First Eclipse

Chapter 11

Fauna couldn't see or hear anything that told her why he was so tense, but she listened and looked around. There could be any number of animals here. Closing her eyes, she found the direction he'd pointed and sent out a startling urgency. He hadn't said to have them wander this way or run, but the fact that he picked a direction made her think they should hurry.

As the first few rabbits came racing out from the growth, she heard steps echoing from the tunnel. Three deer came darting out of the bush and raced passed them.

Fauna looked at the tunnel, and the woman stood at its entrance. She had to be Capri's twin; there was no other explanation for why she looked so much like her.

A rabbit emerged from the bush and darted toward the cave entrance. Half a second later, an entire family of raccoons followed.

"I've got you." The woman sang in a pleased way. She started walking in the direction the animals had come from.

Fauna held her breath until she disappeared into the thick growth. Tim continued to look that way. Slumping her shoulders, she leaned against the rock for a second and then turned around. She almost squeaked in surprise to see Prince Victor standing ten feet away. He was dressed like a dark avenger, and he was looking in the direction the woman had gone. She elbowed Tim.

He turned and didn't look surprised that the prince stood there. "Sir," he bowed his head.

The prince touched his ear. "I found them." He looked back in the direction the woman had gone. "I just saw the twin leaving the tunnel."

A second later, Daxx appeared with Ava. Ava rushed toward her. "Are you guys okay?" She looked around.

Fauna wasn't even surprised to see her wings were visible. If she had wings, they would have been too. "A few cuts and scrapes, but we're okay."

"Smart thinking, contacting Capri." Ava huffed out a breath. "I could hear you, but being here, I couldn't answer you back."

Fauna slid down the tock and sat on the ground. "I don't even know how I did it," she winced, then leaned so her side was free of pressure. "Sir. Fauna needs to see a doctor and have her ribs checked." Tim stood straighter.

Prince Victor looked at the table leg in his hand and then at his bandaged arm. "Are there furnishings in there?"

Tim nodded. "Yes. It's not used as a base now, and it hasn't been in a long time, but that woman, the twin, has a nice cozy spot she uses."

Prince Victor nodded and then touched his ear again. "We need Princess Aireese and other strong magic holders here. We're searching this tunnel system and will need help if the twin returns."

Ava turned around and looked at the tunnel. "I'm staying." She pulled out her phone. "And calling Firo for backup. If she's the one that tried to smack me down, we're going to need a lot of fae magic if she comes back." Fauna looked from Ava to Tim. He was looking down at her. "I'm fine."

"Fauna." Sparx and Flora came running out from the trees. Right behind them was Kara and Prince Rafael.

Rafael looked at her and then at Tim, then held up the bag he'd put his sword in. "Unless you'd like to use a wooden leg."

Tim dropped the table leg. "No, I'd prefer my weapon."

Kara came over and dropped down beside Fauna. She had her backpack. "Are you okay?"

"I hurt my side when we fell through." She sighed. "I wasn't prepared for that."

Kara smiled. "No, it's not the normal thing you'd expect."

Fauna looked over to see Tim sucking on Rafael's wrist and cringed. His eyes were red again. She quickly looked back at Kara. "I think I'll heal without bloodletting." She nodded.

Kara smiled. "I'm sure Reagan can help you without blood involved."

Tim wiped his mouth, came over, and held out his hand. Fauna took it and tried hard not to make a face or sound when he pulled her to her feet. Once standing, she put her hand on his bandaged arm and then peeled back a corner of the gauze and looked at it. It was healed. "That's handy."

He grinned. "In recent days, it has been." He looked over at Rafael. "She needs to be taken care of, Captain."

Rafael nodded and touched his ear. "Reagan, can you meet Fauna back at the Gemini's? She has some injuries." He grinned. "Suck it up, brother, unless you want to slit a wrist for her." His smile grew wider. "That's what I thought." He looked at Kara. "Can you take her back and then return?"

Kara nodded. "Yes. You're not going in there without me." She handed her bow to Tim. "I'll be right back. No one moves." She glared at Rafael.

"We're waiting on the others," Prince Victor said, touching his ear. "Anyone wanting to port here, meet Kara at the Gemini's in a moment." He shook his head. "They are fine. There are no serious injuries. No, heart, your presence is not required here."

Firo and Princess Aireese appeared. He immediately looked at Ava and smiled.

"She hides in there." Ava pointed.

Firo turned and looked at the tunnel entrance. "Is she in attendance now?"

"No. She left." Tim pointed. "But once she realizes Fauna used the animals to make her think we went that way, I'm sure she'll be back."

Firo smiled and it didn't seem friendly at all. "Good. I can't wait to introduce myself to her."

"Okay, Fauna, lets get you back and fixed up."

Fauna nodded, "I'm sorry we didn't find Tawny a friend." She glanced at Tim, "Tim says we'll try in the Alterealm mountains."

Kara smiled. "I'm just glad you still want to after this."

Fauna shrugged. "I've always wanted to try spelunking."

Tim chuckled. "Next time, with ropes."

Kara held out her hand and waited for Fauna to put hers in it.

Sparx and Flora hurried over and put a hand on Kara's shoulders.

"Yes, ropes, harness, and a big flashlight next time." She smiled at Tim. Without him, she would have died. "See you later."

He inclined his head to her just as Kara ported them away.

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