Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Father by Caroline Above Story

Chapter 279

Chapter 279 

“What’s this?” I ask, taking one off the tray and smiling at the 


My father tsks as he takes his own drink, waving a hand for the servant to leave. “A sin,” he says, smiling and shaking his head at me. “For my daughter to not know Aperol when she sees it.” 

Curious, I take a sip from the little straw poking out of the glass and my eyes go wide when I realize how good it is. “Oh my god,” I say, looking down at it. “Oh wow, it’s delicious.” 

“Of course it is,” my father laughs, patting me on the knee. “Aperol, prosecco, and tonic. A shame your Daniel has not taught you this.” 

I shrug and smile at him. “Daniel and Kent drink more whiskey than anything else,” I say. 

“Irishman’s drink,” my father says, wrinkling his nose in distaste. “A betrayal but…forgivable. At least they, too, are Catholic.” 

I grin, not really getting why that matters, but…whatever. I put the phrase in my back pocket to use on Natalia later. 

“What brings you to me, daughter,” my father says, turning 


Chapter 279 

towards me. “I know it is not merely a visit to see your brother, though I’d be happy if it was. The timing is…too rich.” 

I shrug, not admitting or denying anything. 

“Did your Daniel send you?” my father pushes. “To convince me, again, that your engagement to him is real? I am not fooled, Fay,” he continues, his voice taking on a bit of a warning. “I can. see that you…have more for Ivan, in your heart, than you do for the boy to whom you are engaged.” 

I blush a little, embarrassed that it’s been that obvious. 

“You don’t get it, dad,” I say, tracing a finger along the wood of the bench before I look up into his eyes. “Daniel and I…we’re dedicated to one another.” 

“Dedication makes a better match than passion,” he says, considering. 

I blush again to think of my father thinking of me and Ivan in terms of passion. 

“But Fay,” he continues, “I have…other reasons for wishing you’d turn your head in a new direction. Not to Ivan, if that’s not what you want. But…elsewhere.” 

“What?” I ask, curious. “What reasons?” 

“Fay,” he says, shaking his head. “We have…not been to each other, what a father and a daughter should be. That was your 


Chapter 279 mother’s choice not mine. I would have kept you, if she had let me, raised you to the life you should have had. I hope that you would let me give it to you now. Let me help you make the choice that will make you happy.” 

“But…” I slow down here, wanting to get this right, wanting to… 

I take a deep breath, thinking about what Kent would do in this situation, and realize that he probably wouldn’t say much at all and, instead, let the other person weave enough rope to hang themselves with. 

“Dad,” I say, reaching out and taking his hand, doing my best to make my face look worried. “What do you mean?” 

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