
Chapter Fortune 87

Chapter 87

That night, stadion was sleeping soundly, but an eerie prince suddenly jolted her awake.

Her eyes flew open, and she found Scbastian standing by the window. The window was slightly agar, allowing the sheer curtain to flutter in the breeze and pass through Sebastian’s astral bode. His once–clear body now bore atin black tinge

Noticing that Madan had awok, he slowly turned his head. His eyes were bloodshot and had narrowed significantly

Madison leaped mot of bed and over to him she touched his head with two fingers, and with her other hand, pressed a talisman against his brow.

in that instant, the black ghostly energy surmmending Sebastion was drawn into the talisman. The talaman fell away from his forehead and crumbled to dust.

“Sebastian’s eyes had returned to normal, though his expression remumed grave, “The one responsible for this is already dead.”

Madison didn’t know what to say.

Sebastian tumed to look outside the window.

The vast expanse of the Hall residence was engulfed in profound darkness under the night sky, as if an unseen force had swallowed all the light.

“I warned you against going to places thick with negative energy and resentment,” Madson said.

A lot of negative energy was concentrated in the small villa, Sebastian wan just asking for a death wish by going there.

Sebastian said nothing more

Madison climbed back into bed and pulled the covers over herself.

After a brief pase, she heard Sebastion’s deep voice again. “I let the house because I sensed a familiar presence.

Madison kept her eyes closed

Sebastian continued, “That presence was very compelling. I found mal drawn for some reason. On the first day Lared in Riverview, I was already attracted to it. I ended up

Finally, Madison lined the covers and looked at him with a furrowed brow

Sebastian drifted to her bedside. “I knew it was risky, bot had to investigde. That presence is something you can’t sense

Madison understood now. He believed the presence was stronger than her and wanted to avoid putting her at risk, so he went to investigate himself.

“You don’t know much about the mystic arts. Even if you found something what could you do about if you would just be maniputed by others, Madison said, still irritated.

Sebastian stued at her interdy. “I don’t want you to be hurt because of me!

Madison replied, Injuries are inevitable in cultivation. What you’re doing isn’t pestorting me bir hindering in progren.”

Sebastian manained silent

Sering his concerned expression, Madison asked, “What? Am I wrong?

Sebastian shook his head. “No

He just hadn’t expected Madison to reactke this. She seemed to be ayed at his interference in her cultivation

He had heard of the saying that went, “Men were from Venus and women were from stars, but he hadn’t believed it before. Now, be did. He had never met a woman quite like


“I’m sorry. I promise not to make the same mistake,” Sebastian said.

Madison nodded, accepting his apology,”

overlook in this time, but don’t act on your own next time you don’t understand the mystic arta.”

then was rendered speechless. It was the first time someone had spoken to him in such a disdainful tone, but he smiled. “Understood. I’ll follow your lead from now on.“”

With the matter settled, Madison asked him what he had found

Sebastian shook his head. “I followed the familiar presence but didn’t find anything instead, I ended up being contaminated by ghostly mergy”

He had sensed and traced the familiar presence back to the Hall residence, where he discovered the strong negative mingy. That was why he came to Madison for help.

He drought Madison might refuse, but to his surprise, she had agreed without hesitation after listening to him.

As be watched Madison deep in thought, his eyes revealed a tenderness he wasn’t fully aware

Madison tapped the blanket with her fingers before speaking The Lepet must be you.”

Sebastian confirmed, “Tes. The negative energy convergence matrix in the small villa was set up for ine!

The plan had been to lure him with the familar presence, then trap him in the negative energy convergencemats and absorb his ghostly merg

Thankfully, Madson had placed talismans outside the small villa, which presented him from getting too close and only led to him absorbing a small amount of ghastly energ Oderwise, the outcome wold have been dire if he had entered the small villa

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