Gaming Sword Magician

Chapter 10: A dangerous misunderstanding.

Shadows eyes widened in alarm, 'Is someone invading into the Academy Grounds?' Was the very first thought of our young Assassin.

In the depth of the night, a suspicious portal has opened in his room, he was certain that mysterious and dangerous enemies are invading the Academy grounds, and he was unlucky to be involved in this mess. Spatial portals are costly and not just anyone could have access to them. Shadow had misunderstood the situation as so because of his unusual upbringing.

His widened eyes returned to their usual stillness as the reasons for his worries got lessened by recalling the teachings of his Assassin guild.

[Shen Ze Yi Guild! Ancient Records; Chronicles of Assasins]

{6.7: In an unknown situation, hide within the veil of darkness to cover your tracks. Danger shan't know how to reach in the way of those who hide within the shadows and remain unseen!}

Without a second delay, the young black-haired boy wearing shorts and a white T-shirt jumped out from the chair placed next to the table. A second later, he was nowhere to be seen. It was as if his body blended has blended with the darkness of the surrounding area and he had become a part of the veil of night!

Inside the portal, Whittaker took three steps, the next moment, he was standing inside a room with scarcely any light. Right after he entered the room, the portal closed.

The person that came out of the portal was just a boy and not the great enemy he thought but Shadow still didn't put down his guard because of what is written in the records of Assasins.

[Shen Ze Yi Guild! Ancient Records; Chronicles of Assassins]

{1.3: Never judge a book by its cover!}

Whittaker was taking in the surrounding. The entire room was mostly dark, slightly illuminated by the yellowish faint lights of a lamp placed on a table spotted a few inches ahead of him. The lamp was far more unusual than any he had ever seen.

It didn't have a candle, rather an orb was placed on it. The faint yellowish light was produced from within the orb.

A book was placed on the table and it was illuminated by the lights of the lamp. He concluded that someone was reading this book before he came. Maybe it was his roommate, Shadow!

'I wonder where he is now?' He gazed left and right, finding nothing because of his limited vision.

The room was dark so he couldn't see much of the surroundings. That's why he moved towards the lamp placed on the table. He will be able to see what's in his surrounding after he turns up the intensity of light shining out of the orb.contemporary romance

He reached the lustrous orb and tried to turn up the intensity of light but he could not as he did not know how to do that. He didn't know what to do to increase the intensity of light as this was his first time interacting with such an object.

Gazing and inspecting the orb, he noticed inscriptions drawn on the orb. Maybe these inscriptions held the key to the working of the lustrous orb. Whittaker started to get around this newly seen object.

While Whittaker was doing that, a pair of black eyes gazed at his back with scrutiny from within the darkness. From head to toe, Shadow examined every inch of Whittaker's silhouette.

[Shen Ze Yi Guild! Ancient Records; Chronicles of Assassin]

{2.8: When your target is off guard then sneak in like a predator and hold them at gunpoint. A threatening situation of life and death will make them blunder more than ever, demons shall expose their true natures, so will the cowards!}

With light steps, he who was blended with the darkness sneaked his way towards the snowy-haired boy. Shadow slowly and steadily made his way towards Whittaker. He was moving steadily just like a mighty predator, his footsteps giving rise to not even a single sound.

A cold glint shined in his hand as a sharp dagger had materialized and was held in his hand!

Whittaker didn't notice the scary kid behind him as he didn't have eyes behind his head. Furthermore, all his attention was focused on the light orb.

"Don't move!" A voice of a young boy who hadn't hit puberty came from behind him, suddenly, a cold thing was held up to his neck.

Whittaker stared down and thanks to the faint light emitting out of the orb, he managed to see what the thing was. It was a freaking dagger. He didn't dare to move as the dagger was touching the skin of his neck, a single swipe and he will die. He gulped in fear but after a few seconds managed to muster up some courage to ask the predator,

"Who are you and what do you want?"

The predator recalled the teachings of his guild.

[Shen Ze Yi Guild! Ancient Records; Chronicles of Assassin]

{3.17: Question the unknown obstacle after putting them in a disadvantaged position If they are a threat to you then immediately disarm them or better, kill them without mercy. Do kill them without mercy if they are useless to your situation. If they aren't then make your own decision.}

Following the teachings of his guild, Mercilessly, Shadow whispered into Whittaker's ears, "First, you answer my questions! Who are you and what's your goal in coming here through the spatial portal. If you don't reply honestly within five seconds then this dagger will have a taste of your blood!"




"I am a new student at this Academy and this is my dorm room! The gates of the boy's dormitory were closed so Headmaster used the Spatial portal to send me here. You can check out my identity by the things held in my hands." Whittaker replied, explaining everything without taking a breath in between.

He also slightly moved his hand and held up the stuff in his hand so that they can appear in the vision of the person behind him.

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