
Chapter Fortune 84

Chapter 84

Jordan parked the car in front of the Hall residence.

Turning to Madison and Tanya, who were in the backseat, he asked, “Ms. Malison, should we just go in like this?

Madison opened the door and exited the car

Tanya followed behind. Tanya’s anxiety was palpable as she placed at the lowering, closed gates of the Hall residence.

The Had family was a prominent aristocratie family in Deatropolis. Arsong the Four Major Families in the city, the Halls had the deepest historical roots.

Madison walked up to the ornate iron gates and pressed the doorbell. A moment later, a man in his 50s dressed in a suit walked out.“May thelp you?”

Malison answered, “I’m Madison. I’m here because the Hall family is facing trouble, and I’m here to help you through it.”

The man’s tee immediately hardened, and be slammed the gates shut

Tanya walked over, cemarking, “They don’t seem to treat you”

Madison Imponded, “Just give it a little more tine. They will come out and open the door eventually

Jordan had fall faith in Madison, especially since he knew Sebastian had been following her around. Madison’s visit to the Hall family was undoubtedly because of Sebastian. Just that he didn’t see Sebastion anywhere after looking around

As Madison had predicted, the man in the suit camemning back after a short while and reopened the gates. This time, he regarded them politely. “Plose, come in ”

L/C 1025.

He suspected them of being traudsters mitally, but after closing the gates, he was questioned by his mistress. However, upon hearing Madison’s ease and her explanation, his mistress Instructed him to let them in immediately.

Although bath the Locke and Salle families were prominent in theerview, they coular’t compare to the Hall family. The Hall residence alone wasn’t something that ordinary

Madison, Jordan, and Tanya were guided into the living room. It was understatedly luxurious. A woman draped in a shawl and wearing a white g

Despite her age, shemantined her looks remarkably well and captured attention just by standing them.

“Are you Madison? puma Ross asked with a smile as she walked over “You look even more beautiful in person than on camera.

gown stood gracefully in the room.

Dana greeted Tanya and Jordan. She didn’t do any small talk and moved on to the matter at hand. “I heard from Benjamin that you chém the Hall family is in trouble, to that so?”

Madison nodded, sweeping her gaze across the living rooms. “The Hall fully has been encuentering problems firquently be the last three months.

At her words, Diana’s smile washed instantly. “You can

Madison explained, “The house is filled with negative merge it’s not only affecting the Hall family members but also those living in the mansion

Dana turned to Benjamin Greene, who looked terrified as he nodded. “Mrs. Hall, we didn’t want you to worry, so we didn’t mention it all. Last month, the gardener hurt his foot with aboe while working in the garden”

“Let month, the chef cut his hand while cooking And this month, the cleaning lady tell from the second floor and broke læer

There had been numerous similar incidents. Benjamin had initially dismissed them as the center weipce due to his employers‘ lack of supervision. But now, hearing Madison’s words made him shower.

Dana was equally shocked by the frequency of these incidents, she calmed herself down and asked, ““Ms. Locke, is the cause the Hall family or the mansion itself?

Madison responded, “A Hall family member lought the negative tangy back, but has persisted due to the mansion’s unique characteristics.

Dana’s breath hatched in her throat. “Unique characteristics What artly do you mean?”

“The negative energy is eszemely strong, Currently, bean dely identify its location Threurt case will be determined once I have the opportunity to examine the relevant items. ”

Dani nodded vigorously. “Whatever you need.

Benjamin had some concerns. “Mrs.Hall, about Mr. Hall!

“I will inform him,” Dana said.

She then called her husband, Hugo Hall, to explan the situation.

After ending the call, she turned back to Madison. “Ms. Locke, please begin. My husband will return soon,

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