Eternal Kingdom

Chapter Chapter Thirty Eight

**Lysander's POV**

She sent us on our way with the specific goal to find my father, but I couldn't stop worrying about her. I didnt want to be apart from her during the war. I wanted to protect her. But in the end, she was the Queen and she would succeed. At least, I'd hoped so. I wasn't sure how the prophecy had changed since she never did her power exchange with my sister. Could she still defeat my dad?

She had to. Because after all this shit was over with, she would be my wife. I'd make sure of that. Forever would be ours, so long as she was the one to kill the bastard.

Her voice filled my head, informing me of Cory's suggestion, and I hissed.

"General. Are you near the Lieutenant?"

"I believe he is nearby, Lord. Why?"

"Kill him." I instructed plainly, my authority flowing through our mind connection. There was a brief pause, before the Anthony spoke again.

"Yes, Lord."

I teleported the furthest away I could from the ARIA to conduct my search, knowing it would be the most beneficial thing I could do for us. The others would take ages to reach this spot and I imagined that the enemy would have some sort of base to go over their strategy or heal their troops. I was right, noticing an accumulation of injured mages and angels around an old abandoned building. My dad was nearby. But as I stepped closer, a familiar tune heard through the rain stopped me in my tracks. That blood. That tantalizing rhythm.

"I was hoping to see you, my dearest betrothed."

A chill ran down my spine at the sound of her voice. I didn't want to turn around. I didn't want to face her.

"I am not your betrothed, Anica. I have a love, and it sure as hell isn't you." Her sinister giggle irked me, and I heard her steps getting closer, mocking me.

"Oh, right. The 'Queen'. Were you so desperate to gain your father's title that you decided to fuck a woman with two lovers already?" I hid my anger with a scoff, unwilling to let her get under my skin. I knew she hadn't been giving any of my father's dark energy. She was weak, I could feel it. Her only power over me were her words, and I wouldn't allow them to take hold.

"Ironic to hear this from you. Unlike you, Aria cares about more than sex and power. That's what makes her a real Queen, not some concubine that my dad keeps as his dirty little secret." I retorted, making her hiss, finally appearing in front of me with a scowl on her pretty face.

I wasn't prepared for the pain I would feel when I saw her again. It had been hundreds of years, but she looked the same. Beautiful curly blonde hair, big blue eyes, and even plump lips stained red. She wore a tight red dress, showing skin that never would've been shown in her time without severe punishment, skin that I had seen plenty of times.

"I am not a concubine! You can pretend all you want, but I know that you've missed me, Lysander. I know that you still love me. That's why you never could kill me." She incorrectly concluded.

Me still love her? Ha! She was delusional!

"You're wrong. My love for you ran out many years ago. I did so much for you, I sacrificed myself for you, yet you still abandoned me, tossed me to the side like an old toy. How could I love such a heartless witch?" I emphasized the word 'witch', making her recoil in disdain, undoubtedly remembering the day she was nearly killed by the people of her village. If I hadn't saved her, she wouldn't have been able to seek my father out for a deal, and he would likely still be locked up. Why was I so stupid?

"Don't be sour because I chose the stronger man, Lysander. You had nothing to offer back then, and you still have nothing to offer now." She spat back, a conceited smile replacing her glare.

She was wrong. I knew she was, but her words still stirred something in me. They stung. But just thinking about my Aria soothed my aching heart.

Just because my love wasn't enough for Anica, didn't mean it wasn't enough for Aria. Hell, she had proven as much. Aria was my whole world. She latched onto my love, giving me hers in exchange. It was exactly what I'd always wanted. So without hesitation, I straightened my shoulders and let my verbal assault continue.

"I don't give a shit that you chose him. Not anymore. I have a bride who loves me. Not some power-hungry bitch who's willing to straddle any old man who promises to keep her pretty!" In an instant, she was before me, lifting her hand to strike me, but I caught her wrist, my eyes glowing blue. "Careful, little girl. Just because I couldn't kill you before doesn't mean I wouldn't do it now. Don't mistake my mercy for weakness."

She gasped, making me smirk. Before Aria, I may have fallen for her hateful remarks, but now, I knew better. She had no hold on me. She was my past, Aria my future. Her shock turned to hostility, and she glowered.

"You wouldn't kill me. You're still every bit the lovesick coward you were back then. I could kill your special Queen with my own hands and you would still grovel at my feet. In fact, maybe I should make the request to Lorec. I'm sure he would accommodate." She raised a challenging brow, turning to leave, but I caught her hair, yanking her back to me as she attempted to cry out, but I covered her mouth. Her whimpers escaped regardless, and it didn't take long for me to understand what she was doing.

Her hand fell back, cupping the front of my jeans, feeling for an erection, but I uncovered her mouth to grip her wrist, sliding my other hand from her hair to her throat.

"This seems familiar, doesn't it, baby? You always liked it nice and rough like this. What do you say we take a trip down memory lane, one last time?" Her voice was dripping with wanton lust, her unrestrained hand gripping my thigh so she could ram her ass back against my groin. I growled, but not in pleasure as she assumed.

Feeling her body against me was disgusting, and I wished I had brought a change of clothes so I could burn these ones. The last thing I needed was Aria smelling Anica's scent on my dick.

I tightened my grip on her neck, lifting her off her feet as she kicked and struggled to breathe. Her hands shot up in an attempt to pry my fingers from her throat, but I didn't budge.

"I warned you of this, Anica. I do not take threats against my wife lightly, and if killing you would protect her, I will happily do so."

"No- P-please S-sand..." She choked out, her face turning purple with the lack of oxygen.

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This was the woman who had broke me. She took my heart and shattered it, leaving behind a remnant of the man I used to be. She betrayed me, humiliated me, and had the nerve to threaten Aria. She deserved death, which was why I was fucking pissed that I still couldn't deliver that justice.

Was she right? Was I weak?

"Lysander, please take care of her when I'm gone." The sudden calling of Rory's prayer in my head startled me, and I dropped Anica to the ground. What the fuck? Why would he be saying that to me now? Shit! Aria must've found my dad!

"I don't have time to waste on you. If you were the least bit smart, you'd run from here and never let me see you again." I sneered, but just as the memories started with my power, her voice broke through. "That bitch will die! You can't stop it! If he doesn't succeed, I'll fucking kill her myself! She can't have you!" Anica screeched, but it was her final mistake.

"That's enough, Anica." I bellowed, appearing before her, gripping her throat and launching us high into the air as my instinct to protect my bride took over.

The wind was brutal, and I struggled to see her red eyes through the angrily swirling rain, but I showed no weakness. I should've done this years ago, and she had finally run me out of grace. "You won't let me go." She challenged, her face contorting with the hatred my father had instilled in her.

"I already have." I answered with equal disdain. Then, I released my grip, finally feeling relief as the eternally lit candle of her life essence was snuffed out. Without that thorn in my side, I could protect my wife.

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