Gaming Sword Magician

Chapter 2: The child who had grown.

The townspeople didn't know why the weather suddenly changed that day, turning from a sunny day to a snowy night, but they did know that that night a new member had joined their Town.

Whittaker was the talk of this small town. The boy was the cutest they have ever seen in their lives. He was also very unusual in the eyes of the commoners. His intelligence was very high for his age. Furthermore, Whittaker's hair couldn't be cut off no matter what kind of object is used. In the past two years, Miss Lin had used many sharp objects to cut off hair but to no avail.

When she used her treasured scissor to cut Whittaker's hair, not even a single strand of his hair suffered any points of damage. Rather, It was her Treasured scissor that got destroyed, its metal blade bend at an unusual angle.

When she used an iron ax under the permission of Whittaker, the ax was deflected by his overgrown snowy hairs and almost butchered Miss Lin, like a chicken. Even Whittaker didn't know why this was happening. In the end, Miss Lin and Whittaker gave up on trying to cut the snowy hairs.

The strands of hair reached his ankles, sadly there was no way to cut them off. Soon, Whittaker found greater use of his hair. He simply started using his snowy hair as a scarf.

Elisha taught him about various stuff, from different kinds of monsters to different kinds of races. Sometimes, Miss Lin would prepare snacks for them and teach them about the history of the Water kingdom.

Hera didn't have much time to bond with Whittaker. In winter, he would be off to the nearby frozen rivers to do labor. He would break the ice and sell it in the town. In the summer, he would be hunting animals. Both were dangerous tasks, hence he couldn't bring Whittaker with him.

Just like that, twelve years passed by.

Whittaker was now twelve years old. His birthday was on the same day Miss Lin found him. His birthday was held on the 25th day of the month of the Snow Goddess.

Whittaker was sitting near the window of his room that he used to share with Elisha. "A lot has changed in the previous twelve years." He muttered in a slightly sad tone.

Whittaker missed his elder sister Elisha that departed to a faraway place six years ago.

She didn't die. She was just studying at a faraway place.

Today was his birthday, but Whittaker wasn't in the mood to celebrate. His annoying sister didn't send his birthday letter... and a gift!

Sadness has enriched his little face. He refused to talk with anybody. Gazing at the snowy night clouds, he was going to doze off when Florence entered his vision. Florence was the familiar of his sister, a homing pigeon. More specifically, the letter delivery bird.

His sleepy state was discarded right away and excitement enriched his face. Taking the letter from Florence, Whittaker started to read it.

"Dear little Brother,

My cute little brother,

My sweet –

Was I crying for this? Whittaker was embarrassed by the childish introduction.

Whittaker directly skipped the introduction and went to the main part.

"I am sorry, please forgive me. I won't be able to visit home for your birthday, but I did parcel a gift for you. It will probably arrive after your birthday. Damn, those Livreur are so slow. Ah, I went off the track. Little brother, I hope you the best in the awakening ceremony. Please don't awaken a physical class weapon like me. This school is so tiring. All the teachers here are bald old men and sturdy ladies. They sweat every day In the track, along with the unwilling me and other students. Will I become like them one day? I guess so, but I still can't imagine myself as a sturdy female. Though, I had already developed some bulking muscle so I guess that day isn't too far off. Damn, I went off the track once again. Anyway, I hope you awaken a Spellbook and become a mage. Even a cleric will be better than joining this Academy.

Goodbye, little brother.

With love, Elisha."

"Sister has a bad habit of going off track. Looks like she added whatever was in her heart when writing the letter." Whittaker muttered.

The letter ended here and Whittaker carefully wrote his reply at the empty back of this letter. He attached the message in Florence's leg and threw it towards the sky. Florence flew back from where it came.




Going out of his room and down the stairs, Whittaker dropped to his knees. Looking at Mother Lin, he begged for forgiveness, "Mother, please forgive me!"

Whittaker also activated his legendary skill. He had learned this legendary skill from his sister. The name of this skill was 'Puppy eyes'.

Miss Lin wasn't gonna forgive this ungrateful brat, but her heart melted because of Whittaker's legendary skill. Looking at those puppy-like eyes she felt defeated.

Pinching Whittaker's cheek, she said in a light tone, "I forgive you, on your feet now. Go and eat dinner. You better finish up all the cake."

Like an obedient child, Whittaker went away giggling. Miss Lin lit up the candles. Whittaker blew it. They sat on the wooden chairs of the dining table and started to feast.

Hera was out of town, as he had accompanied a passing-by merchant to the city to make big bucks. Hence, he couldn't join in on the feast.

