Fated to Them (book 1+2)

Chapter 60

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 60 - Sam's POV

I watched from the rooftop of the cafe, my binoculars in hand. I couldn't see through the heavily tinted glass windows of the building across from us, I needed to find a way to bug the place but too many supernaturals worked there. I just needed to see her, find out where they live and I could plot my next move. I have always loved Addelyn, I have watched her grow into the marvellous woman she is. It made my stomach churn knowing she was in there with those monsters, doing unspeakable vile things with them. Her father would be rolling in his grave if he knew what had become of his daughter. Some pet for their amusement. I have always watched over Addie since she was teenager. Addelyn is unaware of the extremes I have gone to for her.

I followed her father and sister home one night after our monthly hunter organisation meeting. Her sister was always so loud at the hunter meetings, so eager to please her father. Why Michael had chosen her over Addie is beyond me. One thing I never understood about her father, Why did he choose the outrageously loud and annoying daughter to share our secrets when he had a perfectly good child, one who was capable, sitting at home.

My father always said Michael chose Taylor because he was trying to give her some responsibility, to calm her down a bit, she was a problem child from the time I met her at that first meeting. I was 16 at the time and she was rude stuck up brat. I planned on doing something to her, wanting to scare her off becoming a hunter. Only when I followed them home on my push bike, I discovered Addelyn. I peeked through her window by accident and mistook her for Taylor. My father never told me Michael had another daughter. Addelyn was quiet, well put together for a 13 year old at the time. I peeked through her window and she had her nose in a book while doing her homework.

After that night I would secretly sneak over to watch her. I thought it was a crush only the feeling toward her grew stronger. So eventually I deliberately forced myself to befriend her friends, in hopes of being around her. It didn't work; she always stayed home and after Michael died she was always too busy, their lives thrown into chaos while they attempted to salvage what was left of their lives. She worked herself into the ground.

Taylor tried to rejoin the hunter organisation but without her father, she stood no chance. She needed her father to guide her, show her the way we did things. When she realized her dream of being a hunter was ruined she spiralled, leaving Addelyn and her mother to pick up the pieces and leaving me no chance to be with her. Well that's what I thought until a chance meeting through a mutual friend and she was just as perfect meeting her in person as she was when I would watch her.

Now looking at the sleek building of Colten enterprises, I was angered at the thought that they had my Addelyn. They had been in there most of the day, I just needed to see her again, just a glimpse or even see them leave so I could follow them.

My phone ringing in my pocket made me drop the binoculars, the lense smashing out, cheap s**t! thought to myself... Reaching into my pocket I retrieve my phone. Staring at the screen I groan. F**k! "Where are you?" My boss bellows down the phone.

"In Soya?" I admit.

"Why would you be in Soya, you should be checking out your latest project" I say nothing, there is nothing in those caves. Why he keeps sending us on a wild goose chase is beyond me.

"It's that girl again isn't it, Michael's daughter, is this what you're doing there. You followed her?" He accuses the way he says it makes it sound creepy.

"Yes I am here for Addelyn"

"We have closed the Colten case, nothing sordid going on there. She is their mate, we have discussed this. Samual, you need to back off before the supernatural council gets

with their fated mates, voless

involved, we are not allowed to mess

infatuation with this girl could bring both organisations down how get back here today" He yells at me.

"Michael would be rolling over in his grave if he could see this, see what has become of her" I tell him.

"maybe, maybe not. You know

Michael liked the Coltens, you need to forget the girl Samual. You have a job to do and following her around is not it" He says. I hung up tired of his lecturing, he didn't know Addelyn was always going to be mine, I loved her and I would be damned if I let those parasites take her from me.

My phone rings again but I turn it off, dropping it back in my pocket and looking back over at the building. I see the glass doors open and out they step. Ducking down slightly keep my eyes trained on them watching as they go to the. underground car park off the side of the building.

no one can.



Grabbing my bag and things I race down to the hire car, hopping in and waiting for their car to go past. I would have her, Addelyn will be mine even if it means k*****g the monsters she is with. If I can't have her

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