Fate of the Empires

Chapter 5: The Long Road

If you’d have told me a month ago that I’d be sailing and riding a horse at a full gallop in a few weeks time I would have laughed in your face. Yet here I am, without any magical assistance, on horseback keeping pace with warriors trained to ride. There is nothing I cannot do! I will admit I do not have the same stamina as the others for long rides, but I blame that on the horse.

We left Akkarr yesterday afternoon on horseback with the exception of Draccus who rides an urruk, a large scaled-beast from Orrock. While the urruks and Orrocks appear to be of the same species, the urruks are on all fours and have the intelligence of a pack animal. Urruks also make good battle mounts as they have enormous claws and multiple rows of jagged teeth in their large mouths. These reptiles are three times the size of an Orrock. Quite intimidating. Urruks sit low to the ground. They are faster than a horse and move like a cheetah. I want one.

We travel swiftly on a worn dirt road that runs through miles and miles of forest land. The lizards scout ahead of the group. Jun and the sultry priestess ride almost side-by-side while my horse gallops close behind. There are times when I ride extra hard to pull ahead of them, but they are short bursts that don’t last very long. If I just conjured up a magical steed this wouldn’t be a problem, but I should really conserve my energy for tonight.

I haven’t trusted our benefactor from the start and my suspicions about Ethan’s loyalties increase each time I look in on him. Whether he knows I’m watching him or not, I can’t be certain, but it’s a risk I must take to protect my own interests. I haven’t confided in the others because I don’t know whom I can trust. The priestess hates me, although I may be going up in her estimation after buying her that dress for the festival. Jun works directly for Ethan and should therefore be seen as an enemy until I am shown otherwise. And Draccus…well I just don’t trust anything with scales and cold blood.

Every few days I find reasons to get away from the others. My performances are masterful; nobody has a clue! Once alone, I have looked in on “Lord” Fenholm as he likes to be addressed and I am definitely on to something. Private meetings with key members of certain noble houses. Secret exchanges of gold and jewels for unnamed services. Unfortunately I have nothing to make a solid accusation on. Ethan is very careful with his words and never says anything that would incriminate him, but everyone slips eventually and I will be watching when it happens.

I wish I knew what time of day it is. Clouds cover the skies above the treetops making it impossible to tell. Excessive moisture in the air threatens us with the prospect of rain. We’d better stop to make camp soon for I am aching in places that shall remain unmentioned. I find the warrior attire that Jun has picked out for me to be constricting in all the wrong places. I am used to loose fitting, flowing robes, not tight breeches and armored cuffs over tunic sleeves. I have to keep my spellbook in a satchel exposed to the world instead of hidden under the safety of my robes. I’m also now required to keep a sword at my side so that I look more like an adventurer.

A drop of water hits my cheek. I hate when I’m right. I didn’t like the squalls while we were on the New Horizon and I am not in the mood for a storm now. The single drop very quickly turns into a violent downpour. Thick trees and bushes provide some protection from the increasing winds, but the dirt road becomes a muddy blur amidst the sudden tempest. Even though the Eastern coast of Athusia is prone to storms I sense something strange about this one. Some presence. A presence that I have felt before.

Draccus is stopped ahead. We ride up to him. “The storm is worse up there!” Draccus points up the road as he shouts over the wind.

“We need to find shelter!” Jun responds.

Looks like they need my assistance once again. What would these three do without me? Honestly, if I hadn’t been there during the raider attack on the New Horizon victory would not have been an option. I shall command the elements and create a shelter from the very living forest that surrounds us!

Leaia jumps off her horse and proceeds to draw her sword. What is this woman up to? One cannot fight off a storm with a sword and shield. She steps a few feet off the path and plunges her sword into the ground. “Strength of Arus, guard us against the elements and shelter us from the night!” the priestess shouts towards the sky.

