Forbidden Desires

Chapter Chapter Seven


Pink or red?

I stared down at the tubes of liquid lip stain I'd picked up at the department store on my lunch break. A classic bold red and a flattering girly pink. I usually opted for a swipe of nude lip balm, preferring the natural look, but the elegant gown I'd be wearing tonight called for something a little different.

Red, it is.

It turned out applying red lipstick precisely was a more difficult task than I'd been prepared for. Ten minutes later, I had blotted and reapplied until I was satisfied, leaving myself just enough time to step into my nicest pair of heels as my cell phone chimed with a text.

Cooper was here.

I forced a smile at my reflection, fighting the urge to curl up in my bed and pretend I wasn't home. Tonight was good for the library, and I couldn't back out now. And then, tomorrow? A thousand dollars would go a long way toward restoring this old brownstone to the way it had been when I was younger.

With a few dates, I might be able to put in an old butcher-block table and counter tops like my grandmother had once had. I could plant a blueberry bush in the back. I might even be able to find an old rocker like the one she'd kept near the bay window. And a tub... a humongous soaking tub.

I just had to think of those things whenever times got tough. On the bright side, at least this date was with Cooper and not Gavin.

My stomach flipped at the thought of it, and our last encounter. Why did Gavin throw me off my game so completely? He was just a man. Not some demi-god toying with the rest of us sad little mortals, which for some reason it always felt like. And I was pretty sure he knew it.

Which meant next time, I had to do better. Because, screw him.

For tonight, though, it was only Cooper and me, and everything was going to be fine. I just had to think of it as a normal date.

Still, the second things got weird or I felt disrespected, I was out of there. I wanted to keep this place, but there were some lines I wouldn't cross no matter what.

Grabbing my black envelope clutch, I tucked the lipstick and my cell phone inside and met Cooper on my cracked concrete stoop.

He was taller than I remembered, maybe even a little taller than Gavin, and looked striking in his tailored black tuxedo.

His gaze slid down the length of my body, his lips curving into a wide smile.

So, maybe he made no bones about his attraction to me. To this point, he'd never done or said anything inappropriate and had been a perfect gentleman. Give him a chance.

"It fits," I murmured, gesturing at the ethereal concoction of a dress he'd sent.

"Perfectly." His voice was husky and his green eyes danced with mischief. "You are stunning."

I offered him a smile before accepting his outstretched hand and allowed him to help me navigate the stairs in my stiletto heels. His skin was warm and smooth, and his hand was so large, it enclosed mine completely. I felt a little bubbling in my heart like sweet champagne. And just like that, all my fears fizzled away.

He made me feel comfortable. Safe. Being with Cooper was easy.

Besides, maybe being spoiled and desired by two wealthy CEOs wasn't the worst thing that could have happened to me. And considering how nice and down-to-earth Cooper seemed, did I really have that much room to complain? Relaxed and allowing myself to get a little excited, I climbed into the limo that would take us to the event.

"Something to drink?" Cooper gestured to the minibar, which was stocked with miniature bottles of liquor, sparkling water, and wine.

I shook my head. "I think I'll just wait until we get there."

"Good idea.” He nodded, treating me to another warm smile. "It's only a ten-minute ride to the venue. Have I mentioned how gorgeous you look? I feel like I really can't put too fine a point on it."

I grinned, then gazed out the window, taking in the view as the city passed by in a blur. My life didn't involve limousine rides through the city, or expensive gowns or galas. That was the stuff of Cinderella and Pride and Prejudice. The stuff that filled the books in my library.

It still felt surreal that a chance encounter with Gavin had brought me to this moment. A secret desire, an unrequited crush... that was all it was supposed to be.

"You're quiet," Cooper said. "Nervous?"

I shook my head. "Not very. Anymore, at least."

"Then how are you feeling about all this?" He gestured around us.

"Surprisingly good."

I wondered if Gavin had filled him in on my initial refusal. I was guessing so. It didn't seem like these two men kept things from each other. Watching the way they silently communicated, reading each other through unspoken glances and nods, made me doubt there were many secrets between them. Still, I wanted to be honest with Cooper.

"It's all a little odd, sure, but it's nice. You have a good eye for dresses." I ran my hand over the delicate beading on my thigh.

"Years of practice." He nodded. "But don't worry, I get how you're feeling. It's always strange at first, but you can trust me. If I or anyone else ever make you feel uncomfortable, I want you to tell me."

I offered him a soft smile, more than a little appreciative of the reassurance. "This literacy event is important to me. You know my library-"

"Gavin told me," he cut in with a grin. "It's important work you do. We're happy to be contributing."

