First Eclipse

Chapter 8

Tim shone the light ahead. Nothing. They'd walked quite a distance so far, and there were no other tunnels or anything. He needed a weapon. Anything would do at this point. He felt naked without one.

He wasn't worried about animals. They would equally scare the hell out of each other down here. It was people he was concerned with. He'd lied when he said he wasn't sure if they were man-made. They were. Hopefully, they were from ancient tribes and long abandoned. If that was the case, they'd fallen into an amazing discovery. If it wasn't, then things may get dicey.

He needed to settle his mind and focus. Right now, he could hear no sounds, no wind or movement, but he still wanted to be prepared. His head was swimming, and he needed to shake it off.

When they'd been dangling, and he had her climb up him so he could use both hands, it had been the logical thing to do. He couldn't have held on with one hand much longer. She'd done it like a pro, and that made him feel a mix of amazement and pride. She'd moved up his body without jerking around and causing him to lose his grip. She'd even known to wrap herself around him and not have any limbs flailing around.

Of course, when she'd done that, and he turned his head, his cheek rested against her neck-he felt her pulse in her throat. Smelling the scent of her essence, he'd felt way more than he had anticipated. He knew his eyes were red from that point on until she'd discovered them being so. He also knew he had found his mate, and he had no idea what to do with that. It was nothing to do with her mixed DNA. He didn't give a crap about that at all. But she was one of the Gemini women, and they had all been told that those women were likely the key to ending all this take over the realms BS, and they were to protect them at all costs. They were just as important as the Alterealm royal women were. That was intimidating. That his mate was so important. He was a guard. Just a second-generation guard from his lowly and humble family. What business did he have to claim a mate of such importance? He didn't. He wouldn't, but if his reaction to her was any indication, it was going to be hard.

"It's so quiet, it's kind of freaking me out. I'm used to city noise."

"There's a drip somewhere up ahead and a quiet hum, which I hope is from the wind blowing into the exit we need." He wanted to reassure her, but they had to survive this and he needed to figure out how he was managing that. She moved until she was close to pressed up against his back. "You can hear that?"

"It's not constant." Having her so close was making it hard to concentrate.

"Okay. I'll shut up and let you listen. All I can hear is my heartbeat dancing like we're in a mosh pit."

Tim stopped, shone the light back, and looked at her. "Do you want to stop for a minute and settle down?"

She shook her head. "No. I want to run fast and find the exit." Despite her voice being steady, her eyes were filled with fear.

"We're not running. It's too noisy, but we'll keep going." She was holding it together very well.

She nodded and tightened her grip on his belt. "Okay."

After that, they walked in silence. He was trying to figure out how long they'd been walking and how far they'd gone. The ground was level, not slopped, but the distance had to be taking them deeper into the mountain. "Tim," she gripped the back of his shirt. "I can sense rodents nearby. Quite a few."

He stopped walking and shone the small flashlight ahead. It didn't go very far. He could see it hit a wall. "I think it turns up here. Maybe we're near the end." "Let's hope the end equals exit."

He didn't think so but didn't say it. If they were near the outside, they would hear more. He'd spent enough time in tunnels, caves, and other underground places with the Alterealm royals in the last year to know that. He started walking again. "This is man-made, isn't it?"

He smiled. She was smart. "I believe what nature started; man finished."

"Well, they did a bad job putting up signs to warn people they could fall through the ground."

He kept going but couldn't help wanting to laugh. He was happy about one thing pertaining to this woman that was meant to be his. She had a sense of humor and wasn't freaking out. For that, he was thankful. His calm would have been greatly affected if she hadn't been. He'd gotten too used to his Huntress. She didn't freak out either; she just got mad and demanded things to beat on.

When they reached the turn, he slowed and moved around the corner, trying to listen and keep the light far enough ahead of them that he'd have a warning if he needed it. He paused, leaned down, and pulled out the small blade. Straightening, he gave it a look of disappointment because it wasn't bigger, like it was the weapon's fault.