The ground begins to tremble as large roots shoot out of the mud! The roots, tree branches, and bushes begin weaving together to form walls. Treetops bend over and intertwine to create a roof over the walls. Rocks and mud rise up to fill in gaps. The mud solidifies within the shelter walls to keep out the wind and rain. This entire area of forest has become a defended barricade against the weather. There is a large opening that leads inside. It appears there is enough room for us and our mounts. I think I’ve just been shown up by a woman.

By the time the storm finally subsides the others have gone to sleep. I don’t know how they can rest amongst the stink of wet livestock. I lay in silence with my eyes closed waiting to make my move. I think it’s been long enough that I can leave without waking anyone. I would try to induce a magical sleep, but I’m not sure it would work on the lizard. I am not adept at sneaking, but bending the very fabric of space and time to instantly transport from one location to another, well, that’s just my game. “Muto brevis,” I whisper the words.

In the blink of an eye I am standing outside the shelter back on the dirt road. Strange. Not but an hour ago it was practically flooding out here and now you’d never know a single drop of rain hit the ground. There is no moisture. The ground is not wet. The trees are not damp. There’s not even a cloud in the sky. There is magic at work here, but why could I not sense it?

I must work quickly. I move as silently as I can around to the back of the makeshift den and proceed further into the woods. Once the shelter is out of sight I pull out my spellbook. It’s time to have a look in on Ethan. “Going somewhere?” I hear Jun ask from behind me.

I face my stalker. “Jun,” I begin my lie, “I heard a noise outside and it came from this direction so I decided to investigate.”

“Don’t bother,” Jun retorts, “I have been onto your deception since Lindara and I want answers. There’s no need to involve the others. Just you and me, right here, right now.”

Lousy spies! I guess Ethan does know I’ve been watching him. Well, if Jun’s not with me then he’s against me. “Have it your way,” I ready myself, “Sagitto magicus!”

An arrow composed of raw magical energy shoots forth from my fingertips and flashes towards Jun. To my dumb-founded amazement he sidesteps the arrow and it blows out the side of a tree instead! I have never seen anyone with reflexes that quick. This could be interesting. “Sagitto magicus!” I try again.

Not only does the spy avoid the second arrow he manages to vanish into the night! Now we are playing cat and mouse, but who is hunting whom? “Why are you hiding, spy?!” I taunt, “If Ethan wants me dead why not do it himself?”

I tap into the energy of the forest to create a magus staff. The magus staff imbues the wielder with keen melee proficiency and peak-human speed. In the dark the staff has a light red glow to it. I cautiously move to a more open area. If this assassin wants my life he will have to face me to get it!

“Come on out, Jun!” I shout into the darkness.

Two throwing blades spiral at me out of the black abyss of night. I barely have time to knock them aside with the magus staff when I see the man who threw them flying at me with uncanny speed. A leaping kick to the chest knocks me off balance. My recovery, however, is a quick one. I go on the offensive.

Strike after strike and he avoids every attack! It’s like he’s reading my moves before I make them. All I need is one opening. I’ve got it! “Tardesco!”

This minor spell slows down time for just a few seconds, but that is long enough. I put everything I’ve got into one solid hit. An explosion of power sends Jun flying into a tree. Time reverts to normal and the magus staff disperses into nothing. Jun lies on the ground. I’d better make sure the job is done right. I pick up one of Jun’s daggers as I approach his body.

I stand over my opponent, victorious. He wasn’t so tough. I suddenly get a very bad feeling as my feet are knocked out from under me! All the air is forced from my lungs when I hit the ground. This is a level of discomfort I’ve not known! Before I really know what hit me I find Jun now standing over me. He kneels down and presses a blade to my throat.

“If I wanted you dead you wouldn’t have seen it coming,” Jun says, apparently recovering his breath as well, “Now tell me what you were doing!”

“I was spying on your master!”

“Why?” Jun pushes the blade closer.

“Because we’ve been sent on this suicide mission and it’s all a lie!”

