Gaming Sword Magician

Chapter 15: Teacher Ruka

The scary-looking teacher blinked in thoughts and after a while, he replied, "1-D... hmm, It's the first room right around the next corner. Now go, and remember the rules, no running in the Hallways!"

"Thank you for the help!" Whittaker said with a humble posture and turned around to walk towards the next corner with light steps.

Taking a left around the corner, he saw Class 1-D. And so, Whittaker managed to reach the classroom before the homeroom teacher, and evaded a very grim face of being lectured till ears ache!

The moment his hand touched the door, it automatically slid to the sides vanishing within the walls. When he entered the classroom, the doors slid out of the walls.

'This must be a magic door!' he thought while admiring the creator of this technology.

He silently walked inside and saw many students. All of them were freshmen but their age varied. Some were 13 years old while the other looked 15. Three to four looked even older than that.

He wondered why these old students are still in the classroom meant for the newly enlisted student. Though, he didn't voice out his thoughts, as that would be very rude and might be offensive to some.

There were no empty seats except at the corner of the classroom. At the corner of the classroom, two seats were empty as no one sat there.

Whittaker calmly walked there. While he was walking there, a 14-year-old blue-haired girl, Lily, who was sitting in the second last seat of the middle row, managed to glimpse at his refined and handsome face.

She had unique features. Her Light blue, shaggy hair covered her forehead with cute bangs, and below laid a skinny, lively face. Her wide ocean eyes set rooted within their sockets, watch lovingly over the snowy-haired boy that has captivated her heart.

"Omo Omo Chincha, is this real? Girls look at that boy." A girl from Lily group exclaimed while pointing at Whittaker.

The friends around glanced at Whittaker and got taken by surprise.

"Damn! He is already so hot at such a young age. He is bound to become a lady killer after he grows up!"

"Yeah, he looks just like a prince charming that saved me in my dream last night!"

"Liar! You were playing with me the whole night and didn't get a wink of sleep. Look, even the black bags under your eyes are more honest than you!"

A blonde with braided hair pointed at the boys sitting on the side and said in relief, "I thought that we will be stuck with these ugly muffins again for the year. Thankfully, prince charming appeared at the last minute and saved the day!"

A green-haired boy, Peter, with a face full of pimples grunted in displeasure, "The more handsome a man the weaker and trashy he is bound to be. Che, you don't know the way of the world."

Charlotte glared at him and the pimple face boy flinched away in fear. He didn't dare to annoy this blonde cause once she raged his ass will be whooped.

The blue-haired girl was still relishing the experience called love at first sight. She placed her hand on her chest to calm down the exploding heart. Her face was beet red and she just couldn't look away from Whittaker.

"Lily, you are all red. Are you alright?" Charlotte, her best friend, placed her hand on Lily's forehead to check her temperature."Damn, you are burning up. Do you have a fever, should I take you to the nurse?"

"No, Charlotte, it's no fever, it's love. Ah ~ I am in love!" Lily said while staring at Whittaker.

Charlotte followed her gaze and finally understand that her best friend has lost it.

Whittaker heard it all but choose to ignore all the remarks. But his blushing face said otherwise.

Damn, being handsome is a sin. No wonder why mama said I must be careful when I go outside. Mother Lin, your son is already being preyed on!

Intentionally he pulled the chair to produce a screeching sound. Due to the screeching sound, Lily broke her gaze and the other crazed girls also looked away.

Then he peacefully sat down on the empty seat that was next to the window.

By that time, the classroom door opened for the second time in the same minute. A chubby face boy with a small stature walked inside.

He was none other Ruth.contemporary romance

"Ah, Shit" He smacked his forehead as he saw Whittaker sitting at the corner of the classroom near the window.

His "Ah, Shit" meant "No way, this can't be. My worst nightmare has come true."

"Ruth!" Whittaker waved his hand at him.

There was no empty seat except the one placed beside Whitaker, with no choice, he sat there.

At that moment, the classroom door opened for the third time in the same minute, and the homeroom teacher strides in.

Clank! Clank! Her high heels produced a noisy sound that attracted the attention of the students chatting with each other.

She had red, shoulder-length hair and an oval face that suited her slender figure. She wore the standard outfit for a teacher, a tailored black skirt with a coordinate blouse. The blouse was covered by a black jacket. Her thighs covered by high knees white socks. A badge detailing that she was a teacher of the Royal frost fall academy was worn around her upper hand.

"Hi students, My name is Ruka and you all can call me as Teacher Ruka. I will be your homeroom teacher for this year." Her red lips and black eyes slipped into a smile as she announced her name and status.

The eyes of the youth were enthralled because of their homeroom Teacher exceptional figure.

"Yes, Teacher Ruka!" the students shouted in unison.

"I have met my Goddess."

"Now even a sudden death doesn't feel bad to me."

"To gaze at Teacher Ruka, I will attend magic classes every day!"

The boys in the class had different thoughts raging in their minds. And these thoughts were reflected on their face.

Charlotte gazed at them and felt revulsion rising from the depths of her heart. She muttered, "Lovesick fools."

Miss Ruka continued, "Students, open your textbook, Beginner's guide to mana. Today, we will learn about..."

She lifted her forefinger:

"A: Basic ranks of a mage and their power level.

She lifted her middle finger and said:

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