
Chapter Family 10

Chapter 10

With a loud yawn, the girl stretched her upper body. She gazed longingly at the luxurious, fluffy bed covered in her favorite white satin sheets with subtle pink patterns. “The bed looks so inviting,” she whispered, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. She didn’t know if it was the pregnancy or the fact that her day had been mentally and physically draining, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she dozed off to sleep. Fifteen minutes later, memories came flooding back in her dreams. She was a child again, hiding behind a wide wooden bed, listening to her father’s angry shouts. It was late evening, and he had returned from the local tavern, heavily drunk. He wore his usual attire- a white shirt, beige pants, and a leather belt in his hand. Her mother’s screams filled the air, laced with fear and terror. “Please stop,” she begged, her voice muffled by the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

Ella’s heart raced as she sat up in bed, her eyes fixed on her mother. She was too young to understand what was happening, only 7 years old. But she knew it wasn’t right. Her father, a tall and bulky man, was drunk again, his face twisted in rage. His fists were clenched, the belt tight in his hand as he struck her mother’s back again and again.

“Mommy!” Ella whispered, her voice trembling with fear.

Her mother, who looked uncannily like her, turned around, their eyes locking in a desperate gaze. Ella saw the desperation and pleading in her mother’s eyes, the bloodshot gaze a testament to the pain and suffering she was enduring-

Suddenly, everything went black, and Ella was back in her dream. The sound of her father’s footsteps made her tremble, and she hid under the bed, holding her breath, hoping not to be heard.

“Ella, come out of there! You think you can hide from me?” her father’s voice dripped with malice. Ella’s eyes were fixed on his feet, her mind frozen in terror. Her hands trembled, and she felt a warm sensation spread through her skirt as she lost control of her bladder. She was paralyzed with fear, unable to move or speak, hoping only that her father wouldn’t find her. The little girl had faced too much trauma, and the drama was still etched in her heart. The sound of her father’s laughter sent chills down her spine as she lay there, drenched in her own urine, under the bed.

“You’re just like your mother, pathetic and useless. I wanted a boy, but she had the nerve to give me a daughter!” Ella’s father sneered, his words piercing her young heart.

The dream skipped forward four years, and Ella found herself standing in a hospital room, staring at mother’s lifeless body. “Mommy! No! No!” she screamed, punching the bed in anguish, her voice echo. off the cold hospital walls.

Her father, sitting in a chair beside the bed, looked up at her with bloodshot eyes, the stench of alcohol lingering on his breath. “Calm down, Ella. You’re creating a scene,” he slurred.

Ella’s eyes narrowed, and in that moment, she felt a surge of anger and maturity. Her small body trembled with rage as she confronted her father. “You were drunk, just like always. You never cared about me or Mother. You’re the reason she’s dead!”

Her father’s face twisted in a mix of anger and drunken madness. “I loved your mother, and I love you,” he slurred, gesturing to the nurse who was examining the body.

But Ella knew the truth. How could she forget the way her father would hit her mother every day, screaming at her, and the way her mother would bleed every day? Now her mother was gone, maybe finding peace. Ella gazed at her father, still alive, breathing, and likely to go drinking after the funeral. There was no guilt on his face, only a nasty tone. The 11–year–old girl felt a deep hatred towards him. “I can’t live with you,” she stated authoritatively. “Send me to Aunt Haley right now, or I’ll tell the nurse about how you used to beat my mother. Her voice was firm, and her father’s eyes rolled in response. “It’s not like I want you in my life,” he whispered nastily but he quickly called Aunt Haley anyway. Two years later,



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Ella was living a normal life with her aunt, but her aunt’s decision to marry and move to a new place forced Ella to return to her father at the age of 13. To her dismay, she discovered that her father had. remarried a greedy, middle–aged woman. Hoping that this new woman would be better, Ella was disappointed to find her extremely nasty and pregnant with her own child.

Her father’s abuse didn’t stop, and one day, Ella found herself on the receiving end of his wrath. At 15, she finally gathered the courage to stand up to him.

“You’re just like your mother, an idiot and a coward!” he yelled.

Ella’s response was swift and firm. “I’m not weak, and neither was my mother. Just because she took your abuse doesn’t mean I will. I won’t tolerate it! Her stepmother didn’t even bother to intervene, already scared of her husband’s temper.

The flash of anger in Ella’s eyes was evident, a sign that she had finally found the strength to confront her father’s abuse.

Ella packed her small bag and ran away from the house one night, not stopping until she was miles away from the hellhole she had called home for 15 years. She never looked back, never spoke to her father again, even though the scars and memories lingered for years to come. She enrolled in a wonderful college and worked hard, determined to stand on her own feet. She took on jobs to support herself, pushing through the struggles to graduate.

Her dream halted as she woke up, her eyes snapping open, her heart racing, and memories flooding back. She let out a sigh of relief, gazing at the serene room around her. She lay there, staring at the ceiling, her anger boiling over, fueled by the years of hurt and resentment. Her father had always called her weak, pathetic, and useless, but she knew she was none of those things. She was strong, resilient, and determined to prove him wrong.

She had managed to create a life on her own since she was 15, finding solace in her own strength and determination to fight against the world. She turned to gaze out the window, taking in the beautiful view of the sunset. Her eyes shone with happiness, and she felt content with her new surroundings. She no longer had to stand in long lines for auditions or struggle to make ends meet. She had finally found a sense of stability and peace, and she was grateful for it.

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