Jun slowly removes the dagger from my throat and stands. He tucks the blade into his belt and offers me his hand. I’m not sure what to make of this, but since I don’t have much choice I take it. He helps me up. “I want to know everything that you know,” Jun looks me dead in the eyes.

“Back in Athust I looked in on Ethan with a scrying portal. He was talking to someone about the war. He said it was his war. That he planned it. I have been watching him ever since then.”

“Did he mention this war specifically?”

Great. He doesn’t believe me. Moronic fool. “No, but how many wars is our country involved in?! Something is rotten with Ethan and if you are too ignorant to see that then you go ahead and march to your death!”

Jun is silent for a minute. He’s contemplating something. “Show me,” he finally says, “Open a portal and show me Ethan.”

“Gladly,” I reply.

I pick up my spellbook which was knocked to the ground during the scuffle. I open it to the scrying portal spell. “Absonditus indagatio.”

At first the black portal is impossible to make out in the darkness, but gradually candlelight illuminates a desk in a study. Ethan sits at the desk writing some notes on a map. It is a detailed map of Densetsu and Eastern Athusia. I can’t make out his writing. I think it is coded. A knock breaks the silence of the room. “Enter,” Ethan doesn’t even look up.

A young man, about Jun’s height and build, enters the room and kneels in front of the desk. His hair is dark. He may be from Densetsu, but it’s hard to tell. Three large scars run across the left side of the man’s face. Claw marks perhaps. One of the scars runs over his left eye for which he wears a black patch. He wears Ethan’s crest on the shoulder of his grey tunic. He must be a spy or an assassin. “You summoned me, my lord,” the agent says.

“Yes, Slade, I have a mission for you,” Ethan answers his servant.

“What is your will, my lord?”

“You will travel to Densetsu and ensure that everything goes according to plan.”

My spell is interrupted by the sound of an immense roar! The portal closes. Jun and I both look towards the sound. It came from the direction of the shelter and I only know one lizard with the lung capacity for such a bellow! Jun sprints towards the noise. I have quicker way. “Muto brevis!”

In an instant I am back in the shelter! The shadows in the room have come to life. Masked warriors armed with curved daggers fill the room. Leaia and Draccus have engaged them in battle but they are completely outnumbered. The assassins haven’t noticed me yet. “Fulgor!” I chant.

There is a flash followed by a deafening crack as a bolt of lightning leaps from my hands and strikes down three of the dark warriors! Now I have their attention. Two of them turn on me while the rest continue to attack the lizard and the priestess! Jun appears at the entrance and intercepts one of the assassins before they get to me. I collide with the other and we struggle. I manage to knock one of the blades away from my opponent, but not before a wrenching pain hits my gut! His other dagger got through, but he has not won! I grab his head with both of my hands. “Vexatio!”

Blood pours from my masked attacker’s eyes as the magical surge shoots through his head! Both of us collapse to the ground. The rest of the assassins are dispatched by Jun, Draccus, and Leaia. The room becomes blurry. I look down at my stomach to see the assassin’s blade still in me. I can’t die here. Everything goes dark.

It’s cold. I can’t see anything. Am I dead? Not likely. Perhaps I am hallucinating. I did lose a lot of blood. Why can’t I see anything? I can hear. In fact I hear something at this very moment. A voice. Chanting. Leaia? Wait, something is happening! The cold is subsiding. I feel…warmth! I see light…and Leaia. She looks different. Such power! It’s frightening. The light fades.

I open my eyes slowly. I am still on the ground. Leaia kneels at my side; her hands are on my exposed stomach. A glow fades from between her hands and the location of my wound. She lifts her hands to show I am healed. I suppose I owe her one now.

I’ve never been stabbed before. I have had many other painful and traumatic injuries through my years of training in the arcane arts, but never until now have I had a sharp blade thrust into my stomach! There is really nothing quite like it. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at once, though not an experience I would like to repeat. I think from now on I will try to avoid the pointy ends of swords and daggers.

“Thank you, priestess,” I say weakly.

