Fated to Them (book 1+2)

Chapter 51

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 51 - "Already?" My mother asks and I nod. Her eyes turn glassy as she walks over to me and embraces me in a hug. She was dressed in her scrubs and I knew she would have to leave soon for work but I needed to say goodbye properly even if it was only briefly.

Cyrus walks upstairs and I notice Eli watching me. I look away pissed off that he was making me do this. "Well this is shocking but exciting," My mother says as she cups my face.

"We will be fine without you, besides you can visit" She says and I nod looking at Eli who then suddenly turns away making me wonder why he suddenly looked away. He grabs his coffee before walking up the stairs, probably looking for Cyrus.

Taylor came over hugging me, she still felt like skin and bone and I felt like I was hugging a skeleton but she seemed different and almost happy. "We will miss you" She says and I hug her back. Growing up we were inseparable until she became lost to us, I got her back only to have to say goodbye again, it didn't seem fair.

"I need to get to work, are you right to pack?" my mother asks, making me look over at her as she grabs her keys and handbag. I let Taylor go following my mother out. She places her bag on the passenger seat of her car before standing up and quickly giving me another hug.

"Ring me when you get there so I know you are okay, and ring me everyday. Oh and I forgot Sam said to give you this" She says bending down and retrieving something from the glovebox. It was a phone. "When did you see him?" I ask.

"He came to the practise yesterday, yours break?" She asks and I quickly regain my composure and nod. She pats my shoulder and I quickly pocket the small phone before Cyrus and Eli see it, knowing this was Sam's way of staying in contact with me.

"I love you, but your sister is doing great, she will be fine it's like she never had an addiction, weird huh. I think calling the police really did a number on her" My mother says.

"Yeah maybe" I tell my mother, giving her one last hug and k**s before watching her driveway. Walking abc inside I find Cyrus talking to Taylor. Maya finished her cereal and I walked over placing her bowl in the sink. Maya holds her arms up and I pick her up hugging her.

"You're really going Aunty?" I nod pressing my face into her curls, tears running down my cheeks. I would miss her the most, she was mine for so long and now I was trusting her to her mother. The thought scared me but also made me happy for Maya.

"Don't cry mummy will look after me" She says and I nod unable to form words. Eli walks down with a suitcase and I realise he and Cyrus must have been packing my stuff. He walks outside with my suitcase. I place Maya on the ground and grab the brush and start doing her hair for school. I put it in pigtails. Taylor quickly makes her lunch and I walk into the kitchen to help her. She looks around frantically. "Sandwich bags are in the bottom drawer" I tell her and she nods. "Right I knew that" She says her eyebrows furrowing and I could tell she didn't but how could she, she hasn't been here.

Taylor continues making her lunch and I watch. "Remember to use your lunch break to get Maya she will sit and draw until you knock off, also thursday's are sport days so she wears her a yellow shirt to school. Library days are friday and books need to be returned monday" I tell her and she nods but I could tell all the information was a little much. I grab a pen, writing it down along with some of the things she needs to remember like her immunisation is due in two weeks, her teachers name and schools phone number before handing it to her. She takes it looking at it before placing it in her handbag. Opening my wallet because I know she hasn't got any money till she gets her first pay. I hand her all the cash in my wallet which is around $500 from my last week's pay.

She looks at it confused. "Take it, you will need it till you get paid, for fuel and for Maya" I tell her. When she doesn't take it I grab her wallet out of her bag placing it in it before putting it back in her bag. Taylor looking in her bag sees the bottle of pills grabbing them out and popping one in her mouth.

"What are those?" Maya asks, shaking the bottle Taylor takes it from her placing it back in her bag. "Birth control" She tells her and I look at Cyrus who has a silly grin on his face, saying I told you so. His compulsion truly was working but it raised another question has he ever used it on me?

"Grab your bag Maya" I tell her when I notice the time. I walk Maya to the car buckling her in. My sister stops giving me a hug when Cyrus walks over to her and hands her a phone. She looks at it before looking at him.

"So you can ring your sister and in case the school rings"

"I will ring the school today and tell them your number" I told her.

"Eli already took care of that," Cyrus says. I shake my head pressing my lips in a line.

"Look after Maya Taylor" I tell her looking at Maya in the back of my old car. I s*****w the lump that formed in my throat. "Of course I will I am her mother"

"Yes you are so don't forget it this time" I tell her and she seems confused by my words she shakes her head before kissing my cheek.

"I will see you later?" She says and I grab the door.

"I am leaving remember but yes I will see you soon hopefully, I love you" I tell her.

"I love you too Siswa" She says and I feel myself choke up at her words. I haven't heard her say that in ages, she almost seemed like her old self.

"Have fun" She says, closing the door. I watch as she leaves, taking Maya with her. Their lives continue on without me while mine falls apart.


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