Another roll of warmth took hold of me and I nodded. "Thanks. So... anything I should expect tonight?"

He shrugged. "Important as the cause is, it's much like any other fundraiser. You can expect lots of greedy politicians, money-hungry businessmen, and cheap, terrible champagne."

I chuckled. "That's fine. I'm not much of a drinker."

"We'll stay an hour or so. I don't want you to be uncomfortable, so I'll stick by your side the entire time. Mainly it's just an excuse to shake hands, exchange business cards, and let those who run in these circles know about our services." I nodded. It seemed straightforward enough.

When we arrived, I was grateful the driver dropped us off right in front of the building. I wasn't used to wearing these heels and had a feeling my feet would be crying by the end of the evening.

Inside the ballroom, I was dazzled by the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, the seven-piece band playing smooth jazz on the stage, and all the sophisticated people mingling around us. Though, I had to note, nobody was wearing a gown quite as beautiful as mine.

I might have been out of my element, but I sure didn't look like it. It was only then that it hit me exactly how sweet and thoughtful Cooper's gesture was. Thinking about wearing one of the cocktail dresses hanging in my closet made me wince. I'd have stuck out like a sore thumb.

"Something to drink?" a white-jacketed waiter asked, balancing a tray of champagne flutes beside us.

Cooper appraised me silently, waiting for my response.

"Please." I accepted a glass and brought it to my lips. The chilled bubbles were just what I needed to calm the last of my remaining nerves.

Cooper refused a glass and led me over toward a group of men. He seemed to recognize one of them, because he shook his hand while the guy smiled broadly at him.

"You staying out of trouble?" the man asked. He was around my father's age, with salt-and-pepper hair and a belly that pushed out his tuxedo jacket.

"Just barely. You know me." Cooper grinned.

"Gentlemen, this is a man you need to know. He and his brothers have a harem of beauties at their beck and call. Take his card. Give him a call. Trust me on this one," the man said to the group.

"Speaking of which, this is Emma. Emma, this is Bill Mitchell."

Bill's gazed trailed over me, but just as I started to tense up, I felt the comforting warmth of Cooper's hand on the small of my back and remembered the thousand bucks I had coming to me. I was here with a date and was under no obligation to ever go on another, least of all with this dirty old man. This was just a job like any other, and I was in total control.

The reminder made it a whole lot easier to stretch my lips into a cool smile.


Mitchell elbowed the man next to him. "The pleasure is all mine."

Cooper handed a business card to each of the men, murmuring things like very discreet and we guarantee your satisfaction.

As strange as it should have been, the encounter felt less like a sales pitch and more like a secret handshake in a good-old-boys' club. I brushed it off easily, but maybe that was due to Cooper's inherent charm.

Moments later, he led me across the ballroom toward another group he'd spotted.

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"Do you enjoy working with your brothers?" I asked, still thinking of the men's eager faces as they'd grabbed cards from Cooper's waiting fingers. "It's an odd business. To be family-run, I mean."

Cooper smirked that lopsided grin I was coming to like. "I guess it is a little weird. But I like working with them... some days. Other times, they drive me fucking nuts. I think that's normal, though. Who likes their siblings one hundred percent of the time?"

"How did you guys get involved in... what you do?" I didn't want to sound judgmental, because truly, I was only curious.

His eyes met mine, appraising me, as we joined a group of men in front of the bar. Then Cooper leaned down to whisper, "Hold that thought."

After we had a similar conversation with this group of men, Cooper led me away once again, but this time toward a high-top table overlooking the action, and pulled out a bar stool for me.

"Your feet must be killing you," he said, glancing down at my heels.

I let out a thankful sigh. "How did you know?"

"My mom wore heels to work every night. Sometimes, when she'd get home, she'd ask me to rub her feet if I was still up."

I smiled. "You're a good son."

"I was." He smiled too, sadly. "She's been gone for many years."

"I'm sorry. Do you miss her?" The moment the words left my lips, I wanted to smack myself. What a stupid question. Of course he missed her. But Cooper surprised me, thinking it over for a long moment before answering. "In some ways."

His response struck me as strange. I'd expected him to say very much so, or every day. Instead, it sounded like he wasn't quite sure.

"We had an interesting upbringing."


"Interesting, how?" I asked, unsure if I was overstepping.

"It was colorful. But it's not my place to fill you in. If it were just you and me spending time together, it would be one thing. With Gavin in the mix... he's more private than I am. He might not appreciate me opening those doors. I'll let him decide how much he wants to share on that front."

I tensed at the mention of his name and forced a smile. "And you think he'll tell me?"

Cooper looked thoughtful for a moment, considering it. "If you win his trust, he will."