She nods in acknowledgement. “They were the same as the ones from Lindara,” Draccus says to Jun.

“I know,” Jun sifts through the ashes where one of the assassins fell, “The storm was part of a trap.”

Yes! A storm provided by a sorcerer. The presence I felt…it was the same as the one I felt on the pirate vessel! If I had any trust for Ethan at this point I might be inclined to inform him of these new developments. “Whoever clouded our vision at sea is the one that summoned the storm earlier,” Leaia helps me stand as I speak, “It was faint, but I could sense them both times.”

“I could sense them as well,” Leaia says, “Who wants us dead so eagerly?”

How could she sense it? It’s arcane magic. A cleric shouldn’t be able to feel it. What are you, woman?

“I’m not so sure they want us dead,” Jun replies.

“What are you talking about?!” Leaia storms over to Jun, “Magnus almost died just now!”

Don’t anger her. I feel that energy emanating from within her again and I don’t want to be around when she explodes.

“There is something I have to tell all of you,” Jun says as he looks to each of us, “I don’t know why the Brotherhood of the Blade is involved in this. That part doesn’t make sense to me. The attack on the New Horizon, however, was a test set up by Ethan and Deacon Amberlin of the Black Flame.”

Archmage Deacon Amberlin, one of the best and worst the Black Flame has ever produced. He is the second strongest magic-user in the order, outclassed only by 1st degree archmage Ordik Haendiges. Although I was under his guidance once, there is nothing but hate between us. He has always had it out for me yet I do not know why. His methods are sadistic and cruel, but the order keeps him to do their dirty work. It doesn’t surprise me that he would be working with a man like Ethan. They both crave power. “Was this a test also?” I ask.

“It’s possible, but I was only told about the one,” Jun answers, “And the first test was successful so a second would seem irrational.”

“I can tell you right now that Deacon Amberlin wouldn’t need a reason other than his own lust for bloodshed to try and wipe us out.” I interject, “Nor would it be difficult for him to get assistance from any assassins’ guild.”

“So you don’t think Ethan had something to do with this?” Draccus directs his question at me.

“I didn’t say that, besides, Jun is our expert on Ethan. Why not ask him?”

The three of us look at Jun. A normal man in his position would be squirming right now, but Jun is far from normal. His composure almost never changes, even in battle. Calm. Collected. It drives me mad! “The truth is unclear to me at this time. I have no doubts that we are dealing with some form of corruption from within, but until we have solid proof I will not make any accusations. It is safe to assume that from now on we cannot trust anyone outside the four of us.”

“But how can we trust you?” I will see you sweat, “You lied to us about the attack on the New Horizon.”

“Specific information regarding our mission was to be withheld until I could trust the three of you. Do you, Magnus, really wish to talk about lies?” Jun answers with such ease it turns my stomach.

“That won’t be necessary,” I answer in defeat.

“We are on our own out here. We continue the mission, not for Ethan, but for Athusia. If that is not reason enough then I won’t hold it against anyone who walks away now.”

Draccus steps up to Jun. “If you speak the truth I am with you until the end, but if I find you are deceiving us further I will drink blood from your hollow skull after I cleave it from your shoulders,” well said by the intimidating lizard.

“On my honor, I will speak only truth from this point forward,” Jun says as he offers Draccus his hand.

Draccus takes Jun’s hand to complete their accord. “I am with you also,” Leaia puts her hand on top of theirs, “By the might of Arus we shall protect Athusia.”

This coming together really makes me ill, but I cannot afford to be the odd man out. I join the huddle by placing my hand on top of Leaia’s. “To the end,” I force the words out.

“Alright, we need to move now,” the first smart thing I’ve heard Jun say all night, “We are not safe here.”

We gather our equipment and load up our mounts, who are still somewhat spooked from the battle. As we leave the shelter so too does the magic. The hardened mud and rocks fall back to the earth. The trees and bushes unwind from each other and stand straight. Our temporary protective home has become the forest once again.

