Gaming Sword Magician

Chapter 5: To the Academy!

Whittaker walked out with a pleasant smile, seeing which, Hera confirmed that his little brother has awakened a Class Weapon.

They exited the Hall of awakening, making their way back to the carriage.

"Your class weapon, which one is it?" Hera asked in anticipation.

"A-ranked class weapon, Frost spellbook!" Whittaker announced his results in glee, certainly enjoying the shocked expression on his elder brother's face.

Shocked, Hera said, "R-really?"

Whittaker materialized the Frost spellbook.

Hera got so shocked that he stumbled and nearly fell when Whittaker saved him from this embarrassment.

After settling himself he said, "Since you have awakened a magic type class weapon, what magical Academy do you want to join? I say, there are many Academies in Frost Fall city, it's also near our town Elihu. So how about you join an Academy in this city. This way you can visit back home every holiday. Though the decision is totally up to you to make."

Everyone in the awakened continent is independent the moment they undergo the Awakening ceremony. They are allowed to make decisions about their future with no interference. Simply, their lives their decisions. So, Whittaker had the right to make his own decision.

"There's no need to worry about that. I have already made up my mind to join the royal Frost Fall Academy." Whittaker said, with not a single care in this world.

Hera blushed in embarrassment. "Cough, younger brother, I don't have money to afford the yearly fee of the Royal Frost Fall Academy. How about the Waesrarts Academy. I heard that it has a cozy environment and great teachers."

"Brother, there's no need to worry about financial problems. I got a recommendation letter from the Old man who held the birth of the Dragon and Phoenix ceremony this year. He said that everything will be free for me in the Royal Frost Fall Academy." Whittaker hid the fact that this remained true for only three years. After that, he will have to pay his fees.

He didn't want to trouble his elder brother with his problems. That's why he didn't tell him that.

Whittaker pulled out his recommendation letter that was hidden beneath the third layer of his shirt and showed it to his elder brother.

"Free... Like really free?" Hera said as he saw the recommendation letter which is decorated with real golden flowers.

He didn't doubt the validity of this letter because of its luxury design. From the looks of it, this letter could be sold for 100 Gold pieces.

"Yes brother, it's free. There will be no Admission fee or yearly tuition fee. The old man said that the classes will begin tomorrow and I need to get admitted today." Whittaker replied. He carefully tucked the letter back to the treasure vaults. This recommendation letter meant a lot, he didn't want to lose it over a foolish incident, hence Whittaker was being over cautious.

Then they ride the carriage, heading towards their fateful destination, the Royal Frost Fall Academy. Hera Lin didn't need the guidance of a map. He had visited this city more times than he can count. He also underwent an awakening ceremony here, so did his little sister and little brother. In merely twenty-five years, he had traveled a lot. When he was a kid, he used to travel with his father, who is now unfortunately dead. As he grew up, traveling became a source of income. That's why he knew every knock and corner of this city and many others.

The carriage was traveling to the City's northern part. The Frost Fall Academy was located at the base of a snowy mountain there. The snowy mountain had many glacial ice caves, the types which mesmerize a person's soul, awakening deep feelings of amazement and wonder.

The journey ahead was met with silence. For some reason, Whittaker was oddly quiet.

He was busy inspecting the Night's will system in his mind. There were four menu bars.

Whittaker selected the first one, the Character bar. A screen pooped up. It showed a 3D avatar of himself and listed out his Class and stats.

[Character: Whittaker Lin (Human/¿?)]

[Main class: Frost mage. Level 0 (0/20 XP)]

[Secondary class: Rainbow swordsman. Level 0 (0/200 XP)]

[HP: 60/60 (Recover 3 Hp per second)]

[Mp: 210/110 (Recover 5.5 Mp per second)]

[Physical attack damage:10 ]

[Physical Defense: 9]

[Magical Defense:22]

[Magical Attack Damage: 11]

[Attributes: Strength 5, Endurance 9,

Intelligence 11, Agility 2, Vitality 6]

He opened the second menu, the skills bar. A screen pooped up. It showed his abilities, spell, skills, and special traits.


[Mana devouring hairs. (Passive ability)


[Frost bolt (F-ranked)]


[Chop (F-ranked)]

[Special Traits:

Gamer-like body (Passive), Photographic memory (Passive), Exceptional vision (Passive)]

He gazed at his new F-ranked spell. A notification screen containing detailed info of the spell was shown to him.

[Frost Bolt (F-ranked)

Cost: 15 mana.

Effect: Hurls a Frosty Bolt towards your desired destination. Deal magical damage on hit and frost the target. The frosted target movement speed is slowed by 5% every attack. The frost effect can be stacked up to six times. At Max Stack paralyze the target for some time depending on their strength. The effect is stackable on a paralyzed target]

He gazed at his new F-ranked skill. A notification screen containing detailed info of the spell was shown to him.

[Chop (F-ranked)


Requirement 5 strength.

Effect: Swings the sword. Deals physical damage to the target on hit. Can butcher chickens and pigs!]

Whittaker was excited and a smile formed on his face. It's because he had learned an F-ranked spell and F-ranked skill without buying a skill book.

He thought, 'It's all thanks to the Night Will's system.'

The other two menus were named Quest Bar and Profession Bar. Nothing was shown on them.

He noticed that in just a while, his attributes had increased by some points.

He inferred through the system popups that his strength has increased due to becoming a frost mage and a rainbow Swordsman.

Whittaker began to examine how an increase in his attributes affects his Mana point, Health point, Damage, and defense. While experimenting, his finger was fidgeting, an act he usually does while he is thinking deeply.

"Little brother, what thoughts are you lost in?" Hera, who is driving the carriage, asked wondering what his baby brother is thinking about.

Intelligently, Whittaker said, "Brother, focus on the road before we meet an accident." He shut Hera up and continued with his task.

"Uh, Sure." Saying that Hera focused more on driving carefully. Internally he thought, 'Ah, my little brother has grown up. It's probably that period when young boys rebel.'

After a while, his calculations finished.

Whittaker concluded that,

Strength increases the physical attack damage by two times. If Strength is 1 then physical damage is 2.contemporary romance

Endurance is equal to Physical defense. 5 endurance is equal to 5 in physical defense.

One point in Vitality is equal to ten health points. While health recovery per second is half that of Vitality.

One point in Intelligence is equal to 10 Mana points. It also increases Magic defense by two times. Magical attack damage is the same as the intelligence points. While mana recovery per second is half the intelligence points.

By the time he finished, they had arrived in front of the massive black-iron gate of their destination.

The Frost Fall Academy was a massive seven-story building, made of magic and amazing craftsmanship. Ahead of the building laid formal gardens and lawns created out of the mountainous landscape by magic. Even in this cold winter, the grass was green as ever, and the trees remained vibrant, brimming with energy. Massive magical barriers surrounded the Academy.

Whitaker, along with Hera, walked towards the iron gate of the Royal Frost Fall Academy!

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