As much as Gavin grated on my nerves and shook me up from the inside out, there it was again. The lure of a mystery. It sounded like an interesting challenge.

"Noted," I replied.

Cooper waved to someone across the room, and moments later a familiar-looking man strode toward us. I could almost hear the sound of ovaries exploding in his wake and knew right away that they were related. After all, he had Gavin and Cooper's height and their chiseled good looks. He wasn't as stern as Gavin, nor was he as playful as Cooper. He was somewhere in between.

"Emma, this is Quinn. My oldest brother."

The gorgeous and intimidating Quinn took my hand in his large palm. "Damn. They make me sound ancient. I'm thirty-six, not dead, motherfucker."

When he shot me a smile complete with straight white teeth, blue eyes, and a dimple-my knees went weak. They were all beautiful. Tall. Handsome. Deadly to the libido.

"It's nice to meet you," I managed.

"You as well," Quinn said, still holding my hand. He reluctantly released me a few seconds later, but I was thankful none of the butterflies that swamped my senses when Gavin was near seemed to erupt.

"Is Gavin here too?" Not that I cared. I just hadn't expected to see him tonight, but since both his brothers were here...

"No." Cooper shook his head. "We usually split up these types of appearances. We'd never have a night to ourselves if we had to attend them all."

Quinn nodded. "Divide and conquer. And on that note, if you'll excuse me, I have a few people I need to catch up with. It was nice to meet you, Emma."

"You as well."

"You doing okay so far? Or are you ready to get out of here?" Cooper asked before I had the chance to ponder it more.

"I'm okay. I just feel a little... out of place." I looked down at my lap, smoothing my hands over my dress again.

Cooper's gaze darkened. "Do you see those men looking at you, princess?" He nodded toward the corner of the room where a cluster of three men in business suits were watching us—or rather, me.

I nodded, feeling his fingers return to my lower back.

"It's because you're beautiful. You know that?"

I turned toward him, my cheeks flushing. "I forgot to thank you for the dress."

"It has nothing to do with the dress. You could be dressed in a garbage sack and still be the most beautiful woman in the room."

My blush deepened. "Thank you."

For the next while, we made the rounds of the room. He introduced me to people he knew and we chatted casually with groups of men and women, with Cooper handing off his card surreptitiously when the opportunity arrived. True to his word, though, he led me toward the exit just over an hour later. He had the gift of small talk and was lethally charming, but I was grateful the night didn't drag on. The weight of hungry gazes was heavy, and I was already feeling drained. I was quite surprised, however, that we didn't stay for the five-thousand-dollar-per-plate dinner Gavin had told me about. Then again, Cooper wasn't impressed with the champagne, and I had a feeling he'd be even less so with the food. And the last thing I wanted to do was sit around a table listening to stuffy conversation.

On the way home, he asked if I was hungry. When I said yes, he directed the limo driver to pull into a plaza where there were several chain restaurants and a few fast-food places.

"Burgers or tacos?" he asked.

My stomach growled. "A cheeseburger sounds pretty great, actually."

Cooper instructed our driver again through the intercom, and soon we were pulling away from the drive-through with two cheeseburgers, fries, and bottles of water. We ate together and chatted easily during the ride home.

It was strange how smoothly tonight had gone, in spite of everything-and even more surprising was how well I got along with Cooper. What little I knew of him, he seemed like one of the good guys. Those were hard to find these days. When the limo pulled to a stop in front of my brownstone, Cooper opened the door and climbed out to escort me up the steps.

I paused on the stoop, unsure what might happen next. "I had a great time."

"I did too." He brought my hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss there, and for a moment I thought he might pull away and cup my cheek to bring me in for a full, intimate kiss.

I wet my lips, unsure what I was feeling. Curiosity? Desire? Gratitude that he'd made me feel so comfortable?

Leaning toward me, Cooper pressed a soft kiss to my mouth, lingering there but not deepening the kiss, not taking just asking.

"Good night, princess," he murmured, pulling away reluctantly.


Letting myself inside my dark house, I closed and locked the door, then pressed my back against it and heaved out a sigh, my brain in overdrive.

My date with Cooper had gone well, though it had left me with more questions than answers where Gavin was concerned. But what did that matter? It was like I was looking for trouble, and that needed to stop. Things had gone swimmingly. Date one, down, and true to his word, Cooper hadn't tried to sleep with me.

So, why couldn't I shake the feeling that I should end this all here and now? Before my next date? Before this got out of hand?

Maybe I really didn't want an adventure after all. Maybe I still wasn't over everything that had happened with Nathan. Maybe I needed more time.

Hell, who was I kidding? There was only one reason I was all in knots.

And that reason?

Was named Gavin Kingsley.

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