As we ride away from our campsite many thoughts pass through my mind. Can I trust Jun now that I know he is not with Ethan? As much as I hate to admit it, the truth would be easier to uncover with his aid. No, I can handle this alone. If he wants any help he can ask me for it.

After a few days of riding our horses to near exhaustion we are finally taking it easy. I have discovered another advantage to the urruks. They apparently do not tire as quickly as horses. While the other animals have slowed to a trot, the urruk seems as though it could run all day. Even with the creature’s abundance of energy Draccus slows its pace to match the rest of us.

It has been more than a day since we left the concealment of the forest. The road to Cove has taken us closer to the coastline. The Cliffs of Tranquility run along the entire Gulf of Eternal Calm. Atop the cliffs one can see for miles out onto the Eastern Sea. It is quite a remarkable location despite the fabricated legend of its conception.

Centuries before the creation of man, Draco Magus led the gods in a rebellion against his father and the old king of the heavens, Rynorr Magus. Although Draco is said to be a benevolent king, Rynorr was supposedly wrathful and full of hate. Times were dark and Caeleum was a prison for the other gods. The decision to overthrow Rynorr was not a difficult one to make. When the blades of father and son met it is said that time itself stopped for the battle that would no doubt last ages. In the end Rynorr was struck down by Draco thus ending the reign of darkness. Rynorr’s body fell from Caeleum and landed in this gulf. Since that time the entire gulf has been completely still. No wind. No rain. No waves. Just calm.

A ridiculous tale spun by priests and monks if you ask me. Still, in spite of silly legends, the view from these cliffs is truly something to marvel at. I am not easily moved yet when I look out at the clear blue sky reflected perfectly on the water’s surface I think maybe this land is worth fighting for. I am nauseated by my own thoughts. When did I become weak enough to care about such things?

The priestess and the lizard ride in front. Leaia explains the legend of the gulf to the curious reptilian warrior. Jun rides ahead of me, but gradually slows his pace until he and I are side by side. “We need to talk,” Jun says in a hushed voice.

“I’m listening,” I reply.

“I want you to keep watching Ethan and I want you to report your findings to me.”

“What about the others?”

“You and I have dark hearts. Leaia and Draccus do not. If this betrayal is a product of our own paranoia I don’t want them involved. When we have something solid to go on I will share our findings with them.”

“Very well. I shall continue my investigation. Do you have any thoughts on what might be happening?”

“Ethan is power hungry. If he’s using us to start a war I can guarantee it’s to make a move on something big.”

“Do you think he wants Densetsu?”

“It’s hard to say. While it looks that way on the surface, Ethan is a master of deception and misdirection. He will speak directly to your face while he’s stabbing you in the back. With him, nothing is what it seems.”

“Who is this Slade character? Is he a threat?”

“Slade is one of Ethan’s personal bodyguards. He may be a threat. Until we find out his mission in Densetsu I say we steer clear of him.”

“How dangerous would you say he is?”

“I have traveled the world over and he is one of the most dangerous individuals I have ever met. To become Ethan’s bodyguard he had to fight four armed Orrocks with only his bare hands. He was only hit once, but as you could see it was a wound he’ll never forget.”

“Ethan really likes testing people, doesn’t he?”

Ethan is a twisted man. If I didn’t hate him so much I might admire him. Things are going to get interesting, but at least now it seems I have an ally. Jun is not the first person I would’ve thought to trust. In fact, I’m still not even sure I can, but this plot grows thicker and his help will be useful.

We are three days out from Cove and I am looking forward to getting back to civilization. The last week and a half we’ve seen nothing but the road and a few very small peasant villages. We have come a long way since Athust. After everything that I’ve seen on this journey, the people, the places; I don’t know that I could be content to return to Draz’zt Tharr and study the dark arts in solitude. There is still so much I have yet to see.

It is about midday when I see dust rising off the road in the far distance. Draccus rides back to us. “There are five armored riders coming this way,” Draccus reports.