As they stepped around the corner, the tunnel widened into a large space. His stomach tightened when he shone the light and saw tables, modern-style ones, sitting in the open area. Some crates and other objects were sitting on the far side. He took a few more steps and shone the light around them. There were three tunnels from this place. He exhaled quietly. It was going to be a long day if he didn't pick the right one.

"Is this good?" She whispered, once again moving closer to him.

He went over to one of the tables and ran his fingers along it. They were coated in dust. "No one's been in here for a long while." "That's good then."

He nodded. "Just stay here for a second. I want to check some of this out."

"Okay." She let go of his belt.

Tim moved slowly, without sound. If anyone was in one of those other tunnels, he wanted to hear them coming. There was nothing useful on the tables or under them. Whoever had been here, they'd vacated without tidying up. Empty mugs and bowls were still on the tables. A few chairs were tipped over. He shone the light around and then headed to the first tunnel. Shining the light down it, he stiffened. It looked like a hall with four other carved-out doors. He'd check those after he looked in the crates. There had to be something better than a four-inch blade that he could use as a weapon.

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He paused by the next opening and shone the light down it. This one went beyond the light's reach and looked like a good possibility for a way out.

Moving over to the crates, he lifted the lid on the top one and looked inside canned goods. Taking one out, he blew off the dust and looked for an expiry date. It was long expired. At this point, he wasn't sure if that was good for them or bad.

"Is this a torch?"

His heart slammed in his chest. She was right behind him. Turning, he looked at her.

"Sorry. It was very dark over there." She pointed.

Shining the light to where she was pointing, he scowled. Leaning against the wall was a torch. How had she seen that at all? He didn't know. "Get the lighter." If it still lit, they would be able to cover more ground. The downside was that if anyone else used these tunnels, it would be a beacon to let them know someone was there.

"Just flick it?"

He grinned. "I suppose. I've never used one."

"But you're old..."

He chuckled. "We've had power in Alterealm for a very long time."

She scoffed. "I guess we humans are the last to figure things out."

Tim didn't bother to point out that the human DNA in her was probably the smallest percentage of her makeup. He held the torch out. She flicked the lighter twice, and then it caught fire. Moving it away from her, he held it up. "Put this in your pocket." He handed her the flashlight. She took it without a word. "Look for anything that can be used as a weapon."

"You think we're going to need one?" She moved away. "This place is creepier now that I can see it."

"Better to have one if I do need it."

"Good point." She stopped. "Uh-" She turned around. "How about a table leg? They look solid. You could use one as a club."

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He gave her a shocked look. He hadn't thought of that.

She shrugged. "Just used to improvising."

He held out the torch. She took it with a wary expression and held it as far from her body as she could.

Tim went over to one of the tables and bent down to look at the leg. Metal. It would be hollow. He moved to the next table and checked. Wood. He'd take it. Tipping the table, he stepped back and lifted his leg. Muscles complained with the movement. He'd bruised a lot on that fall. Bringing his foot down on the leg, it gave way. The cracking sound was louder than he anticipated. He cringed and froze, listening for anyone's reaction. When nothing but silence was noted, he grabbed the leg, twisted it, and pulled it free. It was solid. Had a good weight to it. This was good. Giving it a few swings, he decided it was better than the little knife.

The glow of the light changed, and he turned to see Fauna pulling a curtain aside that hung over the last carved-out archway. "Um, Tim. I think you need to see this."

He quickly made his way around the forgotten furniture and went over to her. "What is it?" He held the leg higher, just in case.

She held the material aside and moved the torch so it lit the inside.

A chill went down his spine. It was a fair-sized space with furnishings. She went to go in, and he put his hand on her arm to stop her. "Don't. There's no dust. Someone has been here very recently, and there could be some kind of warning system or spell placed on it."

She released the curtain and looked at him. "Okay. I think our brief stay is done. We should go."


He nodded. "Keep the flashlight close. If I hear anyone, I'll be extinguishing the torch." He had no idea how but hoped rolling it on the ground would work. "I just want to check that other area." He turned toward it.

"I'm right behind you. Literally."

He felt her fingers slip behind his belt.

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