
Chapter Family 5



“How could you even think of killing my child?” Evan’s voice seethed with hatred, his eyes blazing with fury. “I thought that after all these years, you would have developed some semblance of ethics. But you’re still the same ruthless, heartless person you’ve always been!”

Ella tried to protest, “What! Stop this nonsense! I never told her to abort the child!” But Evan’s raised hand silenced her, his gaze piercing through her like a dagger.

“I heard what you said, Ella. I know exactly the kind of person you are. You’ll stop at nothing to get what you want, even if it means breaking someone’s heart or taking a human life. But not this time. Not my child. You’re coming with me, and we’re going to ensure that justice is served!”

Evan’s words dripped with arrogance as he closed in on Ella, his towering figure looming over her. She took a step back, her eyes wide with fear, as she asked, “Come with you? Where?

The room was empty now, the others having slipped away, leaving only the two of them locked in a fierce standoff. The air was heavy with tension, the outcome hanging precariously in the balance.

Ella knew Evan all too well, and she was aware that when he made up his mind, nothing could change his resolve. His determination was unyielding, his will unbreakable. She had seen it before, and she knew th: he was no match for his unwavering resolve.

“To my house,” he said, his voice firm and commanding. I signed a contract with Bella, but now I need to sign a new one with you. I can’t risk my child’s life, and I can’t let you out of my sight. What if you harm my baby?” His eyes narrowed, his heart racing with a mix of emotions anger, fear, and a deep–seated passion that still lingered.

Ella’s face was a mask of calm, but beneath the surface she was struggling to keep her emotions in check, Seeing Evan again after five long years was like reopening a wound that had never fully healed. She had thought she had moved on, but now she realized that the scars of their past still lingered, waiting to be ripped open.

The irony of their situation was not lost on her. They had been brought together again, this time as parents of a child, a constant reminder of the love they had shared and the heartbreak they had endured, “No, I’m sorry, Evan. You can’t force me to go with you. Don’t complicate things further. I’m not going to harm my baby. I have to leave!” Ella’s voice was firm, but her eyes betrayed her, revealing the turmoil brewing inside. She turned to walk away, but Evan’s grip was too quick. He grasped her waist, pulling her back into his embrace. She tried to struggle, but he held her firm, their bodies inches apart. They locked eyes, the air thick with tension. Evan’s gaze pierced through hers, as if searching for answers to the questions that had haunted him for years. He inhaled deeply, and his eyes fluttered closed, as if the scent of her strawberry shampoo had transported him back to a time when love was pure and true. “You still use that strawberry shampoo?” The words escaped his lips before he could catch them, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes snapped open, and he gazed into hers, his pupils dilated with a mix of emotions – longing, regret, and a deep–seated passion that still lingered.

“Umm… yes,” Ella nodded, her eyes narrowing as she gazed at Evan with a mix of caution and contempt. “And you’re still as dramatic and overbearing as ever, jumping to conclusions without a second thought.” She pushed him away, her hands on his chest, and glared at him with a fierce hatred. “I’ll never go with you, Evan. You’re the one who ruined my college days, and I’ll never forgive you for that. I hate you!”

Evan’s face turned red with rage, his eyes blazing with anger. “Oh yeah? Look who’s talking! The girl who didn’t think twice before sleeping with my best friend Stephen! I can never forget that night, that betrayal. Why do you pretend to be a victim?” He slammed his fists on the table, making Ella flinch.

You never gave me a chance to explain, to speak up. And what about Sofia? What were you doing with her in your room? I saw everything!”

Ella’s face was set in a fierce determination, her voice rising to a yell. “I saw you in that bathroom, Evan! She was naked, standing right next to you. Do you think I don’t know about you and Sophia?” The words


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Pregnant With CEO’S baby – The Accidental family

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poured out of her like a dam breaking, a weight lifting off her shoulders. “I’ve held this inside for five years, and it’s time you knew the truth!”

“Sofia?! You’re delusional! There was nothing between us!” Evan’s voice was laced with venom, his eyes. blazing with hatred. I’m biting my tongue to spare my child the ugliness of your lies.”

“It’s my child, not yours!” Ella’s finger jabbed at him, her eyes flashing with defiance. “Your anger may intimidate the world, but not me!”

“It’s my child by contract, and don’t force me to take legal action!” Evan’s arms crossed, his voice dripping with disdain. “You’re incapable of raising our child alone. Come with me, for one year, and then never show your face again!

“No!” Ella’s eyebrows shot up, her determination palpable. “I can raise my child just fine without you!” “Oh really?” Evan’s eyes narrowed, his face darkening. He swooped in, lifting Ella off the ground, his arms wrapping around her like a vice. “You’re not going anywhere, Ella. You’re coming with me, whether you like it or not!”

He tilted her body precariously on his shoulder.

She screained, her fists pounding against his back, as he strode out of the clinic, his grip on her hips like a vice. “Evan, put me down!” she yelled, her voice echoing through the reception area. “I’m not going anywhere!”

The onlookers watched in silence, their eyes darting nervously to Evan’s bodyguards, who stood like sentinels, their faces impassive. Nobody dared to intervene, as Evan’s anger and dominance seemed to suffocate the air out of the room.

“Stay quiet and stop irritating me,” he growled, his hand slapping her hip as he marched towards the car park. “You’re coming with me, and that’s final.”

Ella struggled and kicked, her screams piercing the air. Leave me! Put me down, you moron! I’m not going to your house!” She appealed to the bystanders, her eyes wild with fear. “Help me, someone! This man is kidnapping me!”

But the murmurs of the crowd were hushed, their faces averted, as Evan’s power and influence seemed to cow them into submission. And before long, Ella was trapped inside a sleek BMW, Evan’s presence looming over her like a dark shadow, as the driver sped away towards the Trump mansion, a fortress of wealth and privilege.

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Pregnant With CEO’S baby – The Accidental family

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