Faux Vows, True Desires

Chapter 470

Keith punched in another number on his phone, the firmness in his voice unmistakable, "I'm heading to Pinehurst tomorrow. Make the arrangements." He was determined to deliver the cash to Darlene in person!

And he needed to catch up with Lucinda, see if she had any savvy tips up her sleeve for coaxing Darlene into revealing a bit more than she intended. Now more than ever, Keith trusted Lucinda's judgment.

Her intuition was spot on.

Not to mention her predictions!

It was almost a shame she wasn't reading fortunes under some bridge in the city.

Darlene's unexpected visit had robbed Keith of a full night's sleep; four hours was all he managed before dawn crept in.

Short as his slumber was, Keith woke up feeling refreshed and energized, his mood buoyant.

First thing, he dialed Lucinda's number.

To let her know he'd be visiting today.

Lucinda's delight was palpable through the phone, though tinged with confusion, "Keith, weren't you planning on coming over for Tiffany's wedding? Why the sudden drop-by on a Monday?"

She was going to hand in her resignation at the company today.

After Tiffany's wedding, she planned to move back to Skywatch.

Post-resignation, her time would be devoted to preparing for Liam and Tiffany's wedding.

"What, not happy to see me? Or perhaps you're worried I'll be a third wheel, cramping your style with Stefan?"

Keith teased.

Watching his sister and her husband all lovey-dovey always left him feeling like he was being force-fed a diet of romance.

Sometimes it even made him consider looking for love.

All thanks to the lovebirds, his sister and brother-in-law.

"Keith, what are you talking about? You're my brother, my flesh and blood, just as important to me as Stefan. Of course, I'd want to spend time with you first. Out with it, why are you really coming over? I don't buy for a second it's just because you missed me."

"Your words make me sound like a heartless brother," he said with mock indignation. "Last night, well, more like one in the morning today, my lifesaver paid me a visit."

Lucinda was instantly intrigued, "So, did you finally see her face? Was it Darlene? How did you thank your lifesaver? Any chance you offered yourself in return? I have two brothers, and the elder one's all settled. You're the only bachelor left, Keith. If it turns out to be Darlene, you should shamelessly offer yourself to her."

"The debt of saving a life can certainly be paid that way."

Keith was speechless, "Lucy, are you a matchmaker now?"

Lucinda giggled, "I'm just looking out for you. Mom and Dad aren't pestering you about marriage, so it falls to me to take up the mantle. Even though you're ten minutes older, I'm married; I've been through it. I know the ropes."

Keith was speechless.

Most people got the marriage nudge from their elders, but Keith got it from his little sister.

"I didn't get to see her real face, so I can't be sure it was Ms. Darlene," Keith confessed, "She wasn't willing to reveal her identity, and I didn't want to press her. But when I spoke to her up close, I caught a scent I recognized. Next time I see Ms. Darlene, I'll know for sure."

"It seems you're quite taken with her, breaking your own 'three-meter rule' just for her," Lucinda teased.

She knew it. Her brother was an amazing catch, and she was certain that once the right moment came, the no-women-within-three-meters rule would shatter.

Keith said, "I'd actually forgotten about that."

Lucinda laughed heartily over the phone.

Keith was a tad frustrated.

When he saw the masked woman in his room, his only thought was relief. He had people scouring everywhere for her, and here she was, showing up on her own accord. In his excitement, he'd completely forgotten his rule about women not getting too close.

And not only had he forgotten, but he had also intentionally closed in on the masked woman.

"Though I didn't see her face, I'm about eighty percent sure she's Ms. Darlene."

He was testing the waters.

She had come to him with a clear purpose: to have him cancel his contract with Cipher Detectives and get his deposit back.

That way, she wouldn't be put in an awkward position.

Cipher Detectives was her operation.

If it weren't for his sister playing matchmaker and sowing seeds of doubt, Keith would never have linked Darlene to the shadowy owner of Cipher Detectives.

When Keith thought of Darlene's agility and sharp wit, his lips curled into a smile. She was shrouded in mystery.

And he, he was eager to unravel her secrets, one layer at a time.


"I knew it was Darlene. And you were so sure it wasn't. Now you're having doubts, huh? So, what's your plan?. You sure you're not going to stubbornly offer yourself to her? Speaking of which, you could learn a thing or two from Owen. He had the nerve to chase after Cecilia, no holds barred."

Learn from Owen?

Well, he could do that.

No, that's not right. He wasn't aiming to woo anyone, so why adopt Owen's tactics?

He simply admired the masked woman, nothing more.

"Lucy, are you that eager to get rid of me? Pushing me out the door like I'm some bachelor on clearance!"

Lucinda laughed, "Keith, I just feel for you. It's lonely being on your own, no one to care for you. If you found someone, I'd worry less."

"Alright, enough teasing. Tell me, what else happened between you and Darlene?"

Keith sighed, "What could have happened? Lucy, the way you put it, I sound like some kind of predator."

"Keith, that's your mind twisting things, not my words."

Keith was speechless.

He couldn't outtalk his sister.

After all, she was a writer, a wordsmith. And wordsmiths were formidable; they could slay without a blade.

"She asked me to cancel the contract with Cipher Detectives and take back the deposit, to use it as a reward for saving me."

"That's it?"

"What else were you expecting?"

Lucinda sounded almost disappointed, "Bro, couldn't you have chatted her up a bit more? Besides, she saved your life. Doesn't it seem a bit cheap to repay her with just a few hundred thousand?" "Did you transfer the money to her?"

Keith grumbled, "No, she wouldn't give me her account details, probably afraid I'd trace her real identity. She insisted on cash, the nerve!"

"A few grand in cash? Come on,

Keith, that's chump change. If you're seriously gonna make it rain for her, you need to go big. I'm talking

millions Imagine rolling up with met

couple of hefty leather suitcases, bursting at the seams, just dragging them over to her doorstep. Bet she'd come zooming over on her motorcycle just like she did when she saved your hide that one time."

"Thing is, she won't be able to lug all that dough by herself, and it's not exactly safe, right? That's your golden ticket, Keith. You offer her a lift, and no matter where she asks you to drop her off, it's a clue, a way to narrow down our search."

Both Keith and Lucinda were pretty convinced that the masked lady was none other than Darlene, although without seeing her true face, they still had their work cut out for them.

They needed hard evidence, a glimpse behind the mask that confirmed it was Darlene, before they could start piecing the puzzle together.

Keith was dumbfounded, taking a moment before he sighed, "Lucy, you're something else. Good thing you're not a guy. If you were, I bet you'd have a trail of broken hearts behind you." "Just trying to market you, you know? I'm pulling out all the stops, brainstorming day and night on how to land you a sister-in-law."

Keith was on the verge of hanging up again.

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