Finding Lilibeth

Chapter 1

8 years later

Lilibeth was home by herself which wasn't unusual at all. Jasmine, her mother reminded Lilibeth constantly that she was never wanted, not by her or her father. Well when she was coming down from her high that is.

Today was Lilibeth's 8th birthday and unlike kids her age who would be celebrating with her family and friends, Lilibeth was trying to stay hidden from her mother who would usually be so high today that she wouldn't even remember Lilibeth's name. It wasn't all bad, in the morning there was pancakes and a present. But when she got home from school her mum was no where to be seen which usually meant she was off using somewhere and Lilibeth needed to remain hidden when she returned otherwise the nasty words and the hits and slaps would occur.

Lilibeth was so lost in her thoughts about how one birthday she just wanted a cake and to have a happy day with her mum that she didn't hear her mum come into the little flat they shared. "You little bitch" Jasmine spat seeing her daughter in the kitchen. Lilibeth swung around hearing her mother, she knew it was going to be a bad day today with the look in her mothers eyes.

Jasmine stalked towards her daughter who she blamed for how her life had turned out. Lilibeth wasn't enough to bring Darren back and in Jasmine's drugged fuelled brain Lilibeth had to pay. If only Lilibeth were better, Darren wouldn't of paid her to get rid of the child and they could of been happy together. She had used the last of the money when Lilibeth was a baby on drugs which helped numb the fact that she lost everything for the little baby she thought Darren wanted. "Mum" Lilibeth said just as Jasmine was close enough to strike hoping to snap her out of the come down from drugs, but that only added to the hatred in her mothers eyes.

Jasmine raised her hand smacking Lilibeth across the face so hard that she was knocked to the ground. Lilibeth was use to the hits but the power in this one was harder then she ever felt before. Lilibeth grabbed her cheek looking at her mother seeing nothing but hate in her eyes.

Lilibeth was scared, she had never seen that look before and was worried about what her mother would actually do to her today. "Mum please. You can't do this to me" Lilibeth pleaded with her mother trying to get away from her before her mum did some damage.

Jasmine saw nothing but red the more that little bitch called her mum. She saw the life she lost, the man that she lost, the family she once had that she lost, all because of this girl in front of her. The drugs were wearing off now and Jasmine was aggressive when she was coming down from a high. There was no reasoning with her when she was in this stage of drug use.

Jasmine stalked towards the thing that ruined her life. She balled her hand in a fist and swung hitting Lilibeth in the mouth and then kicked the little girl in the side earning blood curdling screams from the 8 year old girl. Lilibeth attempted to curl into a ball to protect her head but Jasmine moved quickly grabbing her arm and twisting while yanking the child off the ground.

Lilibeth let out another blood curdling scream as she heard the snap of bone in her arm and pain shot through her shoulder and down her arm. Lilibeth was in excruciating pain and began to vomit. Jasmine had ripped Lilibeth's shoulder out of the socket and snapped her arm with the force she used. The scream shocked Jasmine who dropped her daughter on the ground earning another blood curdling scream from the child.

"Oh god what have I done?" Jasmine whispered out. She looked at Lilibeth who was on the ground dry retching and sobbing. "Lilibeth" Jasmine stated going to step towards her daughter only to have Lilibeth scoot away from her mother. Lilibeth was a sobbing mess and Jasmine could see the damage she had caused her child. She again went to reach for the child only to be interrupted by a banging on the door.

"Police open up" someone called through the door. Jasmine turned to the door and then looked at Lilibeth on the floor crying in pain with her arm flopping to the side. "Police, open up or we will force our way in" the person at the door called again. Jasmine made her way to the door slowly opening the door to reveal several police officers on the other side of the door.

"Ma'am we heard reports or screaming and banging coming from the apartment. Is everything ok?" The police officer asked seeing Jasmine who had tears running down her face. Jasmine looked to Lilibeth who was still crying in the kitchen and dry retching. She looked at the little girl who had straight blonde hair, rosy cheeks which were stained with tears and swollen from the hits she had delivered to them. Bright ocean blue eyes that use to sparkle like the ocean which now held pain. "Ma'am is there anyone else in the apartment?" The police officer asked after seeing Jasmine looking at something in the apartment and hearing the painful cries of someone else.

Lilibeth was trying to keep quiet, it wasn't the first time the police had been called and usually when they arrived she was able to keep quiet and pretend to be in bed asleep so they wouldn't know what had gone down in the house. Today though, Lilibeth couldn't move without vomiting due to the pain she had running through her body coming from her arm. She used her other hand to cover her mouth to attempt to stop the sobs but even breathing hurt.

Jasmine looked at her daughter one last time knowing she had gone to far this time. She knew Lilibeth deserved so much better then her and it was time she let her daughter go. Jasmine opened the door more allowing the officer to see the little girl in the corner of the kitchen, blood dripping from her mouth, trying to stop the noise coming from her mouth.

The office looked past Jasmine and saw Lilibeth and the pain written all over her face. "We need an ambulance urgently" he spoke into the radio. "Ma'am, I need you to step outside now" the officer bit out. The officer needed to check on the little girl but he also needed to detain the woman in front of him to protect himself and the child inside the house.

Jasmine stepped outside and the officer's partner rushed into the house and straight over to Lilibeth. "Sweetheart what's your name?" She asked the girl who was now looking up fearfully. "Lilibeth" Lilibeth managed to get out before screaming in pain. "We have help on the way sweetheart, stay as still as you can. How old are you?" The female officer asked while the male officer was dealing with Jasmine. "8 today" Lilibeth manage to get out before succumbing to the black spots that clouded her vision. Finally peace was Lilibeth's final thought.

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