Fated to Them (book 1+2)

Chapter 29

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 29 - He places her on the bed, and I see Maya. Walking down the hallway. "Addie" she squeals, and I move away from the door, so she doesn't see her mother, pulling her toward the kitchen.

"What's going on"

"I was sick, your grandma was helping me," Cyrus says, taking off his jacket.

"Are you Addie's boyfriend?" She asks curiously.

"I like to think so" He says, looking at me with a smirk on his face and I roll my eyes at him.

"Go watch shimmer and shine baby. I will be back in a minute" I tell her. She rushes to the living room and I hear the TV turn on.

"Thanks" I tell him. He steps forward kissing my head and I notice his shirt is covered in spew as well.

"Come I will try to find you a shirt" I tell him, knowing I have some band shirts that I used as nighties that will probably fit him.

He follows me to my room, and I duck into the bathroom grabbing a wet cloth before returning to find him undoing the buttons on his shirt. I walk over to the drawers grabbing one of the shirts, I know it is about his size pulling it out. Turning around he had his shirt off and I marvel at how muscular he is, his body looked like it was carved by an artist. His abs to perfection as he steps closer. I reach out, running my hands over his pec before running it down the hard muscle of his abs before I even realise what I am doing. His hand grabbing mine snapped me out of my daze.

"Sorry" I tell him, but he doesn't let go, instead stepping closer before lifting my chin, making me look up at him. He leans down, his lips brushing mine softly before I feel his tongue slip between my lips as he pulls me against him, his hand going to the back of my neck as he deepens the k**s and I k**s him back, sparks moving everywhere he touches, his hand going underneath my blouse as he palms my b****t. The clearing of someone's throat behind me, makes me jump and I turn around to see my mother standing in the door.

"Just your boss aye?" She asks. I step away from him like someone just tossed cold water over me, my face heating. Why did I do that?

"She is asleep, we will figure something out tomorrow, see if we can get her readmitted" I nod knowing it's going to cost a fortune, a fortune we don't have.

"We'll figure it out" I tell her, and she nods before leaving.

I look back to Cyrus who was standing there watching me. I hand him the shirt and he pulls it on, and I snort choking on my laugh.

"What?" He asks looking down.

"Aw really I have to be seen in this?" He asks before chuckling.

"Suits you, I could picture you being a spice girls groupie" I tell him.


"No," I tell him, shaking my head.

"Eli will be picking me up soon, I sent him a text. You don't need to come in tomorrow okay stay with your sister if you want" He tells me, and I nod.

"Come we should check on Maya" He says, grabbing my hand, pulling me downstairs to the living room.

I watch Maya, trying to keep her distracted so she doesn't go in search of my mother and stumble upon hers. I was dozing off when I was awoken by my mum touching my shoulder.

"Where did your friend go?" She asks and my eyes snap open. I looked around and I didn't hear him leave. Getting up when I hear a door shutting outside, I yawn walking outside to find Eli and Cyrus both next to my car.

"What are you doing?" I ask as Eli pulls on his jacket. I try not to laugh when I look at Cyrus who was still sporting the spice girls shirt.

"Cleaning your car, she made quite a mess of it" Cyrus says.

"No, you don't have to do that" I tell them. Eli shakes his head.

"It's already done, and I realise he had a bucket and cleaning products behind him.

"You didn't have to do that; I would have done it" I tell them a little embarrassed that they cleaned up after my sister.

"It's fine, Addie I messaged Eli and told him to bring some stuff, I didn't want to wake you" He says.

"Well thanks" I tell them.

"Coffee?" I ask before yawning again.

"No, we should go, and you should go to bed" Eli says, stepping forward and kissing my head. I involuntarily lean into him needing his contact before I suddenly wrap my arms around him hugging him, he felt warm, felt like home. I couldn't understand how they had this effect on me, it felt strange like I needed them, I have never needed anyone, but I needed them, wanted them and it confused me. Eli's hand goes to my hair stroking my head and I realise what I was doing. I step back.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that" I tell him, shaking my head.

"I think maybe I do need to go to bed" I tell them.

"It's okay Addie, we don't mind you touching us, don't be afraid to, we will never reject your touch" Eli says, and I furrow my brows.

They leave and I head inside, Maya is fast asleep on the couch and I curl up beside her. It wasn't even dark out, but the day had taken a toll on me. I also couldn't figure out the strange feeling I have been having, they literally came out of nowhere. Yawning I fall asleep only to wake in the middle of the night. Great now I was wide awake, I never should have had a nap.

Getting up I pop my head in my sisters room, she was still passed out asleep my mother reading next to her using the lamp to see. She looks up and I give her a nod as she grabs her coffee, no doubt she won sleep, instead she will wait till she wakes and try and convince her to go back to rehab.

Grabbing my phone, I try Sam again but get no answer, frustrated I toss my phone before picking it up. He can't ignore me if I just rock up to his house. Grabbing a jumper, I walk back into my sisters room. "I am just going to duck out for an hour, do you need anything?" I whisper and she shakes her.

"Make sure you lock the door" She whispers back. Walking downstairs I decide to put Maya in her bed before leaving. Scooping her up off the lounge I see her macaroni bowl and pick it up too. The news suddenly flicked on. A news reporter reporting from a street that looked remarkably familiar. I turn the volume up, listening.

"We are live on the scene, where a meth lab has exploded and nine people have died in a residential area. Firefighters did everything to put out the flames and stop the risk to neighbouring houses but unfortunately they were two late to save the occupants. Investigations are underway to identify the victims, police have said the house was known to them and helping with the identification process, I was about to flick the TV off when it flicked to the picture of the house and I gasped. Shock hit me when I realised it was Ethan's house, the very same house I pulled my sister from earlier in the day. Share

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