Fated Triad: Shadows of the Forbidden Moon

Chapter 21: Beneath the Mask

Ariel's POV

"We have to find out what's going on," Alan said gently, peering across the waiting area. "This transcends what we know right now."

I nodded while my thoughts swirled with questions. Marie has turned away from us. The reason is Whose behind-the-scenes string pulling was on the way? Above all, how can we stop it before it is too late?

Before we could continue, the emergency room doors opened and a man in a dark suit walked coldly, deliberately across the area. His eyes locked on us and my heart skipped a beat. Something about him yelled danger, a subdued warning that made my back quiver.

"Can you kindly assist me?" Steering conservatively ahead of me, Alan asked. His posture was rigid, ready for a fight should that prove required.

The man grinned even though he couldn't see it. Here I am to offer a bargain.

'A contract?' I went back once more, my voice shaking. "Who is it?"

He turned to Alan and passed over my question. "You also haven't been seeking solutions either. I could provide you with hand-held versions. Alan closed his eyes, suspicion painted across his face. "And in turn what do you want?"

The man's smile grew larger, and I felt a flutter of something evil in his gaze. "Your loyalty is really excellent. You and the girl travel with me; I will share with you anything you find interesting. Refuse; once more you will not see your friend.

My blood cooled in time with his words. This was not any ordinary man; he was someone with knowledge and power above what he was revealing.

"Why should we believe you?" Alan asked, his voice calm, but I sensed underlying hostility.

"You don't have to trust me," the man replied austerely. "But you will do precisely as I say if you want to survive."

My chest beating, I turned to meet Alan. We had few options left to us. Should this man be saying the truth, he could be the key to saving Lucas and finding out why Marie had turned against us. Should he be lying, though, we could be headed right into a trap.

"What's going to be?" The man asked, his tone cautions. Tick-tock, the clock is running out.

Alan fixed me and I could see the anguish in his eyes. Though we had no option, he trusted this man no more than I did. Our only lead came from the replies we expected.

Alan said at last, his voice strained, "Fine." We will be with you. Still, if you try anything, it will be the last one you do."

The man's grin never changed. " smart choice. After me.

As we tracked him out of the hospital, I couldn't get rid of the sense that we were making a terrible mistake. Every feeling in my body begged out to run, to get as far away from this man as I could. Still, I drove the fear down by focusing on the next goal.

Lucas was someone we were going to save. We had to come to know the truth.

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The man showed us to a black, sophisticated car kept just outside. Opening the rear door, he waved for us inside. Alan stopped and softly gestured toward the knife he kept tucked at his waist.

With a low, menacing voice, the man advised not even thinking about it. You cannot negotiate from where you are.

Alan grudgingly got into the car, and I followed, heart thumping with a mixture of expectation and fear. The car sliding gently down the dark road, the man entered the driver's seat and started the motor.

None of us spoke for a long while; the car's silence was thick and oppressive. I kept my attention on the man seated in the driver's seat trying to figure out his game. Still, his manner was cold and unreadable; he gave nothing.

After what felt like a lifetime, the automobile arrived on the outskirts of town at a massive, commanding building. The dark windows and the graffiti-covered walls of an old factory seemed to be. My pain grew as we left the car, the frigid night air searing at my skin.

"What's this location?" I asked, my voice shaking.

The man responded with a hazy tone: "You'll find out soon enough."

He led us inside, the door opening with terrible creaking. Inside was just as unsettling as the outside-dark, wet, and faintly decay-oriented. My tummy flipped over as we descended a long, narrow corridor and the walls pressed in on us. At last we reached the end of the hallway at a large steel door. Stopping forward, the man turned to face us.

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"Remember," he said, his voice low. "You are here because I offer you a chance. Try not to bring about regrets for me.

He opened the door suddenly to reveal a darkly lit space. My breath stopped in my throat as I watched someone else waiting inside.

Her eyes locked on me, she stood in the midst of the space sporting a twisted smile. She was not by herself, though. Just as seen in the shadows behind her, was a towering, horrible black-covered figure.

"Ariel," Marie said, her voice soft but with scorn in undertones. "You ought to have stayed away."

My pulse pounded in my chest as I realized the truth-this had all been a trap, a carefully thought-out strategy to draw us in.

And today there was nowhere to escape.

Tension permeated the room, the air virtually cracking with it. My pulse surged as I gazed at Marie, my own sister, who today seemed to be a stranger. Her smile was everything from pleasant, and the man hiding behind her shivered my spine. Who was this ghostly presence, and over Marie what kind of power did he possess?

Alan seemed to be shifting next to me, his posture stiff and ready for battle when needed. Although I appreciated his consistent presence, the anxiety that this was all spiraling out of control persisted.

"Marie," I said, trying to keep my voice calm despite the horror wriggling at my insides, "what's going on? Why are you performing this?"

Marie's eyes stayed frigid even as her smile grew wider. "For what reason, Ariel?" For what purpose? For I am tired of being the one left behind. Always second best, I am bored in your shadow. Right now it is my turn.

Her comments cut, but more than that they perplexed me. Marie had never seemed jealous before; if anything, she was usually the one with everything together, the one who didn't have to prove herself. This bitterness and this rage were like seeing another person.

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