Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Four: Break It Up!!

"Shit," I hissed under my breath. My pack member collapsed in a pool of blood, and I rushed over to him. He had multiple scratches, but none were too deep.

I saw Shade shift into her wolf in the corner of my eye, but I ignored her and focused on my wounded pack member.

I threw the man over my shoulder and took him outside. Everyone was running around in panic. I stopped a few men, and handed one of them the man's body.

"Take him to the pack doctor, now!" I ordered and he took off. Turning to the others, I gave them a questioning look.

"What the hell is going on?"

"The Alphas of the Shadow Moon, and Green Mountain pack are fighting. No one has been able to separate them, they keep injuring the wolves who interfere," one said very quickly.

"Human or wolf form?" I asked starting to walk in the direction they pointed.

"They were in human form, but they have probably shifted by now," I barely heard his last words as I took off at a full sprint in the direction of the fighting. I was bombarded with the sounds of cheering, screaming, and groans of pain.

I burst into the clearing, full of wolves standing in a circle. Pushing past everyone, I broke into the circle.

My eyes widened in surprise, the two Alphas were in wolf form ripping each other to pieces. Their own pack members were cheering them on, while my pack was trying to break it up.

The pack members who ran between them, were quickly knocked out and thrown to the side. I stormed up to the two Alphas, and I felt my eyes turning gold.

They didn't notice me, and I pushed them away from each other. I was about to yell at them, but one wolf rammed into me. I was unprepared, and flew back.

My back hit a tree, and I gasped in shock. My body slumped to the ground, and I started shaking with anger. Akira was snarling viciously in my head, and I let her take over.

I heard the gasps of my own pack members, and they started yelling at each other.

"Oh shit!"

"Get the hell out of the way!"

"Move before she fucking kills you!"

I heard them yelling warnings at the other packs, who didn't believe them, and continued cheering on the Alphas. I slowly got back to my feet, and I started shifting.

I felt my eyes changing from gold, to a bloody red. Black fur started covering my body, and my bones broke and rearranged themselves.

My body screamed in pain as I shifted into a brand new wolf. Akira has never taken over before, so I assume this will be my true wolf form.

My teeth were clenched tightly against the pain, but when I was done shifting, I felt a new power running through my muscles. I felt even stronger, faster, and more powerful than before.

I let out a lion-like roar, and charged at the Alphas. I put my muzzle to the ground, and my head came in contact with a large chest. I heard a yelp of pain as I slammed into one wolf, sending him through the air.

A snarl made me turn to see an amber colored wolf rush at me. I jumped up onto my back paws, and he did the same. He tried to knock me backwards, but I was stronger.

I snapped my jaws at his neck, and put strength into my front paws. The wolf fell onto his back, with me above him. I snarled at him and bit into the soft tissue at his throat.

Blood filled my mouth, and my wolf purred at the salty taste. I tossed the wolf's body aside, and flipped around when I felt teeth snap around my tail. I growled angrily, and lunged at my assailant.

My teeth caught his side, and he howled in pain. His paw batted my hindquarters sharply. My lips lifted in a writhing snarl, and I clamped my jaws onto his paw.

Biting down hard, I heard the bones crunch. To keep him from attacking once more, I slammed a paw into his chest, and he fell onto his side.

I stepped back, and surveyed the mess I made. Two Alphas lay panting, severely injured, and the ground was covered in blood. I probably was soaked in the red liquid too.

Looking behind me, I saw multiple wolves sporting injuries as well, it was quiet now. Suddenly, I saw a black wolf standing beside Jackson. I recognized the gold and silver eyes to be Shade's.

Thank you, I told her through the mind link. If she hadn't fought those wolves, they would have attacked me for harming their Alphas. She gave me a small nod, and sat down.

I turned back to the Alphas, their wounds were already healing. They both stood up and started growling at each other.

I shifted into my human form, putting on a shirt one of my pack members handed me.

"Stop!" I yelled at the Alphas, about to attack again. They looked at me in surprise, no one would dare to order an Alpha, no matter your rank.

"Submit!" I ordered in my Alpha voice. I sounded different, and I could tell that my command was extremely difficult for them to resist.

Unfortunately, they were in wolf form meaning they had less control, and they walked up to me. They kneeled down, and bared their necks to me.

I turned around to see all of the other wolves baring their necks to me as well.

"Shift," I commanded the two Alphas. They immediately shifted back and my pack threw them some shorts. They were looking extremely ashamed that they had submitted to me.

I smiled evilly, wanting them to be punished for the ruckus they caused.

"For the destruction and injuries you caused to my pack, you to are going to pay dearly," I said with a smirk.

"How?" I saw one visibly swallow.

"First, you will apologize to my pack, and each other." I heard gasps from everywhere. My pack let out low whistles and I heard some chuckles.

Having to apologize is one of the most embarrassing things an Alpha can do, it really hurts their ego, and makes their pack look at them with shame. I have never heard of one apologizing, but now is the perfect time.

"Then, you will have to perform an extreme workout of my choice, it should help you to wear out your wolves," I said feeling excited.

They opened their mouths to protest, and I got upset.

"Don't you dare disrespect me! You will apologize in front of my entire pack, or I will personally make sure you will never be able to speak again," I growled at them.

"Yes Alpha," they said lowering their heads. My eyes widened, and surprised gasps filled the air.

