Fake Dates & Ice Skates: (The North University Series Book 1)

Fake Dates & Ice Skates: Chapter 49

I’ve never been good at school. I’ve especially never been good at exams. There’s something about the complete pressure and unwavering nausea that I feel whenever I’m in the exam room. Maybe it’s my young optimistic brain talking, but I think they are a way to prove how shitty my memory is and how  hard I find it to retain all the pieces of information that I’ve learned in class. I’m thanking all my lucky stars for managing to get through this second year at NU doing my fitness and well-being course. For most of the course, it’s all practical assessments which I can usually do fine on until the spring exam season comes around and I actually have to get my head down to do work.

It’s been even more difficult trying to focus on anything other than Wren fucking Hackerly. She has utterly consumed my every thought at the worst possible times. If I’m driving to pick up food, it’s Wren. If I’m sat in class, the only thing on my mind is when I get to see her. When I’m training, all I can think is to count down the minutes until I can walk the distance to her rink and skate with her for fun.

Above all, I’m struggling the most right now as she lies at the end of my bed on her stomach, a paperback in her hands and a highlighter in her mouth. She taps the pen on her bottom teeth repeatedly. The sound has been driving me equal parts insane and horny. I’ve been sat here for an hour, not able to even look at my textbook. I shouldn’t even feel this much desire for her, considering we’ve been fucking like bunnies for the last few weeks.

All I can think about is how badly I want my mouth on her. How I can see a sliver of her toned stomach poking out of her shorts and crop top. How I know that if I put my hand up her shirt, I will be pleasantly surprised to find that she’s not wearing anything underneath. I’m almost giving myself paper cuts as I latch onto the book to avoid touching her.

“Stop staring at me, you perv,” she murmurs without looking up. I still don’t know how she does it. Since the day I met her, she’s managed to sniff me out without even batting an eye.

“How do you do it? Just tell me. Is it a superpower or some shit?” I ask, finally shoving my textbook aside and coming down to lay next to her. I was never going to get any work done anyway. I prop my arm up and rest my head in it, watching her read.

“It’s not a superpower. Plus, I’ve already told you. You just breathe really loud,” she shrugs. She looks at me, her brown eyes dancing with delight. Her eyes scan my body before she returns back to her book. “Especially when you’re turned on.”

I don’t have the energy to fight her on it. And I don’t have to look down either so see how hard I am. You would think that I’m a pubescent teenager who’s never seen a woman’s body before but there is something so mesmerising about her.

“So, you’ve known this whole time, but you don’t want to do anything about it?” I tease.

“Miles, I need to study,” she sighs her face still set on whatever novel she’s reading.

I can’t resist any more, so I move my hand slowly to her waist, my hand grazing the bare skin underneath her shirt. I can feel her shiver under my touch, but she doesn’t break eye contact with the pages in front of her. I lean over to press a kiss to her shoulder, and she squirms. She still doesn’t tear her eyes away when I bite at her collarbone gently.

“Just take a break,” I whisper, placing a kiss in the spot below her ear. Heat starts to creep up on her face, but she still doesn’t move. “Just five minutes.”

“You said that last time and then you went down on me,” Wren whines as if she hated it. I asked her to take a break and she obliged. In fact, she was the one who started making love eyes at me and she practically begged me to go down on her. Okay, maybe ‘begged’ is a bit of a stretch but she was pretty enthusiastic by the way she was screaming my name and shoving my face further between her thighs.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t count,” I argue, murmuring into her skin, before pulling away to look at her clearly. Her cheeks have returned to their famous red colour.

“I came. Twice. Doesn’t that count?” She looks at me now and I can see how badly she’s trying to fight it. How badly she’s trying to resist me.

“Well, if we’re going by that logic then I guess I have you beat.” She’s quiet for a minute, opening and then closing her mouth, trying to make sense of what I meant.

“That’s why you were in the bathroom for so long,” she gasps, pushing me in the shoulder until I’m flat on my back. She leans over me, loose strands of her hair dangling in my face. The second her eyes connect with mine, she forgets everything she just said and climbs on top of me. Both of her knees fall onto the bed beside me, her hands brushing the hair out of my face.

“Just five minutes,” she repeats with a shrug before diving into my mouth. Our mouths meet and I swear I can feel myself floating outside of time. These are the kind of absorbing moments which I live and breathe for. They’re needed a lot more during this exam season.

The kiss deepens and becomes more frantic as she moves across my jaw and down to my neck. The initial sensation makes me want to laugh but it quickly turns into a satisfied groan when she starts to suck and bite me gently.

I tell my brain to move my hands and I travel up her shirt, just reaching underneath her tits. I didn’t know how cold my hands were until she shuddered, naturally rocking her body into mine. I brush my thumb over her nipple before slipping my hands out and pushing her down until her body is flush against me.

Wren’s hands dive into the back of my head as she plants more kisses down my chest. My hands slip between the material of her shorts and her panties, but she shakes her head and rolls of me, leaving me panting and hard. She scrambles away from me, sitting crossed legged on the other side of the bed.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, kneeling up on my elbows.

