Flowers Are Bait

Chapter 146:

The question caught Lee-yeon off guard, and she nearly choked on her drink. “Euh…” she stammered.

At the mention of boyfriend, Lee-yeon unconsciously looked at Kwon Chae-woo.

Sure enough, a fierce look was directed at the back of the young man’s head. His face, which seemed to likely kick the boy mercilessly, was like a ghostly apparition.

Perhaps it was just her imagination, but it seemed as if his eyes were filled with blodlust, as if he were about to pull her towards him or tear her apart without a second thought.

Despite the distance between them, his jaw was clenched tightly, like a tree root. Soon, his fierce gaze turned towards Lee-yeon, and her legs began to feel weak, as if they were tied up with chains. She could not feel her blood flowing.

At that time, the cell phone on her neck vibrated. I thought I knew who it was without checking, so Lee Yeon just closed her mouth and put her cell phone in her ear.

-“Say it yourself that you have a husband.”

The sharp voice reached her taut nerves.

-“Speak,” he said.

He looked at the young man’s head and was licking his lips. The impulse to crush and destroy it was strangely reflected on his face.

When the inexplicable anger filled his head, it didn’t matter whose feelings or memories they were, the distinction became meaningless.

-“Here you can’t even lock the door, what are you going to do?” A voice that sounded bitter and low reverberated as if it were watching her.

-“It’s different from yesterday. If you keep quiet, that child will scream.”


-“So, open that mouth.” Even though her temples were pounding, Lee-yeon managed to control her expression.

-“I have a husband.” She replied, her voice devoid of emotions. She swallowed her dry saliva and followed him with a blank expression, like a puppet being controlled. “…I have a husband.”contemporary romance


At this, the young man’s face showed a huge disappointment. His eyes grew wide with surprise, and his mouth hung open. He seemed to have been taken aback by Lee-yeon’s sudden announcement.

-“My husband’s hobby is collecting bones.” Kwon-Chae Woo dictated over the phone.

‘My husband’s hobby is collecting— what?” She stopped herself mid-air.

Her face suddenly turned red with anger. What if she actually uttered those words? Her one and only fan would find her a lunatic.

-“Don’t you know how to talk properly?”

She felt as if her mind, which had been overwhelmed for a moment, had suddenly come back to life.

Her hand trembled as she ended the call, yet she continued to gaze at Kwon Chae-woo with a cold, unwavering stare. He simply shrugged in response, unaffected by her piercing gaze.

Meanwhile, the young man’s eyes blinked rapidly and his throat constricted.

“My uncle was certain that the teacher was still single and unattached,” he spoke.

Lee Yeon took a deep breath and stiffened her neck as she tried to calm herself. “I used to believe I was single too,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“There are many who know that,” the young man sighed, his shoulders slumping.

Just as the silence hung heavy in the air, a braided girl with an innocent expression entered the room, glancing briefly at the young man.

“Did you marry your ideal type, teacher?” she asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.


The girl must have been listening all this time.

Lee-yeon was speechless. It was a topic that she had never thought about in her life.

Just then, Kwon Chae-woo looked at her expectantly.

” … If it is my ideal type, it might turn into a big problem.” Lee-yeon jested.

“Really?” The girl replied.

“Don’t fantasize too much about marriage dear. For if it were to end in divorce, you’ll find yourself a stranger to each other.”

“Oh, yes…” Cutely, the girl in her early 20s nodded in sympathy.

“Then how long have you been dating and married, teacher?”

“Uh, we just met, so we got married right away.”

At the words, the female student’s eyes lit up with wonder

“That’s how much you fell in love at first sight?” Was it your first love?”

As she walked away, the sun’s golden rays cast a warm glow upon her eyes, causing them to gleam. Despite the lively, cheerful laughter ringing in the air, Lee-yeon’s face was rigid and her smile was forced.

She was taken aback by the realization of how much Kwon Chae-woo had come to dominate her thoughts.

But she suppressed the feeling and put on a false grin.

“No, it’s not like that,” she called out to the students, continuing to guide them to the next pine tree.

Her retreating form was shrouded in a hint of sadness, as she receded into the distance.


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