Miss Lin was forty-five years old and a mother of two. She was plump but beautiful. Her hairs weren't long, as age had caused her to lose her long hair strands. She was totally unlike Whittaker. Her skin was like honey while his skin was pale white comparable to snow. She also had small eyes and black hair.

From all these signs, Whittaker already identified that he wasn't her son. Miss Lin never talked about this and Whittaker never raised this topic either. Lastly in his heart, she was his mother.

Sitting at the dining table, the black-haired mother and her snowy-haired child ate while laughing and playing.

Sometime later, pieces of cake and cream were all over Whittaker's face, as he ran away from the deadly clutches of his mother that dared to tickle him!

Two months passed by, bringing an end to this year.

The town of Elihu didn't hold the awakening ceremony. More specifically, they couldn't afford it.

Elihu town was a small town sitting on the border between the Darknorth continent and the Water kingdom. It was night time, yet some people remained awake.

Every kid in the town, around the age of twelve, was getting ready to head out with their guardians to the Frost fall City, as the awakening ceremony is to be held in Frost Fall city. Anyone could join after they pay a small price of 10 silver pieces.

In this world, copper is the cheapest currency, ten copper pieces equal one silver piece while ten silver pieces equal 1 gold piece. A typical hard-working person could earn 2 to five silver pieces a day. So the price of participating in the awakening ceremony wasn't too high or too low.

Whittaker played with Hera, who had returned home a week ago. He had come back home to take Whittaker for the awakening ceremony.

"Go get ready, I will be waiting for you in the carriage," Hera said to Whittaker. He didn't want to play anymore with Whittaker as he had suffered ten losses in a row in rock-paper-scissor.

Whittaker won so easily as if he could read his mind!

Whittaker took off to his room to get dressed while Hera ate the last Mu Shu and went to feed his steed and prepare the carriage.

It was the middle of the night, but they needed to leave early, or else, they will miss the awakening ceremony that is to be held in the nearby city, tomorrow.

Mother Lin was preparing a suitcase for her little Mu shu while Whittaker was prancing around the closet and getting dressed.

Soon after, a solemn environment surrounded the Lin household. Mother Lin placed a black pendant on little Whittaker's hands.

The black pendant had words carved on its surface. The words said "Sin Clair".

Whittaker took hold of the black pendant. He asked, "Mom, this is?"

"This is probably a memento that can help you identify your real family." She said by gently ruffling his hair. "Whittaker, you are my son but I didn't give birth to you. I didn't mean to hide this from you." As Mother Lin exposed the truth to Whittaker, some tears appeared in her eyes. She was afraid that Mu Shu will be broken-hearted.

"Mom, I already know," Whittaker calmly said. He already knew that he wasn't blood-related to the Lin household.

His words cleared out all her concerns.

"Eh?" Mother Lin was surprised. Looking at the pretty young boy, she confusedly asked, "How did you know?"

"Well, it wasn't hard to identify that I am not your child. My facial features are vastly different from brother, sister, and you." Whittaker wiped the tears off her face. "Mom, there is no need to cry. You will always be my mom, even if I am fifty years old."

He bear-hugged her as if he was a bear child.

Mother Lin chuckled due to his silly words. She deepened the hug. Her Mu Shu is going to a faraway place for the first time, she was a little sad and worried.

"Go, don't keep your brother waiting." Kissing his forehead, she sends him off.

Whittaker wore the necklace around his neck while walking towards his brother, who was sitting inside the carriage.

Hera helped him into the carriage. Then they took off towards their destination, Frost Fall City.

The night passed away. They didn't meet any bandits or monsters and safely arrived in the Frost Fall city without any accidents.

The guards at the entrance gate demanded two copper pieces for each person. Hera didn't rebuke the guard as this was the city entrance fee. He had visited this city many times, hence he knew about this information.

Placing four copper pieces in the guard's hands, they entered the city.

Hera had already booked a room in the flower blossom inn. He carried his sleeping little brother into the inn room and dropped him on the bed.

Tomorrow was young Whittaker's big day. If he awakens a class weapon then just like his sister, he will be accepted into an Academy.contemporary romance

Looking at his sleeping brother, he was reminded of his past, a sad one. He couldn't awaken a class weapon during his awakening ceremony, that day he cried a lot.

"I hope you will awaken a weapon class," Hera said to his sleeping brother. He had seen the desires he once possessed in Whittaker's eyes, the desire to adventure the world, and climb up the social ladder, thus he hoped that tomorrow Whittaker will be one of the gifted children.

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