“Miles, we’re never going to get anything done.”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but it’s really fucking hard to get anything done when we’re in the same room,” I groan. She nods her head as if this is as equally to upsetting her as it is to me. I crawl over to her and rest my hands on her thighs. “Can’t I just touch myself while you work, or would that be weird?”

“No,” she gulps. “I would just want to touch myself too.”

Her soft eyes connect with mine as her cheeks burn red. It doesn’t take anymore silent glances before she moves from next to the window and lies down at the top of the bed, propping her back up with some cushions. She starts to pull down her shorts until she’s in nothing but dark panties and a loose shirt. On instinct, I pull down my jeans along with my boxers as I kneel between her legs, holding onto my throbbing cock.

“This doesn’t count, right? We can just do work after,” she whispers as she starts to trail her hand from her stomach down to where she’s soaking. She pulls her shirt over her head and throws it on the ground. I have to swallow in a breath before nodding. “I would rather have you inside me, Miles.”

“I know but if we do it that way, we’re never going to stop,” I admit, the words both paining and calming me. I watch as she runs her hands from her tits to her stomach and then back up, her eyes completely locked with mine. “Do you touch yourself when I’m not here?”

She nods, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. I shift on the bed as I start to move my hands slowly up and down my length. Her breathing starts to pick up faster as she runs two fingers over where she’s dripping on her panties. I force myself to slow down so I can savour the moment. Before I know it, she’s already pulled off her panties completely so she’s bare in front of me. I loll my head back and close my eyes to take a deep breath.

“What do you think about?” I ask hoarsely. She teases herself by dragging her fingers down her pussy and back up, collecting her wetness. Her eyes flutter closed. “Look at me when you’re talking to me, baby.”

She lets out a soft moan that almost undoes me before her eyes open slowly. She immediately focuses in on my dick, and she swallows before her eyes make a slow journey up my body to my face. She licks her lips as her eyes zone in on me as she starts to rub circles around her core.

“I think about this…” she pants. “You. I think about you touching yourself while I watch.”

“That turns you on?” She nods and her pace starts to quicken as she shifts and moves up from the bed. I use one of my hands to press her stomach down to stop her squirming. “What else do you think about?”

“I think about your hands on me. Everywhere,” she whispers, using one of her hands to cup her tits and circle around her nipple. I start to move faster around my shaft. “I think about the things you say about my body when you’re inside me.”

“Like what?”

“About how good I feel around your cock. How our bodies fit perfectly together. How you always take your time because you know it annoys me.” Her words are broken up by pants and moans as she slips two fingers into herself. “How you love the noise that I make when I come.”

That’s what undoes me. The breathiness and whine in her voice, mixed with the complete bliss on her face while she touches herself is what destroys me. Her eyes open and close as she moves her fingers in and out on her as I do the same around my dick. It’s a lot different when I do this in the bathroom when I can’t see her. But now, with her straining in front of me, I know the orgasm is going to hit me soon. I move over to straddle her stomach, my dick just inches away from her face and her breasts.

“Fuck, Miles,” she moans loud, ripping through the heavy breathing in the air. I bend over her to kiss her on the lips, but her mouth is hanging open between pants that she barley gets to reciprocate it. “I’m close. I need you to touch me.”

“I’m not going to touch you. I want to watch you fall apart. Can you do that for me?”

She starts to squirm and shift beneath me as her pace increases. The sounds of her hands moving in and out of her make me move faster around myself. She lets out a strangled cry as the orgasm rips through her. Wren shakes and twitches beneath me as the high settles over her. Her eyes fall closed for a second before she looks up at me and I lose it. My hand pumps my dick a few more times as the sensation washes over me.

I groan as I come over her chest and her tits. Another constricted moan falls from her mouth as I collapse beside her, careful not to crush her with my weight. When our heavy breathing subsides, I peel myself off her to go into the bathroom and get a warm cloth to clean her up. When I get back into the room, she’s still lying down, her hand thrown over her eyes.

“See, that was better than doing work, wasn’t it?” I say as I climb over her, pressing the cloth to her chest. She hums when the warmth hits her and moves her hands from her eyes to look up at me.

“I guess,” she says sarcastically, an evil smile playing on her lips. I fold over the cloth to the clean side and move it slowly over her breasts as she watches me. “We really do need to get something done. You know what we need to do.”

“I don’t think I do,” I groan. She slides out from beneath me and pulls her shirt over her head. I fall backwards on the bed. She stands behind me, leaning over me upside down. Her hair falls to cover us like a curtain when she bends down and sets a tender kiss onto my lips but pulling back at the last moment.

“Just text them.”


The only way we’ve managed to get any studying done is when we have everyone at my house. I usually hate large study sessions, but we all have a subject in common that we can help each other with. We’re not always the most productive bunch but this close to exams, we’re all stressing out, so we know we have to work hard.

Xavier, and I sit at one end of the dining table, working together on our course, with spreadsheets and diagrams. Evan and Scarlett are trying to work together but they’re doing more shouting than revising. Scarlett wheeled over The Whiteboard 2 from their apartment to do some work on and strangely enough, Evan has the same one but they’re arguing over who has the correct equations. And Kennedy is the only one without an exam. Out of all of us, she’s the most chaotic but somehow has her life together more than the rest of us. She was able to finish her final piece early so she’s helping Wren with her creative writing exam. They’re sat as far away from us in the living room, so Wren and I don’t make an excuse to take a five-minute break.

