From Boardroom to Bedroom

Chapter 4

She adjusted her tortoiseshell glasses. “I’m even more nervous now that I know I’m working directly with the boss. But, I promise
not to let my nerves get in the way of doing my best work.”
“I hope you’ve saved your best work for me because I need the best.”
“No pressure,” she joked. “I hope I live up to your standards.”
“I have no doubt you’ll do just fine. I’ve seen your résumé. The fact that you work in interior design actually appealed to me
because I believe designers look at every detail in all aspects of life and that’s exactly what I need. And, I’m not sure if you’ve
heard anything, but I’m not difficult to get along with, though I’ve been told I have a dry sense of humor.”
“I have two older brothers. I’m pretty good with holding my own, no matter the jokes.”
With her honesty and sense of humor, Nigel could see they’d get along just long as he kept reminding himself this
arrangement was professional and temporary.
How many times could he use those two words?
Probably not enough, because he had a feeling he needed to keep those in the forefront of his mind as long as Ms. Andrews
worked by his side.
“Have a seat,” he told her, gesturing to the leather chair opposite his desk. “Since I didn’t sit in on the interview process, I’d like to
get to know a little about you before we begin our day. Like I said, I’ve seen your résumé, quite impressive, and I’ve heard my
crew speak your praises.”
“I’m flattered.”
She should be. They’d interviewed a slew of people for this position, but Nigel had put out very specific requirements. Interesting
that the most striking, intriguing woman he’d ever met was the one who had landed in his office.
He worked with beautiful women every day. The entire cast of Secret Lives consisted of stunning ladies. But something about
Roslyn seemed almost wholesome...which was quite refreshing in this field.
Nigel unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt as he went back to his desk chair. Distance from her would
help him keep his head in the game, so would focusing on the sole reason for her employment. He needed a new vision for the
show and the only way he could see that happening was to bring in an outsider.

There was no room for attractions or office escapades. The last thing he needed was a sexual harassment lawsuit. Of course,
bad press would drive up ratings, but he wasn’t about to embarrass his family, put his own reputation on the line or degrade any
He respected women and his new consultant would be no different. There’s no reason he couldn’t find her attractive and keep a
level head about himself...right?
“I saw you recently moved to New York,” he began, leaning back in his seat.
Roslyn nodded. “About a month ago. It was time for a change.”
“You came from Texas?”
“I did. My family owns a ranch.” She eased her purse onto her lap and crossed her legs. “My brothers still live there.”
“So why the drastic change?” he asked.
A sadness swept over her
face for a second before she tipped her chin and silently gathered herself together. “My father recently passed and it made me
realize how fragile life is. I’d always wondered what city life was like and I decided to take the risk.”
Taking risks was certainly something he could understand and appreciate. He hadn’t gotten this far without stepping outside the
proverbial box and taking his own chances in business. He understood her need to be out on her own, away from her family, and
he instantly admired her drive and independence.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” he told her. “I have to admit, I’m impressed that you took such a leap.”
“No time like the present,” she stated with that same confident smile that punched him with another dose of arousal.
“You have a degree in design.” Nigel glanced at the portfolio photos on his computer screen he’d been looking at before she’d
arrived. “These are pretty impressive. Why the switch to media? Did you just want to make a change?”
She shrugged one delicate shoulder. “Why can’t I do both? I’ve always loved design and I’m fascinated by media. Who knows?
Maybe one day I can design living spaces and work areas for the stars. This is a good step in that direction.”

Nigel leaned forward, lacing his fingers together on his desk. “Is that what you’re hoping to gain here? The chance to meet
celebrities and get your foot in the door?”
Roslyn opened her mouth, but he quickly held up his hand. “I’m not judging,” he added. “I think it’s brilliant.”
“You got me,” she laughed. “I’m always thinking ahead. I figure if I’m going to take the leap into a new kind of market, why not
make it a big one? I want to cover a wide variety and when I have my own company, I’ll be well versed in all the things.”

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