Gaming Sword Magician

Chapter 91: Reaching Heaven-reaching mountain (b)

Night Will System's voice was monotone while this voice was manly yet melodic. 'I have never heard such a voice before. This isn't my system but someone else.' Whittaker thought while halting just one inch away from the Mana Wall boundary, evading a disastrous encounter. He internally asked, "Who are you?"

"Someone who saved you once…" The same voice rang beside his ears. Slightly, the tone of this melodic yet manly voice was seductive and carried hints of laziness within.

'Someone who saved me once?' Whittaker recalled dozens of instances of being saved. Mother Lin used to save him from the insidious crab-like hands of Elisha, who kept on pinching his cheeks when he was too young to retaliate. Brother Hera used to save him from the marketplace aunties and dangerous slave traders and the list goes on...

"Not those occurrences! After you awakened, I saved you once." The voice said as if feeling embarrassed at being compared to such mortal affairs.

Whittaker's eyes blinked as he instantly recalled the two times when he was saved from danger. The first time he was saved by the kind-face old man, Headmaster Yeon, and the second time he was saved by the mysterious, Mister Dark spirit!

'Headmaster Yeon is old and his voice archaic, so this person–no, this being must be Dark spirit!' He concluded in a second.

"You are dark spirit, right?" He asked internally to confirm his suspicion.

"Your conclusion is spot on. I am him. Also, call me Lord Dark Spirit!" It said to the young boy, hints of pride evident in its words.contemporary romance

"Thanks for saving me. I am guessing that you are living in the pendant just like Miss Katherine. Though, do you know about my parent? If so, Can you tell me about them?"

"Do not try to gather information about your father or mother otherwise, you will regret it in the end." the dark spirit mysteriously replied.

Although it refused to admit it, the Dark Spirit was really living in the pendent of the night just like Katherine.

"Dark spirit, Why do say so!?" He felt mildly annoyed and frustrated because of his words. 

"Your father has become the polar opposite of what you are and your mother, she..." Lord Dark Spirit didn't have the heart to continue what he was gonna say. He wasn't good with dealing with kids, and he knew that Whittaker will start weeping if he told him about what happened to Grace Deva. It continued by saying, "It's better if we don't talk about this subject anymore."

"I still want to know about them!" Whittaker was adamant about his decision. It wasn't because of the curiosity that he held for his unknown parents, he was demanding his rights. A right that every child has. A right to know about who gave birth to him. A right to know whose blood is running through his veins. 'Why should information about my father and mother be hidden from me? Lord Dark spirit, why won't you tell me who they are!?" Whittaker was still respectful as he had saved him from pain, once. Also, it was Lord Dark Spirit who stabilized his shaky mana pool.

"You are too weak. Grow stronger and I wouldn't mind telling you. For now, don't step out of this Mana Wall Formation otherwise, you will die!" The dark spirit said to effectively end this conversation.

Whittaker knew that Lord Dark Spirit wasn't gonna answer any more of his question as he was as stingy as Night Will's system. He gave up on trying to extract information from him, but if he gets the chance to extract information about his parents from the Dark Spirit then Whittaker will abuse it to the best of his ability. Also, he wanted to grow stronger faster than ever.

Right after the talk with Lord Dark Spirit, Whittaker's attention turned towards the treasures in the beautiful nature covered by a cloudy mist that slowly moves about with the gentle breezes. Though, he was able to see through the blinding mist because of Devansha's eyes.

A hundred or so spirit flowers dazzling in a multicolor glow enchanted the wonderful scenery outside the mana wall formation, the young snowy-haired boy squinted his eyes and observed the treasure-filled terrain with scrutiny, finding no danger whatsoever he felt confused. The Venomous Dragon-Scaled Horned Python has gone away, and there was not a single enemy in sight, he could easily get the spirit flowers, yet he didn't as Whittaker has recently learned an important lesson. He knows that the world isn't as it seems. There could be extreme life-threatening danger hidden in the beauty of nature. Also, Lord Dark spirit has warned him.

That's why he internally asked Lord Dark Spirit

"What kind of danger is outside? I can't see any."

"The Venomous Dragon-Scaled Honed Python is hiding right beneath the spirit flower ground. If you take even one step outside the Mana Wall Formation then It will pounce at you right away by using its innate ability, Dragon Rush!" Lord Dark Spirit alerted the young and cautious snowy-haired boy.

'What an insidious snake! Thankfully, Lord Dark Spirit has alerted me otherwise, I would have become dead meat!' Whittaker has seen the speed at which the horned python moves when it uses Dragon Rush. It covers ten+ meters in an instant, just like teleporting.

Whittaker regretfully glanced at the twinkling spirit flowers for one last time, right away, he turned away and continued on the trail by closing his eyes. 'Now, I can no longer be distracted!' He has already realized that these treasures were a distraction created by the insidious magical beast or the creator of this inheritance trial. The purpose of these distractions was to bait the trial challenger into the danger-zone where they can be "Killed".

'I am no longer gonna fall for these petty tricks, hmm!" Whittaker huffed and puffed in anger as he sprinted ahead by using telekinesis, Azure Sky boots, and Azure Sky earrings. The cooldown of the Boost ability has ended as a day has passed by a long time ago. He activated the third ability of the Azure-Sky earring, increasing his speed by twice as much.

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