It was going well until Scarlett suggested that we order food, and all concentration was lost. We’ve been trying to convince ourselves that it’s a good idea to get some rest food. Really, we’re all sitting around the table, stealing fries and chicken wings from each other as we take our very well-deserved break, listening to ‘Ivy’ by Frank Ocean.


“I swear to God, if you try and take the same piece as me again, I’m going to saw your hand off,” Scarlett warns Evan in a steady but deathly tone. He raises his hands in surrender and sulks in his seat across from her.

“No weapons at the dinner table, kids,” Kennedy coos. Scarlett throws her a sarcastic smile before sulking, mirroring Evan’s position. Xavier throws me a knowing glance and I make the mistake of looking at Wren across from me.

If there were more seats at this table and if everyone didn’t rush to sit down as soon as the food came, I would have made sure that Wren and I were further away than we are. Instead, she’s sat across from me, staring right at me as she licks off ketchup from three of her fingers. Fuck me. She has got to be doing this on purpose.

“What are everyone’s summer plans?” Kennedy asks from beside me, looking around at everyone expectantly. Obviously, the first one to jump on the opportunity to brag is Evan.

“As soon as the semesters over, I’m off to Bali for a few weeks. Then, my family have business in Tokyo and London so, of course, I’ll be going with them,” Evan answers with a sigh, as if he’s actually upset about it. We all look at him and try to hide our jealousy and disgust. Except Scarlett make no effort to hide it.

“Ugh, gag me with a spoon,” she says, rolling her eyes.

‘Happily,’ Evan replies. Scarlett actually gags this time. “Is someone upset because the Voss empire is slowly crumbling?” Everyone watches between them like a ping pong game.

“Don’t project onto me, Branson. It’s not my fault your buyers are not getting any younger. Isn’t the CEO of your largest investor in adult diapers?” she mocks coolly. He opens his mouth and then slams it shut. “Yeah, I thought so.”

“Anyway,” Wren says, dragging her gaze from Scarlett to Xavier. “What about you? Are you doing anything fancy?”

“If you’re wondering if I’m not going to be here so you guys can do what you do every night, the answer is yes. I’m going to spend some time with Michelle’s family in LA,” Xavier explains, looking between us both suspiciously.

“Calm down, Z, you’re acting like that’s all we do,” I say when I notice Wren slowly retreating back into her chair.

“It is kind of all you do,” Evan mutters. I throw a bone at him, and he stares at it in disgust. He looks between me and Wren. “Are those your plans then? For the summer?”

“Pretty much,” Wren shrugs, beaming at me with a toothy grin. “I’ll probably be going up to Oregon a lot when my nephew comes, though.”

“Ah, I forgot his due date. When is it again?” Xavier asks.

Out of all the guys, he’s been the most enthusiastic about Wren’s nephew. I love kids too. They are just tiny drunk adults and I find them hilarious. But Xaiver has always loved kids. He has three younger siblings, so it’s always been in his nature. He has this innate desire to be a dad. If he wasn’t in NU, he and Michelle would have at least five kids by now, I’m sure of it.

“In a few days hopefully,” she replies. Xavier nods and we all dig back into our food before it gets cold.

Spending more and more time with these guys has made life a little more bearable. We get a live action comedy show by watching Scarlett and Evan interact. We have some rational thoughts from our very own peacekeeper, Xavier. Wren and I are often the butts of the jokes that Kennedy makes. We work well together. Somehow. Finding friends like these isn’t easy to come by and I thank my lucky stars every night that I’m stuck with them.

“How much are you betting that we’ll all get back to work after this?” Xavier asks when we are all stuffed and bloated from too many wings and pizza.

“I’m betting my life savings that we’ll all get back to work but less than ten minutes in, these two,” Scarlett starts, gesturing between Wren and me. “Will think of some lame excuse to go to the bathroom together.”

“Can we stop with the sex jokes?” Wren says laughing. “You’re all acting like you’ve never been around two people that have regular sex. It’s concerning.”

I was just asking a genuine question,” Xavier says with a shrug, but I can see the smile creeping up on his face.

“I know you were, Z,” Wren replies calmly before her voice climbs up. “I’m on about everyone else. Miles and I fuck. So what? Matter of fact, that’s exactly what we were doing before you guys came.”

I look at her in amazement shaking my head and everyone starts to laugh. She’s been trying to hide how annoyed she gets when they make those kinds of jokes, but I didn’t think she would actually say something about it. I don’t mind the jokes. Not at all. As long as they’re always concerning us and that she’s no sleeping with anyone other than me. She scrapes her chair out from the table and walks over to me. Everyone’s laughter is still dying down, so they don’t notice when we slip out of the room.

“I think we should do it now, just to piss them off,” Wren smirks as she runs up the stairs.

“You’re insane.”

“Am I? Or am I just practical?”

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