The current path we are on is not a very large one. I’d say three horses could ride next to each other at the most. The question now is do we meet these riders half way or do we move aside to let them pass? I’m sure Jun will take the path of least resistance. “Let’s move aside,” Jun says proving me right, “We are the strangers here.”

The four of us direct our mounts onto the grass at the side of the dirt road. Just as the lizard said, five warriors outfitted in full chain mail ride up, each on a large black steed. These armed conscripts wear open-masked helms with the Cove crest painted upon them in blue. The lead rider slows to a stop when he sets eyes on us and the other four obediently do the same. He looks at each one of us, but fixates on Jun. “Are you Jun Fang of Densetsu?” the lead warrior asks.

“I am,” Jun replies.

“My name is Elric Wolfeguard,” the warrior says as he removes his helmet, “I am captain of the Cove knights brigade.”

“So then it’s Sir Wolfeguard,” Jun says.

“I reserve the formalities for the royal court. You may call me Elric.”

“To what do we owe the honor of your visit?” Jun asks politely.

“Actually, the honor is mine. The reputation of you and your warriors precedes you. I have been charged with providing you safe passage to Cove.”

“You know us?” Leaia is puzzled.

“Yes. You are Leaia Windamere, Mistress of the Blade. Your scaled friend is Draccus of Orrock, the greatest warrior of his race,” Elric looks to me next, “You are Magnus Domagus, warrior mage of the Sazjin order. And of course, your leader, Jun Fang of Densetsu, master of the Suang Tai arts.”

I think someone laid our credentials on a little thick. I suppose Leaia could pass for a Mistress of the Blade. The Mistresses were an ancient order of female warriors that could wield both a sword and magic with deadly accuracy. Over the centuries the Mistresses have slowly disappeared. It is very rare to one find these days, which would explain why Elric would be honored to meet one.

The thought of me as a member of the Sazjin order is just preposterous. The Sazjin mages are thought to be of Densetsun descent, which would clearly rule me out. These monks are skilled in elemental magic and trained in the unarmed combat of Suang Tai. Suang Tai is the primary combat art of the Densetsun people. I have heard of foreigners in the Sazjin and I’m sure I could pull off the ruse, but I would’ve liked some advanced notice.

Draccus and Jun have more realistic covers. Not many venture to Orrock let alone return alive so Draccus could indeed be their greatest warrior. I’ll wager no one will be willing to question it! Jun is half Densetsun and very skilled in Suang Tai from what I’ve seen so there’s not much acting involved there either! Next time I’m going to be in charge of our back stories!

“If you know who we are then you know we do not need protecting,” I boast.

“I have no doubt of that, however, I must follow orders.”

“And we will not prevent you from that, but who placed this charge upon you if I may ask?” Jun plays the humble leader.

“A mutual friend,” Elric replies, “That is all I can say.”

“Why come now?” Draccus inquires, “Are we not still a few days away from your city?”

“Yes, but the woods that surround the outskirts of Cove are home to thieves, murderers, and other things unpleasant. We know the quickest and safest way through.”

“Then lead on and we will follow,” Jun says to Elric.

“Good,” Elric puts on his helm.

Elric and his knights turn around and start riding back the way they came. “I apologize for that,” Jun addresses us once the knights are at a distance, “Apparently my contact was trying to be humorous by going overboard.”

The four of us get back on the road and ride after Elric. We keep within sight of them, but not too close. Until we actually arrive in Cove these knights are not to be trusted. Afterall, there’s no telling who they really work for or what their true motives are.

I am anxious to arrive in Cove. As Jun has said, I have a dark heart and I think that Cove will be my kind of city. The power one can achieve through the bribery, corruption, and coercion of others gives me a rush rivaled by no other emotion. I could attain wealth and authority that would make even Ethan jealous! Hmm…when I think about it, he and I are not that different. I wonder…if I ever got to a position of status like his, who would be the young, arrogant fool in my place now?

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