
Chapter From 11

Chapter 11

Natalie fell silent, Josh couldn’t tell if she believed him or not

After Natalie and Josh had gone, Dianna instructed the household staff. “In the future, don’t let Ms. Linney about Mr. Franco’s true identity

The staff all replied in agreement. “Understood.”

Just as Dianna was about to relax, she noticed Annabel’s displeased expression. Pausing, Dianna sighed. “Annabel. I understand what’s on your mind, but Josh just doesn’t feel that way about Olivia

At Dianna’s words, Annabel responded humbly, “I understand, Mrs. Franco, Olivia isn’t so lucky to catch Mr. Franco’s attention.”

Dianna said, ‘Please don’t say so. No matter what happens in the future. I will treat Olivia as my own daughter.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Franco, Annabel said.

Once back at Galaxy Manor with Josh, Natalie put the bracelet away and led down to rest in her room. So much had happened recently and Natalie felt overwhelmed by it all.

The evening was setting in. After a lot of thought. Natalie got up and decided she needed to talk to Josh Stepping out of her room, encountered Spencer in the hallway on the second Door

Spencer smiled and asked, “Mrs. Franco, are you looking for Mr. Francol”

Natalie was not used to the title of Mrs. Francis, but she did not correct

“Yes,” she answered.

“Mr. Franco is probably still working in his office,” said Spencer kindly. He then offered her a cup he was holding. “This is Mr. Franco’s favorite coffee. You might want to take it to him!”

“Okay” With the coffee tray in hand, Natalic approached the office door and knocked softly.

Josh’s voice came from inside, “Who is it!”

“It’s me,” said Natalie solly

Josh was surprised and stopped what he was doing. “Come in,” he said.

Natalie opened the door and stepped inside.

Josh glanced at Natalie and noticed the cup in her hand. Natalic explained. “Spencer gave this to me to bring to you

At the mention of Spencer, Josh’s expression changed slightly. Put it down over there,” he directed.

After Natalie placed the cup down, Josh asked, “What do you need?”

Natalie hesitated before speaking, “1… I want to talk about a marriage agreement.”

“A deal?Josh raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Let’s have a twoyear marriage, Natalie suggested taking a deep breath. “After two years, we go our separate ways. No strings attached. What do you think?

Janty fo

The room went quiet. J

fiddled with his bracelet, looking thoughtful.

Natalie’s lunds were in nervous knots. She second–guessed herself, thinking. He won’t reject this, right? Our marriage doesn’t make sense. He can’t seriously want to be with someone he doesn’t even love.”

Finally, Josh responded, “Alright.” Natalie felt a wave of relief. “But..” Josh wasn’t done. He shifted gears, “As a married couple, we should act the part

Those words cauglu Natalie off guard.

As a man, I expect some benefits from my marriage,” he said, locking eyes with Natalie, then slowly letting his gaze drift down to her neck, her collarbone, and further. He gave a soft laugh, “Nat, do you catch my drift?*

In that instant, Natalie felt completely exposed before him, her face hot, her heart pounding.

“If you can’t agree to that, I can’t accept your terms, Josh continued, turning his attention back to his notebook

Chapter II

Natalie felt lost for words, standing silently, hesitating to speak. Josh paid her no further attention. After a lengthy internal debate, she clenched her teeth and agreed, “Olay, I promise.”

Josh looked up, a hint of satisfaction in his gaze, Til have Martin prepare a contract. After you sign it, we’ll go for the marriage license tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Natalie was surprised.

“Is there a problem? Josh asked.

“No,” Natale shook her head.

“Then I’ll see you later,” said Josh.

Natalie walked out slowly, her mind racing with what had just transpired.

After dinner, Martin quickly brought two copies of the prenuptial agreement to the table. Take a look” Josh said.

Natalie opened the document. Below their names, the contract specified a term of two years. It stated that if Josh were unfaithful to Natalie during this time, all his wealth would transfer to Natalie; if Natalie were unfaithful, she would owe Josh two billion dollars.

Natalie thought this was fair, confident she wouldn’t be unfaithful to Josh and risk such a loss. However, she hesitated when she saw the last condition the agreement required Natalie to consent to Josh’s sexual requests. Natalie frowned at this.

Nevertheless, Josh handed her a pen, saying. “If you’re okay with it, go ahead and sign

She signed her name with deliberation. They each had a copy of the signed agreement.

After signing. Natalie questioned. “Is this agreement legally binding?”

Josh had just finished signing and put the cap back on his pen. “Yes, it is,” he confirmed

With b

both documents signed, Martin exited the room, musing to himself, Signing an agreement? They are quite the pair

Post–signing, Natalie retired to her bedroom. That night, her dreams took her back to Sunrise Town

She was six, and her adopted mother was gravely sick. Natalie felt her world crumbling. In despair, she attempted theft but was caught. Looking up slowly. Natalie struggled to see the man’s face in the harsh light.

Natalie could only vaguely see that he was wearing a black suit. His voice was casual and playful, “Hey, stealing isn’t okay, kiddo”

Over time, the man’s face faded from her memory. Eventually, the man’s features took on Brian’s form in the dream–poised and dignified as ever. Startled awake, Natalie realized the morning had arrived.

Natalie remembered that she had something important to do today, so she got up and washed. Then she opened her closet and chose a white sweater with a red heart on it, thinking it was perfect for the occasion

Once dressed, Natalie headed downstairs, where she found Josh immersed in his tablet on the couch. She paused upon seeing him. Josh wore white sweater and black pants, with a red heart also on his chest. Noticing her approach, he looked up, and they shared an awkward moment

After a brief silence, Josh laughed and said, “I forgot to mention, these are matching outfits.” With a playful smile, Josh continued, “You look great.”

“So do you.” Natalie responded, Josh’s grin widened.

They ate breakfast, and soon Martin arrived. Josh and Natalie got into the car and drove to City Hall. They arrived half an hour later and noticed they were the only couple there, besides the employees. Natalie wondered if they had arrived too early.

As Natalie followed Josh up the steps to the hall, she missed a step

ep because she wasn’t paying attention. Luckily, Josh caught her just in time.

“Are you nervous?” he asked, smiling Natalie shook her head.

They then went into the office, filled out papers, and got registered. Finally, they took a picture. Everything proceeded without a hitch.

The employee who was helping them smiled and said, “You two are such a great fit. I haven’t seen a couple as charming as y

I two”

The employee was looking over Josh and Natalie’s information when he noticed Josh’s occupation–the president of Solterra. His eyes widened in shock. Clancing at Josh, he stuttered, “You… You’re…


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