Faux Vows, True Desires

Chapter 403

Cecilia hailed a cab and made her way to the grand Martinez estate, carrying a bag of carefully selected health supplements. She didn't call Owen ahead of her arrival; instead, she simply rang the doorbell. The Martinez family's security had been eyeing the taxi since it pulled up.

When Cecilia stepped out, the on-duty guard was caught off guard, and it wasn't until the doorbell chimed that he remembered the girl at the door was their young mistress.

The marriage between the young master and the young mistress had been a forced affair by the patriarch, and it was common knowledge that the young master didn't fancy his wife. Still, Trenton had decreed that Miss Cecilia was to be their young mistress.

Despite knowing she was not particularly welcome, the guard didn't dare to bar Cecilia's entry. He hurried out of the guardhouse, opened the door, and greeted her respectfully, "Mrs. Martinez."

Cecilia ceased ringing the bell and responded with a polite smile, clarifying, "I'm not your Mrs. Martinez anymore."

She and Owen had divorced and hadn't remarried yet, the title of Mrs. Martinez no longer applied to her.

The guard simply smiled, gestured for her to enter, and said, "Please, come in, Mrs. Martinez."

Cecilia pursed her lips but chose not to correct the guard again.

It was a worker's life; they simply followed the orders from above.

Cecilia entered the mansion, holding her bag of health supplements.

In addition to the store-bought items, she had brought a pot of nourishing soup her mother had prepared, kept warm in an insulated container, as a peace offering.

Becca Yates, seeing her daughter's intention to care for Owen despite the injury he sustained because of her, offered silent support and didn't utter a word of protest. She had passed the scene of the incident that morning and still saw blood on the ground.

Once inside the Martinez estate, the on-duty guard promptly called Derek.

Upon learning of Cecilia's arrival, Derek made his way to the dining room.

Only three people were having breakfast in the dining room; the rest were still in bed.

Derek approached the patriarch and whispered, "Sir, Cecilia has arrived."

Mr. Martinez's eyes sparkled briefly as he glanced at his grandson and instructed softly, "Go greet her."

Owen's right arm throbbed with pain despite being bandaged, and it was affecting his ability to eat. If it got any worse, he might not be able to hold anything steady with his right hand.

Harry Martinez, seated next to him, asked with concern, "Bro, do you need a hand?"

"No, thanks," Owen replied coolly.

He wouldn't accept help from Harry, knowing it would become a jest to hold over him later. The Martinez brothers knew all too well that brotherly love and respect were not their strong suit, unlike the tight-knit Anderson siblings.

Catching another glimpse of his grandson's arm, the patriarch inquired, "Owen, is your wound causing much pain?"

"It's getting worse," Owen admitted. "I've informed our family doctor. He should be here soon to change the dressing."

A painkiller might be necessary, as the discomfort was starting to interfere with his mobility.

The patriarch nodded, "Make sure the doctor gives you something for the pain."

Footsteps echoed down the stairs, signaling Olina's arrival, followed by Shane Martinez.

The couple entered the dining room and greeted the patriarch. Trenton's regard for his daughter-in-law had waned over time, regretting his momentary weakness in yielding to his son's wishes to marry a woman who brought nothing but vanity to the family. A wise wife was invaluable, as evident in the Anderson clan, where each son had married well, bringing harmony and prosperity to their family. The servants promptly served Shane and Olina's breakfast.

"Uncle Shane, Aunt Bertha," Harry greeted them politely.

Shane returned the greeting with warmth, while Olina barely acknowledged her nephew with a nod.

Descending the stairs to find her brother-in-law's son dining in her home soured Olina's mood. Yet, it presented an opportunity to convey a message to Ashley.

"Dad," Olina began with a sweet smile, "I've invited Mrs. Dempsey and her daughter Gina over today. Gina is about Owen's age and still single due to her dedication to her career. I thought it might be good for Owen to meet her."

The Dempseys were known in Pinehurst as discreet tycoons, their true standing recognized only by those within high society.

Olina had considered the eligible women of Pinehurst's wealthiest families before setting her sights on the Dempsey heiress. Gina Dempsey might have been assertive, but she was cultured and refined - a far cry from Cecilia.

The patriarch responded indifferently, "If Owen is interested in seeing Gina, I have no objections. After his divorce and heartbreak, I won't meddle in his affairs. Let him decide his own path." Owen inwardly scoffed at his hypocrisy, knowing Trenton's words were as hollow as his pretenses.

Olina's face lit up with a smile as her father-in-law offered no objections. Ever since she married into the Martinez family, despite being adored by her husband, she struggled to find her footing in the presence of her father-in-law.

To this day, she had yet to take her place as the matriarch of the Martinez family.

Her father-in-law had always doubted her intelligence, believing she lacked the capacity to shoulder the responsibilities of being the family's leading lady.

The relatives were always itching to snatch that title from her.

Her gaze shifted to her son, and that's when she noticed the white bandage wrapped around Owen's right arm. Concern flickered in her eyes as she hurriedly asked, "Owen, what happened to your arm? Are you hurt? How did you get injured?"

Shane, too, turned his attention to his son, waiting for an answer.

"Uncle, my big bro here played the knight in shining armor."

Harry spoke up for Owen, "My sister-in-law was coming home from work last night when she ran into a mugger. Owen stepped in to defend her and ended up getting cut. So there you go, he got hurt." It turned out that Owen didn't even bother to bring a bodyguard when he was courting his lady.

If only.

A sinister thought flickered through Harry's mind, but he quickly shook it off.

If he were to compete, it had to be fair and square, nothing illegal.

Otherwise, even if he won, he'd end up spending the rest of his life behind bars. What would be the point of that?

Olina replied with a hint of annoyance, "What sister-in-law are you talking about? Your brother isn't married yet. Cecilia is no longer part of this family; she and your brother got a divorce."

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