What the hell is happening to us? We shouldn't be able to command two Alphas, much less be able to have them submit, I asked Akira, my voice strained.

Ever since we were captured and taken to the Lunar Howler's old territory, we have been becoming much more powerful. I have no explanation though.

I shook my head and started walking to the pack training center. Most of them would be there to prepare for tonight's events. The two Alphas followed me, their heads down in shame.

There was a small stage for announcements, and I got on it. The two Alphas stood in either side of me.

"Silver Bloods Pack, please gather!" I shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. I noticed most of the pack was already here.

"This morning there was a fight as many of you know. The Alphas of the Green Mountain and Shadow Moon pack are responsible for the injuries our warriors sported in an attempt to break it up. They have something to say," I said with a smile and stepped back.

The two Alphas started arguing over who would go first.

"Shut up! You two are like kids fighting over a toy," I hissed angrily. They shot each other dirty looks, before one finally stepped forward.

"I apologize for the destruction we caused to your pack, it was not a responsible thing to do as an Alpha," he said before stepping back. I watched as my pack tries to contain their laughter at the sight of two Alphas being scolded.

The other stepped forward and apologized as well. I bit my lip and tried not to laugh.

"The first events will be in two hours. Make sure you're ready for the knife throwing competition, sword fighting, and the fight in human form," I announced and led the two alphas off the stage. My pack cheered in excitement, and went back to training.

"You will both have to run the entire boundary of my territory 30 times. I will have my pack members go with you to make sure you don't fight again. If you do, I will not hesitate to snap both of your necks." I threatened with my Alpha tone. They nodded with fear in their eyes.

"Who will not be fighting later and wants to run?" I yelled at my pack. Immediately, 30 of my pack members ran up to me.

"I need you all to accompany them on a run around our border 30 times. I want to tire out their wolves. Your job is to make sure they don't fight again, and that they actually run," I told them. They nodded and everyone shifted into their wolves.

They ran off and started their run. They were going to be so tired, the territory was huge. Stretching over more than 500 square miles, we had the largest territory in North America.

I headed over to where my pack was practicing knife throwing. Most of them were really good.

"How long have you been throwing?" I asked a woman who got it in the center almost every time.

"Five years or so, I want to get even better though," she told me. I nodded with a smile.

"Mind if I try?" I asked. She quickly shook her head.

"Not at all Alpha," she said handing me a dagger. I tested the weight a bit, before standing in front of the target. It was twenty feet away, a small circle with rings.

I flicked my wrist, and the knife was buried to the hilt in the center of the target. Smiling, I turned to the woman.

"Wow! I've never seen anyone throw like that. How long have you been able to do that Alpha?" She asked, her eyes bright with enthusiasm.

"I learned to throw when I was five years old. I've been doing it for a very long time," I said shrugging.

"That's crazy, oh, and I wanted to give you a high five for what you did back there. I have never seen an Alpha apologize, it was hilarious," she said laughing. I joined in and felt happy suddenly.

I wished her good luck and left to see where Shade was. I wanted to thank her for helping me deal with the two alphas and their packs.

When I finally found her, she was in her room cleaning up the rest of the mess.

"Don't worry about this, my pack will take care of it." I told her with a smile.

"Are you sure? Its our mess it is no problem to clean up," she said uncertainly.

"Yeah its no problem. Come on, I'll fix you up something to eat at my house. If I remember correctly you were hungry and I never showed you how to use the cooking appliances." I smiled at her. She returned my smile, and nodded.

"Okay, is it okay if I bring Blackthorn and my Betas?" She asked.

"As long as they don't destroy my place, sure," I chuckled. I assume she mind linked them because they were waiting outside. I led them through the woods, to my house.

"What happened here?" I heard her beta ask. I looked to where he was pointing, and saw the hole in the tree from where my fist hit it.

"I punched it yesterday," I replied casually. I turned away and hid my smile. The look on their faces was priceless, and I led them into my house.

I told them I would be right back, and I walked into the kitchen. My chefs were always there, and only left to go to sleep in the pack house. I asked them to make something special since we had guests.

They were all really excited to be able to show off their talents and got to work immediately.

I told Shade's mate and betas they could get comfortable in the living room, and tossed them the TV remote.

"Shade, do you think I could talk to you for a moment?" I asked her. She nodded and told her mate that she would be right back. She followed me upstairs and to my bedroom.

"I wanted to thank you for taking care of the wolves this morning." I said to her.

"It was no problem really, my wolf kind of took over anyway, so I didn't have much of a choice," she shrugged.

"Do you know how our mothers met?" I asked suddenly. Shade's eyebrows furrowed in thought, and she started pacing.

"I'm not really sure, but I do know they were really good friends." I nodded, and sighed. I opened the door to my balcony, and leaned on the railing. It overlooked the pool, and I had a wonderful view of my territory

"How are you doing with Blake being gone?" She asked standing beside me. I looked at her and saw her staring out at the view.

"I'm not sure, but if we do find him I don't know what we'll do," I sighed. She looked at me confusedly.

"What do you mean?"

"My pack didn't accept me as the temporary Alpha. They are accepting me as the Alpha," I confessed. Her eyes widened in realization.

"So when Blake comes back-" I nodded cutting her off.

"I will replace him as the Alpha."

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