeah, I'm Raven, the person who was your mate?" I growl at Blake. His eyes widen in realization.

"You are completely different. You are an Alpha now, and your face is scarred," he points out.

"No shit sherlock," I snort.

"How are you an Alpha?" He snarls.

"I am the Alpha of the Dark Forest Pack," I sneer.

"If you are an Alpha, then why would you want a rogue?"

"He is not a rogue, he is a part of my pack," I growl.

"He smells like a rogue."

"Let him go," I command. Blake shakes his head and smirks.

"You can't order me around," he snorts. I raise my eyebrow in a challenge.

"I don't have to," I say before taking Derek's cell bars in my hands, and ripping them apart.

Derek smirks and steps out of the cell. Blake immediately snarls and steps forward to grab him. I bring my fist to his head, and Blake falls to the ground, unconscious.

"Mother?" I hear Derek ask. I look up to see him staring at my mother in disbelief. She gives him a shaky smile and nods her head.

"Enough of the family reunion, come on we have to get out of here," I say quickly and lead them out of the dungeons.

As we went outside, the warriors were on us, demanding where Blake was and why he let me take Derek.

"I order you to return to your usual business, and allow us to leave," I command in a strong Alpha tone.

They stand still for a moment, before turning away from us and going back to their jobs. I sigh in relief and we walk back to the border.

"That was so awesome!" I hear Derek exclaim. I roll my eyes, but feel the corners of my lips tug upwards.

"Come on, we need to get to the other side of the territory before Blake wakes up," I hiss. Derek speeds up and so does my mother and Lily.

I hear an angry howl just as we step over the line to my pack. Derrk looks around in confusion as we enter the clearing full of Lycans.

They all look at Derek in curiosity. He looks around with wide eyes.

"Where are we?" He asks with scrunched eyebrows. I gesture to everything around me and grin.

"Welcome to the Dark Forest Pack!"

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