Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Father by Caroline Above Story

Chapter 250

Chapter 250 


The people blocking the door step aside and the new guests begin to fill in about twenty of them. Some of the people are familiar to me but some are totally new. While everyone else fills in, I’m surprised to see my father standing still, narrowing his eyes at Kent, apparently confused. 

And then he shifts his glance to me, on Daniel’s arm, and I realize that…Kent just publicly re–established my engagement to Daniel without Alden’s permission, even though my father has been offering me around as a potential marriage option to other powerful families – Ivan included – 

I quickly glance around the room, trying to get a read on it – 

I see Ivan’s blonde head moving away from us through a group of people, walking with a dark–haired girl – 

But, more pressing, I see Natalia and Alessi approaching Kent, their eyes curious and a little eager, as if they’re hyenas finally getting to the heart of their prey. 

And Kent is staring at my father, locking eyes with him, daring him to counter his word that Daniel and I are engaged, that the alliance between the Lippert and Alden families that has lasted for twenty–two years has finally broken apart. 

Chapter 250 

I know immediately what I have to do and I move, pulling Daniel with me to my father’s side. 


“Papa!” I say, giving a happy little laugh and throwing an arm around his shoulders, still keeping a hold on Daniel with my free hand. I stand on my toes to give my father a warm kiss on the check. “I’m so glad you could come I didn’t hear word back from the invitation!” 

My father starts a little at my sudden hug but then wraps his arms around me, fond. “It is good to see you, girl,” he says, smiling down at me in a fatherly way. And despite how much he’s pushed me recently, I’m reminded – suddenly – of the fond father that I saw in the images of his wedding to my mother, the way he looked at me when I was a child. And I realize that he’s perhaps been waiting for a hug from me for a long, long time. 

I smile at him, then, not able to help it. 

“Sir,” Daniel says, breaking the moment a little, but not in a bad way. He offers his hand to my father with a charming smile. “It is good to see you again.” 

“Daniel…” my father says, hesitating just for a breath as he looks at Daniel’s hand. My father then glances towards Alessi and Natalia, who have drawn close to Kent. And I realize, quite suddenly, that he knows precisely who they are. “Yes,” Alden concludes, apparently making a decision as he releases me to take Daniel’s hand in a hearty shake, pulling him in for a hug as well. “It is good to see you as well, son.” 

Chapter 250 

When Daniel pulls back, my father wraps an arm around my shoulder and he, Daniel and I walk as a trio towards Kent, 

Alessi, and Natalia, who stand waiting for us. 


“Dad,” I say, doing my best to play the gracious hostess, “forgive 

me, I’m not sure if you’ve been introduced –” 

“Alessi,” my father says, squeezing the arm around my shoulders in thanks and putting out a warm hand towards Alessi, who shakes it happily. “It’s been years so good to see you again, and you looking so well.” 


“You, however,” Alessi says, giving him an amiable grin. “You have gotten a little fat, yes? Too much of these American cheeseburgers?” 

My eyes go a little wide at Alessi’s gall but my father bursts into rich laughter, and so I laugh a little as well. When I look at Daniel, I realize that he’s doing it too – all three of us faking it, all three playing the game. 

“You’ve got me there,” my father says, shaking his head in apparent mirth. “And this beautiful specimen…” my father continues, looking towards Natalia. 

“Natalia,” Kent says, gesturing towards her. “Of the Bianci family, in Sicily.” 

“Another Sicilian,” my father replies, taking her hand and bowing low over it. “Like me.” 

Chapter 250 

“It is always good to be amongst our countrymen,” Natalia 

replies smoothly, not friendly but not cold. 

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