First Eclipse

Chapter 31

Tim pulled out his phone and checked the message. It was from the huntress telling him they hadn't been able to find any trace of magic anywhere near the alley. Princess Reagan and Firo had both tried to find any.

That box had been placed close enough to Fauna that she would sense an animal, but far enough away that no one saw it. They'd even managed to avoid Nova's cameras when they put it there.

Fauna's cat jumped off her bed and came over to the door where he stood. She looked up at him and mewed. Bending over, he scooped her up and held her. "She'll be all right." He rubbed the top of her head. "It's better if she sleeps through this part."

Someone walked up the stairs. It was Em. She was carrying a bowl.

"Time to wash her face and put more drops in." She stopped beside him. "You could sit inside the room."

Tim looked in at Fauna lying in her bed. "I don't want to intrude."

Em scoffed. "Little late for that, big guy." She went into the room. "Come here, in case she needs any more of that eufori." She set the bowl down and looked at him. "I have a lot of questions about that." She smiled. "I'll save them for another time."

Tim went in and set Moxy on the chair and then went over and knelt beside the bed. Fauna was as long as the tiny bed was. Her room wasn't big enough for a large one, or he'd have one delivered in the next hour.

The blistering was less angry looking, but her eyes were still swollen. He had to swallow down the rage that filled him when he looked at her and saw what someone had intentionally done to her. He should have come over sooner. He'd been studying the areas of the mountains, looking for the best location for them to look for strays. He knew she still wanted to and if it distracted her from going out and searching for that spell anchor thing, he'd have spent a week in the mountains with her.

"Fawn. It's Em. Time for more drops."

Fauna turned her head. "Kay." She said it so softly he barely heard her.

"Do you want a drink first?"

Fauna nodded.

"Help me prop her up."

Tim leaned over and gently put his arm under her shoulders. She was still out of it and completely lax in his hold. He'd purposely given her as much Eufori as possible, wanting all of this to feel more like a dream than a nightmare. "How much of that did you give her?"

He glanced at the twin marks on her neck. "A lot."

"Too much won't hurt her, will it?" Em sat on the bed and held the straw near Fauna's lips.

Fauna opened her mouth.

"You have to suck on it, Fawn. Otherwise, I'm going to pour it in."

Tim could see the worry on her friend's face. "It won't hurt her. It just needs to wear off."

Em nodded, but she didn't look away from Fauna.

When she managed a small drink, Tim lowered her gently back to the pillow. He smoothed the hair back from her face, careful not to touch any of the affected areas.

"Okay, Fawn, drops first, and then I'll wipe off your face."

"Mmm." That was what Fauna managed to say. "Tim." She whispered.

He leaned closer. "I'm here."

She reached out and touched his arm. "Kay."

He placed his hand over hers and watched as Em used a wet cloth to lift her eyelid.

"First drops." Em said right before she dropped some into her eye.

Fauna's hand gripped his arm, and she hissed out a breath.

Tim blew out one of his own, focusing on not growling. Even with the Eufori, she was still feeling the pain. He didn't dare give her more. With the amount he'd used that first time, he would have to wait at least eight hours to give her more. It had only been two, which meant the next few times they put the drops in, her discomfort would increase.

Em's expression as she watched Fauna take controlled breaths was as if she felt the pain herself. He wondered about the connection that these women had.

"Let me know when you're ready for the other side."

Fauna nodded slightly and moved her hand so she was gripping his. "Do it." She whispered and then squeezed his hand tight.

By the time both eyes were done and her face thoroughly washed with the solution, Tim was ready to go kill something.

"Try to rest." Em stood up. "If you need anything, Tim will be close by." She smiled at him.

Fauna nodded, but her face was still creased with the tension from the pain.

Moxy jumped up on the bed, very carefully climbed onto her stomach, and lay down. She started purring to comfort her human.

Fauna put her hand on the cat's back. "I'm okay, girl." She reassured her. "Tim?"

"Yeah." He was still kneeling beside the bed.

"Stay." She whispered.

"I will. Try to rest," he whispered. Then he stood up slowly and backed toward the door. He stopped just inside it and watched her. Her face was more relaxed now. "It looks a little better."

He turned to see Capri standing outside the door. Moving silently, he went out into the hall. "It shouldn't have happened." He kept his voice down so as not to disturb Fauna.

"No." Capri searched his face. "But, we cannot control what others do." She looked in at Fauna. "Thank you, for easing the pain for her."

Tim nodded.

"I think this is harder on you than the rest of us."

He jerked his head and looked back at her. "I don't..."

She smiled. "She's meant for you, isn't she? I overheard some whispering from the others." She looked back at Fauna. "You're meant for each other." She said in barely a whisper. "Do you think that was planned in all of this?"

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Tim hadn't thought about that. "I suppose in some way it was." That pissed him off. That fate had planned to hurt his mate.

"I never thought any of my girls would find someone but the gods, or angels or fate, I suppose, has thought of everything." She wrapped her arms around her waist.

Tim was surprised. A woman like Capri didn't strike him as someone to have melancholy moments.

"I've been trying to figure out why I exist and now to find I have a twin-yet, we're not together-" She looked at Fauna again and then touched his arm. "Don't take her away from us, all right?"

Tim nodded.

"Together we are stronger." With that, she turned and walked down the hall. He watched her go down the stairs and then turned to look back at Fauna. She was so lovely despite the red marks on her face. He'd live on the moon if that were what she needed to make her happy. When she stirred and shifted positions, he held his breath. His phone buzzing in his pocket made him jump. Pulling it out, he looked at it. We spotted some jerk on the cameras and have tracked him down. Same time the box appeared. Meet us outside in five if you want in on this. Tim looked back in at her. He told her he'd be here. Clenching his jaw, he turned back to look at her.

Someone ran up the stairs. He turned to see it was Em.

"They think they found the person that put the box there."

She stopped when she reached the second last step and looked at Fauna's doorway. "Go. I'll sit in there until you get back."

Tim huffed out a breath and nodded. "Thank you. I won't be long." He moved by her.


"Yeah?" He glanced back at her.

"Dead people can't share information."

He cocked his head to the side. "Right." He wouldn't kill them, but he was going to get answers, one way or another.

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