Flowers Are Bait

Chapter 122:

“It’s been a while.”

Lee-yeon stared blankly at Chae-woo who smiled back at her as though nothing had happened.

The last month, when all she could see was darkness, had been the worst rainy season ever. The house was always gloomy and sometimes she even resented having to use an umbrella.

And the absence of the first warmth she’d ever received. Lee-yeon had felt like collapsing, but she kept treating the trees every day and somehow managed to pick up a spoon and eat. Surviving by protecting those who sleep in the forest. She was a forest keeper and an endurer.

“You haven’t changed at all.”


“It’s been such a long time, but you’re just the same.”

She ran straight to him and hugged him around his waist. Her damp eyelids fluttered on the verge of overflowing. He patted Lee-yeon on the back as she buried her face in his chest like a puppy.

“Why didn’t you call me right away? Are you feeling any pain? Aren’t you hungry? Do you have a headache?”

She questioned him endlessly, almost forgetting to breathe.

“I thought I might disturb you at work.”

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for you!” Everything she had been carrying inside her stacking all the way up to her neck was finally washed away. With Chae-woo’s presence filling the house, her stomach felt full, her heart raced. and she felt full of energy. She took a deep breath.

“You’ve been asleep for over a month. Do you have any idea how much—”

“I’m sorry.”

“—how much I missed you.” Her tears poured endlessly. On the other hand, Chae-woo seemed noticeably stiff.

“Now, now what? I’m no help to you at all. There was nothing to even try, so every day I just tried lying down next to you, but it was useless. And things are only going to get harder for you and all I can do is sit there, uselessly.”

At this, Chae-woo took Lee-yeon in his arms and squeezed her as tightly as he could. Her nose pressed against his hard chest, and he placed his chin on top of her head. Their bodies fit together perfectly as though molded specifically for this purpose. It had been a long time since they’d felt such a warm feeling. Eventually, his calm voice drifted warmly down to her.

“No, it’s my fault for taking so long. I’m sorry for being so late.”

“I, because of me,” she sobbed, “I treated the Sacred Tree even though people said it brings bad luck! And then you, instead of me—”

“It’s not your fault. While I was asleep, I had a long dream.”

“Oh, a dream? What dream?”

“Well, it was kind of amusing–”

Lee-yeon raised her head and looked at Chae-woo, wondering what he meant by that. But it was difficult to read his expression without the lights on.

“In fact, it was a story about a woodcutter that didn’t help a deer. So, the deer was gobbled up by the hunter. In the end, the fairy misses her lost deer so much, she kills everyone.”


“In the dream of course.”

“It’s a relief it was just a dream, but it was another nightmare.”

The top of her head tickled against his chin, and she felt him smile lightly. What Lee-yeon couldn’t see was the chilling sneer flashing in the whites of his eyes, and the saliva forming at the sides of his mouth like blood.

“That’s why I absolutely need you, Lee-yeon.”


“If you don’t believe me, should I just go back to sleep?”

“Definitely not!”

Her whole body trembled in fear at the thought. At this reaction, they sat in silence for a moment. A sharp fear clouded her eyes.

The mere thought of it reminded her of that morning, how fed up she had felt. No matter how many times she went through it, she knew she could never get used to sitting and staring at a man who won’t wake up.

“Chae-woo tomorrow is the weekend, so let’s stay up together tonight.”

“I’ll do whatever you want me to.”

Lee-yeon’s body relaxed, relieved by his answer.

“By the way, Lee-yeon.”

She hugged Chae-woo’s waist tighter.contemporary romance

“I hear you met my brother today.”

“…What?” Lee-yeon paused and looked up at him.


Her eyes trembled at the unexpected change in topic. The man pulled himself from their embrace and looked down at Lee-yeon.

She blinked up at him helplessly like a child who lost their candy.

His black eyes were unfamiliar, and she couldn’t read the emotion behind them. She gulped nervously at the sudden tension. She was itching to turn on the light and see Chae-woo’s friendly brown eyes once more.

“You should choose your words very carefully from now on.”


“Lee-yeon, have you ever sucked a dick?”


It was like a foreign language she’d never heard before.

He rubbed her lips roughly as if trying to smooth them out and dug his nails into her skin leaving small crescent shapes. Lee-yeon quickly stepped back from his painful touch, but Chae-woo, not missing a step, pulled her back. Her wrists throbbed painfully in his tight grasp.

“It’s okay. It’s not hard. You have things you’re good at.”

“Chae-woo, what are you—?”

“All you have to do is roll your tongue around it.”

She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

“So, answer me carefully.”

He lowered his voice secretively. His unfamiliar tone sent a ripple through her heart.

“What would you do if I killed Ki-seok?”


“Would you still like me then, Lee-yeon?”

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